Sentences with phrase «obtuseness of»

A newcomer to the climate blogosphere (AMac), who entered with no particular preconceptions, became extremely frustrated with the obtuseness of the climate community to what seemed to be a black - and - white simple issue and challenged Mann's defenders.
The only issue in respect to the Tiljander sediments is the obtuseness of the «community».
In conversations with their colleagues, clergy often point to the faithlessness and moral obtuseness of the laity.
If Mark has overstressed the obtuseness of the disciples, one gets the impression that Matthew exaggerates their piety and orthodoxy.
The theological obtuseness of the Roman court theologians (Cajetan partly excepted), the inability or unwillingness of the Roman authorities to appropriate their own best ecclesiological traditions, and the unlovely influence of financial politics on the handling of the doctrinal issues all played a considerable role, as did Luther's impatience and anger, his inability to take stupid and inappropriate papal teaching at all calmly (perhaps because his own early view of the papal office was unrealistically high), as well as his tendency to dramatize his own situation in apocalyptic terms.

Not exact matches

A God who could make good children as easily as bad, yet preferred to make bad ones; who could have made every one of them happy, yet never made a single happy one; who made them prize their bitter life, yet stingily cut it short; who gave his angels eternal happiness unearned, yet required his other children to earn it; who gave his angels painless lives, yet cursed his other children with biting miseries and maladies of mind and body; who mouths justice, and invented hell - mouths mercy, and invented hell - mouths Golden Rules and forgiveness multiplied by seventy times seven, and invented hell; who mouths morals to other people, and has none himself; who frowns upon crimes, yet commits them all; who created man without invitation, then tries to shuffle the responsibility for man's acts upon man, instead of honorably placing it where it belongs, upon himself; and finally, with altogether divine obtuseness, invites his poor abused slave to worship him!
«This is where the philistine concept of art turns up with all its deadly obtuseness — an idea to which all technical considerations are foreign and which feels that with the provocative appearance of the new technology its end has come» (Walter Benjamin: Kleine Geschichte der Photographie in Das Kunstwerk im Zeitalter seiner technischen Reproduzierbarkeit Frankfurt 1963 p. 69).
That explains only a minor part of our obtuseness.
There does seem to be hypocrisy there, but equivocating the political brinksmanship of a few with the real needs, beliefs and philosophies of a huge swash of America is just intentional obtuseness.
It is an almost impossible feat of willful ignorance — a denial of direct experience verging on sheer emotional and moral obtuseness.
Though suggesting that Skinner's obtuseness helped to sink Bush, the kindly Bromley credits Skinner «with a well - earned reputation as perhaps the most effective Secretary of Transportation ever».
Lynch, a seasoned veteran of the Christopher Guest improv films, marries a deadpan ferocity and complete obtuseness as the founder and director of the mentoring program in which our heroes find themselves.
Congratulations, you've reached a new level of obtuseness.
No question in my mind that something's lurking in the Quays» underneath, but it's important to mark that fine line distinguishing fascination from obtuseness for the sake of itself.
This series is quite famous for a level of deliberate obtuseness that is beloved by some and off - putting to others — how do you balance the needs of a wider audience versus the classic series formula?
While the commission's obtuseness or naiveté are open to debate, it is true that the commission did not view the political structures of American education as the most blatant problem.
The modesty or inaction of state leaders shouldn't be read as obtuseness or lassitude but as the evidence of these complications.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo — And the number one prize for Stupid Governor Tricks can go to none other than that champion of educational obtuseness, Andrew Cuomo.
There have been a number of criticism of the Armored Core series over the years, with the perhaps the two most notable, recurring gripes being the lack of evolution between games, and the series» staple obtuseness.
Her current LA show explores the subtext of images with lots obscuring, obtuseness and sheer skill.
For all the angst devoted to the perceived obtuseness or even perfidy of the USA's current administration, I'd say fear not — they just need a little more prodding from Mother Nature and / or their citizens, and if that doesn't work, don't worry, a new bunch will be along soon anyway.
Your approach is one of either willful ignorance or deliberate obtuseness.
And people here defend them with an amazing amount of obtuseness.
This may be off - topic, but it is most relevant: I second the identification of «willful obtuseness» on the part of climate consensus defenders.
West and Lexis (and BNA and CCH, etc) bring much, much more than fancy and clean databases of primary legal materials: the real value is the secondary material that helps research understand all the vastness and obtuseness that the primary materials offer the unwary.
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