Sentences with phrase «obvious affection as»

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For example, it's obvious that at some point the scales will fall from the eyes of the Washington character, and he'll realize that his prejudices against homosexuals are wrong; he'll be able to see the Hanks character as a fellow human worthy of affection and respect.
It's hard to forget that the Vatican itself initiated the project, but Wenders» affection for his subject is nonetheless obvious and genuine, and as soft as his focus is, the film only occasionally lapses into outright hagiography.
Lucky has the same affection pouring out of it, which makes it easy to forgive its clumsier attempts at symbolism (there's a much - discussed lost tortoise that serves as a cheerfully obvious metaphor for Lucky's own hard - shelled existence) and its mostly caricatured picture of community.
While the unsettling violence and cold ambivalence of Huppert's performance here certainly recalls her work with Haneke (one scene in particular is an obvious homage), it is arguably just as much indebted to Chabrol's love of seedy melodrama and his signature affection for the moral spectacle of social transgression.
After all, your furkid's signs of affection are subtle, and aren't as obvious as dogs» ways of expressing love.
Sure, cats aren't as obvious as dogs about the ways that they show affection.
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