Sentences with phrase «obvious contradictions in»

Thus, victims may express feelings of extreme anxiety in such a situation, as they attempt to fulfill the demands of the primary injunction albeit with obvious contradictions in their actions.
I can't help but be entertained by the verbal gymnastics whenever a person of faith is confronted by an obvious contradiction in scripture.
«Accessible private island» seems an obvious contradiction in terms.

Not exact matches

Trade policy is only one area in which the contradictions underlying our economy are obvious.
Seems like an obvious contradiction to me; something that's only supposed to work as an apologetic against problems with the prevailing God model while, in fact, it works equally well against all the positive aspects of that same model.
The contradiction is not immediately obvious in Whitehead's characterization of creativity as «that ultimate principle by which the many, which are the universe disjunctively, become the one actual occasion, which is the universe conjunctively» (PR 31).
I could go on with the contradictions in the bible, but the simple and obvious fact is the Bible is internally inconsistent about worldly issues, in flat out historically incorrect about many things (for example, there was no census that would have resulted in Joseph and Mary traveling to Joseph's many - generations past ancestral home).
You're actually seeing the holes in your religion and saying to yourself «That doesn't make any sense,» but then you explain it away by attibuting the obvious contradictions to God's mysterious will.
It has been aptly remarked that, for example, the Yahwist's «editing» is hardly more than the placing of accents of refinement on the story in the use, say of the name Yahweh where earlier some amorphous term for deity stood in the story.8 And in the formation of JP it is obvious that editors regard it as essential that the distinctive forms of both existent flood accounts, for example, be retained, a fact accounting for present «discrepancies» in the tale in the form of duplicates and contradictions.9
So, when an obvious contradiction occurs, such as good and innocent people being harmed by needless evil in a world watched over by a loving, omniscient, omnipotent god, they don't say «Oh, that won't work.
The otherness, the contradiction and the undreamed of implications of revelation are nowhere more obvious than in the shocking disclosure by Jesus of a love whose bestowal does not depend upon moral, spiritual or any other type of achievement on our part.
He said that there were «obvious contradictions» among the different children's versions of Mary's messages and that the commission had documented 13 clear cases in which the children were «deliberately and consciously lying.»
A less obvious policy contradiction in the Green Paper relates to the government's claim about «supplying the Asian century».
It's too easy to focus on the obvious landmarks in a career that spanned well over half a century and overlook the deeper and richer features — often the personal and professional contradictions — that made Tony Benn such a remarkable man.
This recusal underlines the most obvious contradiction about Richard Dawkins and the cultural war in which he has so much to contribute: You can be the world's greatest apostle of scientific rationalism, but if you come across as a rottweiler, Darwin's or anybody else's, when you enter that marketplace, it's very hard to make the sale.
Forget the obvious contradiction for a minute — the realization that one of the best off - road vehicles you can buy off the rack is far more likely to be profiling on Las Vegas Boulevard than rock crawling in the Las Vegas Dunes recreation area.
Has he run into an obvious contradiction, in using color as a metaphor and in breaching the senses while declaring it irreducible?
The idiomatic and proverbial references and associations of tauromaquia (bullfighting) in Mozambique, imbue her work with ambiguities and contradictions, arising from the assumption of a binary universe and the problematics of the obvious dichotomies they present: male / female, human / animal, protection / destruction, attraction / repulsion, and public / private.
The obvious contradiction to this for me is found in David Sweet's brilliant description of «Early One Morning» making a case for its seven floor contacts and their variety of influence on the whole.I mention this because I had previously seen «Early One Morning «being an architectural space.
Summary of how they got to this finding: They use CMIP models which, if not outright flawed, have not proved their validity in estimated temperature levels in the 2030 to 2070 timeframe, are used as the basis for extrapolations that assert the creation of more and more 3 - sigma «extreme events» of hot weather; this is despite the statistical contradiction and weak support for predicting significant increases in outlier events based on mean increases; then, based on statistical correlations between mortality and extreme heat events (ie heat waves), temperature warming trends are conjured into an enlargement of the risks from heat events; risks increase significantly only by ignoring obvious adjustments and mitigations any reasonable community or person would make to adapt to warmer weather.
I don't have access to the article right now either but the abstract certainly is not in obvious contradiction with Gavin's summary.
The shriller, nastier and more ad - hominem his attackers become, the more apparent it is that they are trying to drown out what must be most obvious in their own minds — that they have bought into a cult of belief far removed from science and reality, so full of confirmation bias and contradiction that the only way to maintain its momentum is to constantly stoke it with fear and hyperbole.
In trying to unpack that contradiction, I discovered that there are valid, in fact glaringly obvious, reasons that LinkedIn lags in popularitIn trying to unpack that contradiction, I discovered that there are valid, in fact glaringly obvious, reasons that LinkedIn lags in popularitin fact glaringly obvious, reasons that LinkedIn lags in popularitin popularity.
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