Sentences with phrase «obvious fact of»

With respect to facing the obvious fact of the Venus / Earth temperature ratio, they are in my opinion insane (unable to face reality).
And all I've done now, is observe the blatantly obvious fact of flat temperatures of late.
Besides the obvious fact of getting to spend fun time with friends celebrating the genuine love of people I care about, I love an excuse to get dressed up with Russ.
Everybody is obsessed with its anti-inflammatory ability to treat stiff joints, and its cognitive benefits, but the highly obvious fact of its antioxidant properties get little attention from acne - clearing enthusiasts.
But there's a major puzzle lurking underneath this seemingly obvious fact of life.
It's an obvious fact of political life that there's enormous re-election power in incumbency.
Besides the obvious fact of «This baby is starving, please feed it!»
Still demanding our attention is the question of how to reconcile belief in an ultimate «ordering principles» conceivable in terms of the logic of emergence, with the obvious fact of disorder in the universe.
I agree with the latter group because I take seriously the theo - centrism or «God - centeredness» of that faith and the obvious fact of human finitude.
That we do in fact try to escape from this tension is the most obvious fact of the modern world, for those who have eyes to see.
Like a smoker who constantly ignores the ominous sign of a persistent cough because he is in love with the smoke, the sinner ignores the obvious fact of the existence of the Creator because he is in love with his sin.
Sometimes scientific research only confirms the already obvious facts of the matter.
Entrenched poverty, racial division and inequality remain obvious facts of Southern life.

Not exact matches

Other analysts have pointed out the obvious, but still true, fact that the Master Plan Part Deux doesn't address any of Tesla's near - term concerns — like that it's missed its car shipment goals for two quarters in a row.
The fact that video is one of the few places where media companies can still make money becomes obvious when you see how many places are banking on it for growth, whether it's Facebook ramping up its live video offerings or services like Genius pivoting to focus on it.
Kauffman Foundation scholar Sam Arbesman made media waves recently with his book The Half - Life of Facts, which reminds the general reader of an obvious but often overlooked fact of scientific progress.
Yesterday's ruling effectively said that Feng Zhang's adoption of the technique in human and mouse cells was, in fact, a new and patentable invention rather than an «obvious» extension of Doudna's and Charpentier's work.
It arguably is, but in fact the benefits of conscious consumerism are not as obvious as many would have you think.
The obvious conclusion from this fact is that lots and lots of business owners are really keen to boost both attributes.
«The obvious result of repetition is that facts sink in over time,» he says.
There wasn't an obvious catalyst for the run - up — in fact, the biggest news in the first few days of the year was that FCA's U.S. sales fell 11 % in December.
I don't have a ton of empirical evidence for that last point, other than the fact that hedge fund managers get paid a lot, and there is therefore no obvious lack of incentives to manage a hedge fund.
Because of this obvious fact, it's not shocking when business owners get overwhelmed, stressed out, and make mistakes (which can result in your getting hit with penalties and fees) when tax season comes around.
If he didn't keep on buying the next target, then the fact that he was stripping all the assets out of companies he'd already bought would have become painfully obvious.
The fact that the NEB asked Enbridge to conduct more detailed surveys and gather more baseline data AFTER the project was approved couldn't make it more obvious that the government's priority is economic development regardless of the socio - ecological toll.
Traditional bank loans are the most obvious method of financing your endeavor; but before you get your heart set on getting one, consider this fact: more than 82 % of small business loan applications are denied by big banks.
Thus my assertion at the top, that the story of how Microsoft came to accept the reality of Windows» decline is more interesting than the fact of Windows» decline; this is how CEO Satya Nadella convinced the company to accept the obvious.
Despite the fact that it is obvious to every literate American that Wall Street banksters caused the 2008 financial meltdown, Holder hasn't brought a single indictment against a banker for the sub-prime mortgage fraud, for the Madoff fraud, for the manipulation of the foreign exchange markets, for the manipulation of the commodities markets, for fraudulent debt collection practices, for fraudulent foreclosure practices.
The most obvious is the fact that gold is a tangible commodity that exists in the real world; bitcoin is not — it is only a digital representation of value ownership.
On top of the obvious human suffering caused by crushing debt, the fact that more than a fifth of the mortgages in this country are underwater is a huge drag on the economy.
I can't imagine he's ignorant of the fact that «liberal» is a standard term in theology, and that «conservative,» while lacking the same pedigree, has an obvious theological meaning as well.
After listing the moral failings of various religious groups and practices, Hitchens offered three conclusions: «The first is that religion and the churches are manufactured, and that this salient fact is too obvious to ignore.
Only morons ignore the obvious fact that prayer is totally ineffective (and there are a hell of a lot of morons out there).
In fact, the Bible is replete with examples of faithful men and women who suffer, Jesus being the most obvious example.
In Christianity, most point to the bible as the «word of God,» yet, the facts are (admitted by Christians who are capable of acknowledging the obvious) it is written by men.
Seems like an obvious contradiction to me; something that's only supposed to work as an apologetic against problems with the prevailing God model while, in fact, it works equally well against all the positive aspects of that same model.
All of this is probably obvious to all but I just want to make sure I am getting my facts straight.
Jeremy, it is obvious to readers of your blog that you do cherry pick and that in fact you try to cherry pick.
The most obvious solution might seem to lie in adopting the societal view of God, as Brown in fact recommends.
A powerful inducement to believe in Christ is the abundant life of meaning and purpose He alone can give, and the crowning experience of life as His intimate companion in the world to come, not to mention the obvious fact that through this faith one escapes the corruption of the lake of fire.
To me, it is obvious, so it's more matter - of - fact than what I consider to be arrogance.
If you examine those «facts» critically and try to eliminate the obvious confirmation bias, it is immediately clear that they are not facts of anything other than mass - delusion.
Well you are just going to ignore the obvious fact that he got hired to inspire people of faith and now he can't do that job and he is openly questioning the faith in public.
Well you are just going to ignore the obvious fact that he got hired to inspire people of faith and now he can't do that job and he is openly questioning the faith and they aren't» and shouldn't be expected to pay him to do that.
Apart from the obvious fact that if Jesus had experienced the troubles of old age the Incarnation might have seemed of little relevance to those who are cut off in youth by violent death in battle or otherwise, old age, although a far more general condition in our time than ever before, is still not a part of the universal lot of man.
The element of truth in this view of the supernatural is the obvious fact that religious experience is only possible to beings with mental or spiritual capacities, i.e., to human beings.
As a matter of fact it is obvious that at least in some instances — one need think only of the Gospel of John — the kerygma was put into the mouth of Jesus by the evangelists.
From the obvious fact that physico - chemical breakdowns cause the failure of performance by comprehensive wholes, the scientific atomist infers that physico - chemical processes cause their success as well.
You are also exhibiting behavior that falls within what is known as «confirmation bias»; you are selecting those parts of what you observe that you think support your belief, while ignoring the many obvious facts that contradict it.
Eric G, it is obvious that you didn't even attempt to explore the facts at NASA regarding the Big Bang information on creation; the questions of what powered the big bang.
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