Sentences with phrase «obvious function»

With no other obvious function, it's safe to assume players will draw the same conclusion.
«The most obvious function of glial cells has been related to their role in forming scar tissue to prevent the spread of injury and neuronal degeneration, but so much about their role in the brain is unknown.»
The most obvious function, and the one the requires no prior interaction from you, is to simply tap the «Directions» button and follow the instructions to hoof it back to your car.
And there is that other, less obvious function of our pelvic floor that is significantly affected by the tilt of our pelvis — giving support to our pelvic organs: our bowel, bladder, and uterus.
All this suggests that it was made deliberately, and yet, unlike tools, the mark has no obvious function.
A puzzle posed by segments of «dark matter» in genomes — long, winding strands of DNA with no obvious functions — has teased scientists for more than a decade.
«The young children were very willing to copy actions even though they served no obvious function, while the bonobos were not.
They beat the antennae of other wasps, lick them and bite them, behaviors that don't serve any obvious function.
According to Burghardt, play is a behavior that is voluntary, repeated several times, doesn't have an obvious function (so running for fun, yes, but not running away from a predator) and differs in significant ways from regular, functional behavior.
I knew, as a reader, that searchability was the obvious function people would expect — as it was, the device was marketable only to reasonably sophisticated computer users.
Eksts removes the obvious function of things we take for granted and flips them around to offer instead a sense of infinite, open - ended possibilities.
The time filters have obvious functions, and have been available in advanced search for some time now.
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