Sentences with phrase «obvious implications for»

Remoteness has obvious implications for school education, including limiting access to early childhood services, primary and secondary schools as well as other resources such as libraries and information technology.
As Canada is one of the NAFTA parties, the focus of this article is on the effects on Canadian firms, although there are some obvious implications for other foreign firms.
In addition, the findings have obvious implications for climate scientists and others who are trying to influence public opinion.
This has obvious implications for our ability to predict events in the tropics, such as hurricanes and drought, and at high latitudes, such as sea ice and ice sheet melting (with sea level rise).
This would then have obvious implications for our understanding of things such as the climate sensitivity and natural climate variability.
The issue with that — and with obvious implications for the safety of the proposed Keystone XL tar sands pipeline — is, as Alex Moore of Friends of the Earth says (as have many other campaigners since Friday),
The year opened with the oil price collapse, with obvious implications for regional investors.
These empirical observations have obvious implications for investors allocating to factor exposures and the smart beta products that house them.
While the Court's decision will have obvious implications for the future of desegregation programs, it may also complicate the implementation of NCLB.
Furthermore, schools with large populations of low - income students are shown to have trouble attracting and attaining skilled teachers, with obvious implications for a child's educational experience.
This has obvious implications for reduced performance capabilities, but also may negatively affect one's ability to manage stress (since it encourages more shallow, rapid breathing).
The research has obvious implications for retailers.
One potential issue is that any transactions on the blockchain are typically free to view by anyone, something that has obvious implications for the sanctity of the secret ballot.
The article suggests that the principle remaining challenges lie mostly in the realm of public policy and public health — a fact with obvious implications for scientists considering careers helping to eradicate AIDS.
His drive to the White House has obvious implications for future political candidates, but everyone from neighborhood activists to corporate marketers can learn from aspects of his online oddyssey.
This technological shift has obvious implications for political communicators, since many rural residents have been hard to reach and harder to organize.
Either suppressed anger or the explosion of anger has obvious implications for parenting and other relationships, and could become a problem.
For young people, at least, the Depression no longer mattered, and this had obvious implications for the long - term development of American politics.
There are obvious implications for hierarchical structures and top - down communication styles.
This significant variability among holdings has obvious implications for the relative performance of each ETF, and necessitates an active level of diligence when selecting among them.
That might not seem like something that has immediate or obvious implications for media companies, but I think plenty of traditional players in the industry could learn a lot from the lessons that founders like David Karp of Tumblr and Evan Williams of Medium provided at RoadMap.
With total payments little changed, the rise in scheduled payments has had no obvious implications for household consumption.
While there are obvious implications for global efforts to combat climate change, there will also be consequences for investors.

Not exact matches

For now, LaunchDarkly is focusing on commerce and SaaS companies, but a tool like this has pretty obvious implications in other parts of the tech universe.
While the benefits of voice for consumers are immediate and obvious, implications for marketers are vast and still emerging.
The pulpit is the place for the declaration of the Word of God and not the place for teaching Christian theology or the principles of Christian morality, although it is obvious that the gospel of Christ has theological implications and involves moral consequences.
The implications of this are obvious for the pastor who opens channels of communication between his church and the mental health center.
That siding with the oppressed can be a being for the well being of the oppressor has obvious theological implications.
The connection here between the first and second Adam and its implications for a theology of creation is obvious.
The Brandt Commission concedes this point, but its report gives no attention to the serious sociopolitical implications of the strategy — and probably for an obvious reason.
The devastating implications for the church musician are obvious.
The implications of this development for the loss of jobs, its impact on - workers and communities and the need for massive retraining programs are obvious.
It is interesting to note that the need for reinterpretation of these foundation affirmations first showed itself to be necessary in the account of the Ascension, for it was at this point that the implications of our world view first became obvious.
The implication of this for political and economic theory is to some extent obvious and has been assimilated in theories that have arisen within Christendom.
Toward the end of the essay, I criticize the military and Mr. McNamara for abetting an abysmally misbegotten military strategy, the obvious implication being that a sounder strategy could have produced a different outcome.
The deputy prime minister vowed to continue on in government, despite the obvious implications of the announcement for the coalition.
Quite apart from the obvious psychological and philosophical implications, the findings could potentially open the door to new avenues for therapy.
«What has emerged from our study as well as from other work on introgression is that interbreeding with archaic humans does indeed have functional implications for modern humans, and that the most obvious consequences have been in shaping our adaptation to our environment — improving how we resist pathogens and metabolize novel foods,» Kelso says.
This finding could have obvious implications in preventing heart disease and diabetes, but also could be important for older adults because higher lean body mass can contribute to a longer life with more independence, said Ohio State's Martha Belury, a professor of human nutrition who led the research.
«The most important point is that this is developing docking techniques and technology which, in turn, means precision controls for thrusters and the like, which has obvious military / anti-satellite implications,» Cheng said.
Such a question has obvious political implications and has been hotly debated for decades.
The research findings might seem obvious, but they have important implications for online dating:
There are obvious implications / applications here for our leadership - challenged society.
On the other hand, findings have been presented at a level of abstraction that makes their implications for specific schools and school contexts less than obvious.
This is more of a statistics / probability question but the implications for personal finance are obvious.
On the other hand, the implications for the typical Baby Boomer's most important asset, his or her house, is rather dire, because homes can't be sold as readily to foreigners, for obvious reasons.
Beyond the obvious «cool, free stuff» reaction for those of us with the applicable GeForce cards, we've started asking ourselves, what are the big implications of this?
If the answer seems too obvious for words, Ed Winkleman, Elizabeth Dee, Richard Lehun, and Nicholas O'Donnell tally up the financial and ethical implications, while Dee looks for an answer in Independent Projects.
Well besides the obvious implications in this SLR study, I'm thinking, well there's a goose and a gander, and what's good for one is surely appropriate for others so long as the base data is scientifically valid and the methodology is the same ie using current known growth rates plus «if this then that» calculations years ahead.
The implications of any specific discrepancy therefore aren't immediately obvious (for those who like their philosophy a little more academic, this is basically a rephrasing of the Quine / Duhem position on scientific underdetermination).
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