Sentences with phrase «obvious message for»

The best one, wit the most obvious message for all is when the priests and scribes asked Christ why his disciples were breaking the law of God by not purifying themselves, before eating, and whats more they were actually picking something to eat on the Sabbath.

Not exact matches

The fact that many of the greatest Christian theologians appear to agree with this evaluation» Aquinas, for example, argues that «the object of anger is good» (Summa Theologiae,» has led some to conclude that they were insufficiently attuned to the obvious and contrary message of Scripture.
One would think that after 3,000 years the «message» would be so clear and obvious that followers would not have to go to some big auditorium EVERY week to get instruction from some «leader» that tells you what your ONLY «book» says about how they should live their life for the next week.
What may be far more helpful is to preach from passages that are not so obvious and to show that such concerns are not an occasional tangent for both Bible and preacher, but are rather at the heart of almost all of the biblical message.
i really do not see arsene going before his 3 years and even then he will still be around, it is obvious that ARSENAL is his, and he actually makes the major decisions for the club, i really do not like the idea of BANNERS its not really an arsenal thing, to really send a message is best you to empty the stadium.
This was supposed to be the year where Honda finally got things right, but a spate of failures during pre-season testing made it obvious that the team was in for yet another season filled with miserable Fernando Alonso team radio messages and a smorgasbord of hilariously over-the-top grid penalties.
Sometimes the parents may be reluctant to say no, but their hesitation will be obvious to a grandparent who is listening for mixed messages.
Though McCain (and during earlier primary season, Romney and Richardson) dabbled in persuasion using issue - based messaging, most of the display ads from the candidates have been used for those two more obvious reasons.
Given Loach's obvious loathing for the destruction caused by British and American presence in Iraq, I'm not sure that this was the message he was going for.
For obvious reasons Warsi delivered this message.
The message is glaringly obvious: The birth of the atomic bomb signaled the death of innocence, not just for the world but for science too.
The most obvious case of this is when you sign up for on a site and almost immediately begin receiving messages.
One of the most obvious — yet somehow commonly underutilized — online dating message tips for pursuing an older woman is to make it clear that you'd like to go out with her.
Good Kill, for most of its run time, is as morally pragmatic as a film like this — with such an obvious message — needs to be.
But the message coming from the president and Congress has been loud and clear, and the need for reform and improvement is obvious and urgent.
For educators and education advocates, the message was painfully obvious.
The decline overall in self - published titles is welcome for obvious reasons * and, that individual self - published writers are selling slightly more copies may indicate that legitimate marketing methods (that do not flood uninterested parties with unwelcome messages, that do reach target audiences and which do not contain pointless emphasis on fake / purchased reviews or bloated, meaningless «awards» rather than pertinent and honest content) are beginning to surface in this sub-culture.
Yeh Australia here too and I have not had one problem with friends lists or messages since day one except for when servers are down which is obvious.
While it is obvious that the translated message might sound like random information for most gamers, but fans of the franchise most likely know that it hints at another installment for the loot - heavy FPS series.
These generic and often obvious messages were a big turn off for us, but at the same time we couldn't see TV commentary working well either.
For AIDES, the message was immediate and obvious «blend together, safe together.»
Benefits include providing obvious space on the road for cyclists and sending a message to other road users to expect cyclists.
However, her obvious concern for the grievor led her to change her message from «it's an issue I can't talk about,» to «he's got a problem that is sufficiently serious that I am very worried about him.»
Web tools like Snapchat have inspired individuals to think in smaller, more local terms for their messaging and social sharing needs, but there remains obvious room for growth in supporting key business relationships.
However, I have had a few lawyers ask me how the handle these types messages where it is not immediately obvious whether the request for help is legitimate or not.
If you're trying to send a message without touching your phone, the obvious answer is to call out to Alexa and have your Echo transcribe the message and send it for you.
The overall message of the duality or tension of the long term relationship and the distance needed for eroticism seems so obvious after having read this.
When the National Association of REALTORS ® debuted its «Real Estate Safety Matters» course for associations and brokerages, the newest addition to the REALTOR ® Safety Program, at the 2015 REALTORS ® Legislative Meetings & Trade Expo in Washington, D.C., there was an obvious underlying message for the men in the room: You're just as susceptible to being attacked as a woman.
«It is in fact the case that you will obscure your talent by allowing yourself to be pimped, whether it's the music business or yourself doing the pimping... Nothing but harm will come in the long run, from allowing yourself to be exploited and it is absolutely NOT in ANY way an empowerment of yourself or any other young women, for you to send across the message that you are to be valued (even by you) more for your sexual appeal than your obvious talent.»
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