Sentences with phrase «obvious signs such»

Some dogs may display quite obvious signs such as pawing at you, nudging you, licking or barking, while others may give off very subtle, barely perceptible signs.
If a dog is sensitive to proteins in the insect's venom or saliva, you may see more obvious signs such as vomiting, difficulty breathing, and in some cases, death.
There are also other obvious signs such as coming home late, poorly explained reasons for bieng unreachable, bieng irritatble with you for no reason and generally spending less time at home.

Not exact matches

Other leveraged entities, such as banks and brokers, have shown little obvious sign of stress resulting from the developments in equity markets.
Writing at a time when the signs of globalization were not nearly as obvious as they are today, he foresaw a process he called «planetization», by which «peoples and civilizations reach such a degree either of frontier con - tact or economic interdependence or psychic communion that they can no longer develop save by the interpenetration of one another».3 Teilhard de Chardin wholly identified with the traditions of the Christian west, yet his visionary mind was able to lift the Christian themes and symbols out of their traditional usage and re-interpret them.
Such a picture will not work in a multi-cultural society or in a Church whose most recent Council encouraged us to look for the positive signs of the Spirit's presence in the world as well as his all - too - obvious absences.
It must have been the most obvious thing for Indian theologians to be conscious of social sign posts such as caste, lineage, class and family connectedness.
There is no real answer to the question you have posed because this club has once again hedged their bets on doing the bare minimum then hoping for the best... if they were serious about changing the stagnant culture that has permeated the club since our move from the Highbury, we would have immediately released and / or moved several players in the early days of the window... this would have demonstrated to the fans that they were serious about addressing our obvious inadequacies... likewise this would have forced them to bring in replacements because they couldn't have used the lame excuse Wenger is presently spewing about having too many players... we functionally have the same amount of players as we did when the window first opened but he didn't say jack about it then... he simply waited until the inevitable happened then pulled out his excuse Rolodex, closed his eyes and randomly drew the «too many players» card... the more he opens his mouth, the more I understand his «god» complex when it relates to all things Arsenal... what other manager could continually do the same dumb shit, not address obvious concerns for years, speak to the fans in such a condescending manner, face enormous criticism from many of his former star players and be the architect of so many failed player signings yet be one of the highest paid managers with the longest tenure in Europe... maybe Kroenke is colourblind and instead of seeing all the red flags he can only see the GREEN ones ($ $ $)
But by using his conference speech highlight a pitiful amount of money on a project with such obvious flaws is a sign that Clegg doesn't really get how to sell this situation to his own party, much less the country.
With the Labour party in such obvious bad shape, the Tories may believe that doesn't matter quite so much, but there were signs today that things could be about to turn against the government there as well.
Subtle behavioral changes, such as hiding away for long periods of time, as well as more obvious changes, such as over-grooming to the point of losing fur, are all potential signs of stress in pet cats.
This thin sliver of ocean reaching under the ice turned out to be 10 meters deep, and the camera came to rest on the bottom beneath it, revealing it to be muddy and strewn with pebbles — a flat, barren tract, devoid of any obvious signs of large marine life such as brittle stars, sponges or worms.
The Coast Guard and Virginia Marine Resources Commission reported today they have not observed any obvious signs of water pollution, such as oil sheens.
The most obvious signs, such as changes in hair color, weight, posture, or agility, are apparent at a distance.
Even if fraud or corruption is not obvious, school, staff, parents and the community should always stay alert for warning signs such as poor record - keeping and a lack of documents supporting financial transactions, different procurement duties being carried out by the same person rather than different people, or a school operating outside its approved budget.
Although prohibition - measures such as those in the case of France were not only regarding Islamic veils but also included every religious dress or sign that was extremely obvious like Sikh turbans, kippas (Jewish skullcaps) and large Christian crosses (Jones, 2012, p. 22), the public debate on the issue across Europe mainly concentrated on the Islamic attires.
While some obvious warning signs, such as bankruptcy, foreclosure and consistently late or missing payments send clear signals to banks and other lenders that you a risky candidate, there are several more subtle red flags that may cause your application to be approved at only the most undesirable terms — or even cause your application to be denied outright.
Bad breath is often the most obvious sign, and products with natural breath - freshening ingredients, such as anise and chlorophyll, can improve that condition.
«We examine the skin for any signs of trouble such as hot spots, lumps or obvious infections.
Other types of cancer may or may not have such obvious signs.
«Until this test was available, often we would have to wait for cancer to develop to the point where the signs became obvious and the cancer mass was detectable either by feeling the lump in your dog, or through the use of radiology procedures such as X-ray and ultrasound,» Nice says.
Some injuries are obvious, such as a cat with an open wound, while others have more subtle signs that can be equally deadly if left untreated.
To help your cat reduce the risk of eye problems, check his eyes daily for any obvious signs of irritation, such as redness or tearing.
Most dogs with this condition are obviously lame but they may not have any really obvious signs of elbow problems such as swelling or heat in the joint.
There are other signs indicative of stress that may not be as obvious, such as increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, increase respiratory rate, increased hormone levels, increased incidence of disease, and a decreased immune response.
Without obvious signs of hypertension, such as blindness, we discover hypertension through screening, as in humans.
Some injuries are obvious, such as a cat with an open wound, while others have more subtle signs that can be equally dangerous if left untreated.
Overt and obvious signs of pain in dogs, such as vocalization and aggressive reactions in response to palpation or manipulation of a painful area, usually require the occurrence of an extreme painful experience in most dogs.
And stress too can be difficult to recognize, partly because we tend to look for the more obvious signs (trembling, whining, panting) and miss the subtler ones (often called displacement signals, such as turning the head, looking away, yawning, nose licking) 5 - 6.
The outward signs of dental disease can range from obvious issues like reluctance to eat dry food, pawing at the mouth, or drooling to more subtle changes such as hiding, decreased playfulness, or weight loss.
Taking videos from time to time can let you know if they are showing less obvious signs of distress such as trembling, pacing around or whining when you're not in.
To help reduce your furry friend's risk of eye problems, check his or her eyes daily for any obvious signs of irritation such as redness or tearing.
Some signs of pain are more obvious, such as limping, but other signs are more subtle and can include: not eating, a change in behavior or normal habits, being more tired and having less energy.
Being obnoxious isn't okay at any age and I don't allow pups to harass adult dogs unless the adult shows obvious signs of enjoying that sort of thing such as engaging in play, seeking out more of the same, being playful.
Cats may show signs of distress that are less obvioussuch as hiding, withdrawing from human interaction, or even sickness behaviors, which we know are triggered by stress and changes in routine.
In cats, no matter what fur length, it's very common.There are obvious signs you should watch for, such as excessive scratching or pawing at the ears; sensitivity to touch; and what I call» «stink ear,» an unusually foul odor from one or both ears.
Some signs of pain are obvious, such as vigorous rolling and kicking at the belly indicative of colic, but other signs of pain are more subtle.
It may not be obvious that your pet is experiencing oral pain, but if you look a little more closely — you may see the signs, such as:
To the seasoned competitive player, the signs of a smurf are much more obvious than a hacker: you look for a CS: GO profile with very few achievements unlocked or custom weapon skins equipped, tied to a Steam account with CS: GO as its only owned game («Wow, such dedication.
«While signs of such a trend remain firmly invisible, I thought it timely to revisit RSU since it is such a shockingly obvious and powerful venture; that more firms are not emulating it is too dispiriting to discuss.
However there are some signs of sexual abuse that are more obvious such as:
Some signs of abuse are more obvious, such as bruises on the resident's body.
If you see signs of obvious neglect such as bed sores or if you see your family member is suffering from dehydration, these may be signs of nursing home abuse.
In such a case, there is no penetration of the skull, and there may be no obvious external signs of damage.
Bones that fracture in place or do not otherwise present the more obvious signs of a break such as severe swelling, bleeding, numbness or paralysis can also be misdiagnosed as a severe sprain, and X-rays may not even be ordered.
Signs of nursing home abuse and neglect may be obvious, such as unexplained cuts, bruises or bedsores.
Provenzano said that in 42 years of dealing with exceptional students she never saw a document with such obvious signs that a student might resort to violence.
With major players such as Five Stars and Asia - Euro exiting, it is an obvious sign on where the industry is heading.
People very rarely pay attention to profiles without a photo because it is such an obvious sign that the profile is not maintained.
While there are some obvious things to look for, such as an acidic chemical odor, stained or burnt countertops or sinks, pails in and around the home filled with chemicals and burned out vegetation, there are no absolute signs that can be pinpointed.
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