Sentences with phrase «occasional treats only»

Remember these are meant for occasional TREATS ONLY.
Milk should be given as an occasional treat only - many cats are lactose intolerant!
Fish is not an ideal food for cats and should be fed sparingly as an occasional treat only.

Not exact matches

While I do love an occasional sweet treat, last year I really only baked when it was specifically for the blog.
I went to make No - Bake Cookies this weekend for the family and refused to feed my young kids who only get an occasional treat 2 cups worth of sugar!!
You would be better off making something like this as an only occasional special treat.
I personally avoid using sweeteners regularly and only use them for occasional treats.
Because low - fat milk is a readily available source of calcium without as many calories or as much fat, a milk shake would still be considered a junk food by most people and should be only an occasional treat.
I wholeheartedly agree with only offering nutritious foods in the classroom and making any sweets an occasional treat.
«It should be only an occasional treat
My only vice / habit I am unable to stop is the 2 tsps of sugar in my morning coffee otherwise I have stopped all wheat, rice and occasional sweet treat cold turkey.
And to answer your second question, while brownies are the kind of food that I will only have as an occasional treat, having a paleo version of the treat allows me to splurge a little without derailing from my strict paleo lifestyle...
The only time I use a Splenda product is in the occasional diet soda or in the Torrani Syrups in a flavored coffee, a rare treat.
You would be better off making something like this as an only occasional special treat.
I do still indulge in them from time to time (hello, veggie pizza pepperoni), but only as an occasional treat.
Only complex carbohydrates, but an occasional treat.
Have sweets, pastries, and commercial bakery goods only as the occasional treat.
Their dedication to their personal lives is relentless, interrupted only by the occasional need to treat sick children.
One refreshing element is that there are very few skeptics in the film; the Warrens are treated as legitimate experts, with only the occasional crack at their expense.
Wellness News School Allows Only Healthful Snacks Students from the Neenah, Wisconsin, school district who want to bring an occasional treat for their classmates are limited to fruit, vegetables, and other healthful snacks.
Special milk for cats is available but this is very high in calories, so should only be given as an occasional treat - never instead of water.
Over time, reward her only half the time, and eventually reward with only an occasional treat, but always praise your animal companion for good behavior.
But it should only be an occasional treat, not a daily diet addition.
This concern is also pertinent to dogs and even regular xylitol - free peanut butters should be for occasional treats or pill disguise only.
If you only give it to your dog as an occasional treat, apples can be a great addition to your dog's diet in general.
You can also feed your pet pellets that are specifically designed for rabbits, but only provide them as an occasional treat and in small amounts because they might have too many calories for landrace breeds like the Gotland.
Alfalfa, however, will be high in calories and should only be given as an occasional treat.
Sugary fruits such as bananas and grapes should be used only sparingly, as occasional treats.
It's his favorite thing in the world to eat, but I don't give him more than one a day, and the vets seem to have NO IDEA WHY these treats are causing kidney failure in some dogs — mostly SMALL BREEDS, so I have a theory of my own... I'm thinking the ones who've had kidney failure have eaten more than their kidneys could process... That dehydrated chicken is a very CONCENTRATED source of protein, and even on the package it says to feed them only as an «occasional snack.»
That means catnip is only effective as an occasional treat.
Sugary fruits such as bananas, grapes and raisins should be used only sparingly, as occasional treats.
Also, because of their high fat content, pig ears should only be given as an occasional treat.
Those who eat only dry food should be permitted the occasional delectable treat.
Also, it's a good idea to NEVER let them on your furniture without your say so and after you giving a cue, and only as an occasional or nightly treat (not during the day).
Fruit should only be offered as an occasional treat and fresh greens should be in small quantities.
You can feed your dog kiwi but only as an occasional treat.
Remove the seeds and rind before feeding honeydew to your dog and only feed as an occasional treat.
We highly recommend feeding your dog melon, but only as an occasional treat.
Because of the high sugar content, we recommend only feeding your dog pineapple as an occasional treat, or if it's suggested by your veterinarian.
You need to treat this more as a desktop replacement, with only occasional use of actually moving it to different locations — and hardly ever gaming on the go.
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