Sentences with phrase «occasional glass of wine»

Going Paleo and taking a break from grains, dairy, and soy might be the stepping stone you need to find out if eating more animal proteins and less processed foods (and the occasional glass of wine; oops we said it) is what your body needs.
and an occasional glass of wine or two).
Yep, coffee, chocolate, and an occasional glass of wine are 100 % necessary.
An occasional glass of wine would be perfect though.
I also LOVE the occasional glass of wine... nothing better than a good wine - pass - out at night!
Alcohol: The occasional glass of wine is OK.
However, the American Academy of Pediatrics noted that — while heavy drinking is not recommended while nursing — the occasional glass of wine or beer shouldn't have a harmful impact on babies.
if you drink an occasional glass of wine or beer, save it for after a feeding session.
However, it doesn't mean that you can never have an occasional glass of wine at dinner at all, but you should ensure that alcohol has completely vanished from your body before beginning to breastfeed again.
I'd like to have an occasional glass of wine.
Some women choose to avoid alcohol completely, while others enjoy an occasional glass of wine or other adult beverage.
Actually, you can continue to provide your baby with all of the tremendous benefits of breastfeeding and still enjoy the occasional glass of wine or cocktail as long as you are thoughtful about the timing.
That being said, there are some OB's who may tell you on an individual basis the occasional glass of wine would unlikely harm your baby due to the limited amount of alcohol you would be introducing into your body.
But after nine full months without a drink, it is fine to have an occasional glass of wine or beer.
Most women know to try and keep off alcohol during pregnancy; that anything other than an occasional glass of wine should be avoided in the interests of the health of the unborn baby.
While one housewife may enjoy gardening, an occasional glass of wine and extravagant fashions, another may loath anything with stems, abhors alcohol and would rather play with leaves than pay full price for her clothing.
It's generally OK (with the go - ahead from your baby's pediatrician and your own gynecologist) to have an occasional glass of wine or beer while you're breastfeeding, but it's best to stop there.
Moderate consumption of coffee, tea, caffeinated sodas, and an occasional glass of wine or other alcoholic beverage are fine when you are breastfeeding.
It's common to hear women say that they want to wean (or not breastfeed at all) because they miss drinking coffee, or want to have an occasional glass of wine, or don't like worrying constantly about everything they eat.
Many women miss having the occasional glass of wine during pregnancy and look forward to being able to drink again once baby is born.
Just the occasional glass of wine.
Maybe you have heard that the occasional glass of wine is no harm to the growing baby, especially in the first trimester.
Some doctors say an occasional glass of wine is fine, but the CDC and the U.S. Surgeon General still advise against it.
New research in the journal Addiction suggests that even the occasional glass of wine puts people at higher risk for cancer.
We'll give you a free pass for morning coffee and the occasional glass of wine.
Although the occasional glass of wine probably won't hurt you, people who are feeling depressed should limit their alcohol consumption, and, of course, say no to drugs.
(In my case I've decided an occasional glass of wine in the sauna is a risk I'm wiling to take...)
There is overwhelming scientific evidence that a low carb Mediterranean - style diet — one rich in vegetables, olive oil, nuts and the occasional glass of wine or bite of dark chocolate — is better for weight loss, blood sugar control and improving cholesterol than going on a low fat diet.
I would personally avoid alcohol for weight loss and only have an occasional glass of wine when in weight maintenance.
Besides the occasional glass of wine or fruity drink on vacation, I'm too much of a health nut to engage in the regular use of alcohol.
If it does not slow your weight loss, and occasional glass of wine is acceptable once you are out of Induction so long as you count the carbohydrates in your daily tally.»
In fact, the more I stick to a stage 2 - 3 diet instead of my normal previous eating (which was generally very healthy, but lots more carbs and the occasional glass of wine), the worse I feel (achey, fluey feeling in my body, fatigue, slight tummy issues, nausea etc.) and the worse my acne gets.
As a mom who is running around all the time and who also likes to enjoy the occasional glass of wine, I could definitely relate to this post!»
No drugs, occasional glass of wine.
I also enjoy watching movies and an occasional glass of wine.
I like to travel, fine dining, and occasional glass of wine.
I work as a registered nurse, am conservative, but love to have clean fun, nonsmoker, occasional glass of wine.
Quite time in good conversation and an occasional glass of wine perfect.
In her spare time Angela enjoys the high life hanging out with friends and neighbors and the occasional glass of wine.
Jim enjoys an occasional glass of wine and tries to make it to the gym at least 3 - 4 times a week.
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