Sentences with phrase «occasional holiday»

The hospital is 24/7/365 hospital therefore all employees help contribute to occasional holiday coverage.
Let me suggest that the slender thread connecting Trump to the church is his occasional holiday appearances at Marble Collegiate Church, made famous by its pastor for 52 years, Norman Vincent Peale.
What they found struck a blow for common sense — and for the occasional holiday cookie.
It's fine to inhale the occasional holiday treat — just don't make it a regular thing.
Getting adequate protein, fats and at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day, with an occasional holiday treat, will ensure your metabolism does not get damaged.
It is also important to have the occasional holiday or break.
Some people simply want to live more comfortably and go on the occasional holiday — it's completely up to you.
But if you have that inkling, that travel bug, then doing it long term will certainly be more beneficial than the occasional holiday.
As an unremarkable white, middle - class Australian, I aspire to an ordinary life of a solid job, secure housing, a family of my own and occasional holidays.
They can spend a little on insurance, education, and maybe even an occasional holiday (literally — day).
They may work during the mornings or the evenings, depending on their work hours and may also work on an occasional holiday.
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