Sentences with phrase «occasions of»

It added an immense richness to the unconscious, which, by the continuity of its life, constituted the successive occasions of human experience as a unified soul.
However, most of the questions raised by this mode of analysis have been neglected, and in particular the way in which God is present to and in occasions of experience has been omitted from the discussion.
The process as a whole is the succession of these atomic units which are the individual occasions of human experience.
Everything was staged; all the natural occasions of childhood had to signify.
Nevertheless, a clear difference exists, and it is possible to formulate the distinctive role and structure of the dominant occasions of experience in the two cases in the categories worked out in the preceding chapter.
In Whitehead's view (and mine), occasions of experience are not limited to the human ones.
Also in the case of animals, it is often best to speak of dominant occasions of experience to refer to that entity which in man is organized as soul.
When the seat of existence shifted effectively to reflective consciousness, a new type of continuity between successive occasions of experience arose as well as a new separation of the individual thus constituted from all other individuals.
However, much of its functioning does not require consciousness and not all dominant occasions of experience participate in consciousness at all.
The penitent Christian confesses one's sins to a priest or in community, regrets the evil, promises to sin no more, to avoid occasions of sin and make amends for the harm inflicted on others by the sins committed.
A fourth reason why Whitehead chose occasions of experience for his «actual entities» emerges as a reader becomes familiar with his thought.
Following Whitehead's terminology we shall refer to these experiences as «events» or «actual occasions» of which our own experiences are only one variety.6 It is these events or occasions of experience that make up the universe of nature.
Are these little gatherings, then, for all that seems domestic and intimate in them, also occasions of public proclamation, gatherings where — as in Nazareth — Jesus speaks with true authority?
In the language of physics, the simplest «physical feelings» are units of energy transference; or, rather, the physicist's idea that energy is transmitted according to quantum conditions is an abstraction from the concrete facts of the universe, which are individual occasions of experience connected by their «physical feelings.»
The periods of transition from one stage to another can be occasions of pressure and crisis as the couple struggles to let go of the familiar, comfortable past and master the demands of a new stage.
Now the motion of the molecule is nothing else than the differences between the successive occasions of its life - history in respect to the extensive quanta from which they arise; and the changes in the molecule are the consequential differences in the actual occasions.
Whitehead seems to have given up the notion that there could be some one line along which the amount of value of occasions of experience could be measured.
As with the occasions of weaning and marriage, this was a time for joyful feasting.
The objects of our ordinary experience, things such as rocks, trees, animals and persons are composites or groupings of what we have been calling occasions of experience.
The membership of the complex structured society which is the electron is not, properly speaking, any of the subordinate societies or nexus of the electron, such as the personally ordered society, the enduring object, which constitutes the «life» of the electron, but, rather, the individual actual occasions of which these subordinate entities are composed.
In cosmic sweep, the events or occasions of the lowest grade are those in empty space.
Such occasions of mutual engagement in the making and weighing of requests constitute the most decisive of all educative opportunities, whether within or beyond the family.
By taking that elemental assurance at its face value, he was able to accept a primary rule of modern philosophy — that the evidence for an external world can be found only within occasions of experience — without being drawn into solipsism.
All the more remarkable, then, that Whiteheadian metaphysics explicitly countenances the occasions of actual entities through the dynamic, relational process of concrescence, a process remarkably similar to the dynamic evolution of mathematical forms.
In that picture, the clothes - line is the real self, the genuine identity of the I», and the various articles hung on the line for drying are the particular moments or occasions of human experience.
Whereas what we think of as substances must remain always external to one another, past occasions of experience enter into present ones.
«With the hypothesis that God is not a single actual entity, but a personal society of divine occasions of experience, Hartshorne carries this suggestion through more clearly, thereby making interaction between God and worldly occasions more intelligible.
Indeed, our occasions of experience are examples of actual entities.
The intuition that I, with my conscious experience, am an actual individual with the power of self - determination, to make decisions and to cause my body to do my bidding, is reconciled with the equally strong sense that my body is real, and that it exerts powerful causation upon me, in terms of the speculative hypothesis that all actual occasions are occasions of experience, so that interaction of body and mind is not the unintelligible interaction of unlikes (the unintelligibility of which has led philosophers to deny the distinct actuality either of the mind or of the body).
In that case, either my experience does not have (at any moment) the unity of an actual entity (i.e., it is then in fact and finally many discrete experiences and not an experience at all), or my experience is an actual occasion including, or contributed to by, both the ego and the other occasions of the nexus.
(3) Nevertheless, it may seem that in process thought there are other types of extended but externally undetectable entities; and this may save the day for the spacy but imperceptible occasions of human consciousness.
Whitehead's tiny occasions of human consciousness would have been imperceptible, but not because they were not publicly objectifiable.
Whitehead's method, in part, is to analyze these occasions of subjective experience in order to find factors capable of being generalized into principles applicable to all actual entities: «In describing the capacities, realized or unrealized, of an actual occasion, we have... tacitly taken human experience as an example upon which to found the generalized description required for metaphysics» (PR 172).
If the human stream of occasions of dominating awareness is to be influenced by many regions of the brain at once, and is in turn to exercise control over many such regions, it must be directly in touch (both spatially and temporally) with large portions of the brain.
Assuming that I make the identification, he poses a dilemma; either my experience does not have the unity, the togetherness required by a single experience (and this because my experience includes both the clear, conscious experience of the regnant society and the dim experience of other members of the nonsocial nexus); or, my experience is that of a super entity which inherits from the ego and from the other occasions of the nonsocial nexus, and, since inheritance requires contiguity, this latter alternative presupposes acceptance of a doctrine of regional inclusion.
Hartshorne also rejected Whitehead's account of the magnitude of the occasions of human experience for much the same reasons as Cobb.
He would have to argue that the regnant occasion directly inherits from all the regions of the brain in virtue of regionally including all the occasions of the brain, but negatively prehends some of these occasions while positively prehending others.
But when that future becomes present, just one set of actual regions will atomize that continuum, and those actual regions will originate with the occasions of which they are the standpoints.
We in fact share this mode of perception with nonhuman occasions of experience.
Whitehead's reconciliation involved combining the earlier point, that all actualities in the world are occasions of experience, with the idea that God is the chief exemplification, not the exception to, the metaphysical principles applicable to all finite actualities.
Epidemics particularly were occasions of large scale conversion to Christianity.
But even when there is not the extreme situation of multiple personalities, it seems as though «unconscious» drives and fears, appetitions and aversions, are present in occasions of the nonsocial nexus which are not incorporated into the regnant society.
My view is that the unity of my conscious experience is the unity of experience in the occasions of the regnant society.
All perceptual objects are divisible into pluralities of cellular and / or atomic and sub-atomic structures, but the occasions of consciousness have synthetic unity.
If the occasions of the dominant society of human consciousness are spatially extended, we might wonder both where they are and how big they are.
The more complete statement, then, would be that the notion of hard - core commonsense ideas stands in a relationship of mutual reinforcement with the notion that our stream of experience is comprised of occasions of prehensive, self - creative, anticipatory experience.
This kind of reflection is theologizing; it is also ministry, for it can not be done except in the context of preparing for future occasions of function and service.
The problem with the mathematical continuum is that there is no immediate successor to any temporal instant in the continuum; hence, the need for occasions of finite duration, the coming to be of which is at once, indivisible.2
Stated differently, the occasions of space - time are the original entities of this cosmic epoch.
Only occasions of experience, it should be remembered in this regard, are self - realized.4 All other proper entities recognized by Whitehead are either in all respects eternal (e.g., eternal objects) or are in all respects other - realized, that is, their realization is parasitic on the becoming of actual entities (e.g..
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