Sentences with phrase «occur at multiple levels»

These articles also suggest that data use and its interpretation occur at multiple levels of the education system.
Leadership occurs at multiple levels.

Not exact matches

A new technique that provides both chemical composition and molecular orientation information at subsecond timescales could reveal new information about what occurs on the molecular level as diseases such as Alzheimer's and multiple sclerosis progress.
That is, the conductivity of Cooper pairs should only occur at certain levels, namely multiples of 2e ^ 2 / h, where e is the charge of an electron and h is Planck's constant.
Its speed and power lie in the fact that quantum systems can host multiple «superpositions» of different initial states, and in the spooky «entanglement» that only occurs at the quantum level the fundamental particles.
The lack of information on numbers experiencing blended learning has created challenges at multiple levels — from understanding if the phenomenon is actually scaling to contextualizing if bumps on the road, like the recent demise of Amplify, are mere blips or catastrophic events, and from understanding where policymakers and philanthropists can make the most impact to knowing whether the blended learning that is occurring is a good or bad thing for students.
However Kansas does not specify that clinical practice experience for the high incidence (adaptive) special education K - 12 license should occur at multiple grade levels.
Manage student learning: teachers will now have classrooms where multiple activities may be occurring at the same time, this requires a level of classroom management, data keeping, and use of a variety of assessments.
However, the state does not specify that the clinical practice experience for its special education PreK - 12 licenses — the Learning Behavior Specialist I and II licenses — should occur at multiple grade levels.
According to the BAZ, recently Mörner has been at the Fiji Islands on multiple occasions in order «to study coastal changes and sea level rise», and to take a first hand look at the «damage» that allegedly has occurred due to climate change over the past years.
Blake finds most multiple offers occurring at the first - time buyer level — up to $ 400,000 — and in the move - up price range up to $ 725,000.
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