Sentences with phrase «occur over a span of time»

Or a series of micro traumas may occur over a span of time that has a cumulative effect.

Not exact matches

When I think that Ethan's potty process occurred over the span of a few months — not days, I now see how much time I wasted.
When the authors looked at seasonal trends over the same time period, the most notable expansion of the Sahara occurred in summer, resulting in a nearly 16 percent increase in the desert's average seasonal area over the 93 - year span covered by the study.
Duration and span of the professional development activities were also important; with activities lasting longer and occurring over time having a greater effect on teacher learning.
The amount of long - term increase for the last 4 shifts equals +0.4 °C, the same as the earlier «up» shifts, but it occurred over a shorter time span.
Only one of the past «Big Five» mass extinctions (the dinosaur extinction event at the end of the Cretaceous) is thought to have occurred as rapidly as would be the case if currently observed extinctions rates were to continue at their present high rate (Alvarez et al., 1980; Barnosky et al., 2011; Robertson et al., 2004; Schulte et al., 2010), but the minimal span of time over which past mass extinctions actually took place is impossible to determine, because geological dating typically has error bars of tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of years.
Change in adolescents» HIV - risk attitudes was measured over a time span encompassing the entire intervention, such that the assessment of such changes occurred after all of the intervention sessions had been completed.
The action of meshed gears is introduced as a metaphor to illustrate how responses occurring within a brief time frame, for example, immediate reactions to stressors, can influence developmental and health processes unfolding over much longer spans of time.
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