Sentences with phrase «occur over distances»

Radiation transfers heat across different scales at different optical thicknesses for different frequencies; the net radiant flux depends more on temperature variations that occur over distances on the order of a unit of optical thickness, so the net flux can be through smaller - scale temperature variations.
And it's been shown that source - sink dynamics can occur over distances of 60 — 80 km.
Vocal matching occurred over distances of up to 580 meters and is indicative of animals addressing each other individually.

Not exact matches

The process occurs over several days in which various workers visit and dance about the distance, direction, and desirability of several different cavities.
Light bends anytime it passes through air, but when the air temperature varies dramatically over a short distance, causing it to have great fluctuations in density, it can bend light so much that a mirage occurs.
It turns out that the distance over which these flips occur depends on the direction of the magnetic field in that region of the neutron star, so that on one side, far more tau neutrinos will emerge from its hotter inner regions.
Developing a better understanding of the large - scale mechanical changes that occur over longer distances, specifically the process by which the extracellular matrix is pulled into compact, highly - aligned «bridges,» could eventually form the basis of treatments for related diseases.
Previous research on the pandemic found that environmental factors, timing of the end school holidays, population sizes and air travel contributed to its spread, but this new research has found that transmission occurred primarily over short distances and that school age children may have catalysed the spread.
Although the researchers have shown that certain superconductors can carry spin currents, so far these only occur over short distances.
Meanwhile, even though wheeling occurred in the past, since the 1990s much larger amounts of power have been moved over great distances.
Although their work remains a milestone in successfully reproducing the intricate shapes, the method assumed that only neighboring clumps of material, about a micrometer in length, interacted — neglecting processes that occur over a continuum of distance scales.
The upper panel shows the distance of read pairs; the insertion of the region probably occurred after the duplication of the gene into the subtelomeres, as all reads from the duplications are connected over the insertion.
Specifically, they want to find out if neutrino oscillations occur over short distances (less than 65 feet).
This adaptation occurs over a period of time, and is one of the reasons why long distance runners will train in a glycogen depleted state and then carbohydrate load before a race.
EWF is a density over distance along a line (in the absence of scattering, etc.) or lines (when partial specular reflection occurs), or a density over volume (when scattering contributes to the CSD), where the sum over all space = 1; it matches the distribution over space of the absorption of a unit amount of radiation incident at L from the opposite direction.
Aside from variations in line strength and line broadenning with height, their is the important point that, relative to the mass path of CO2 (distances measured in terms of kg per unit area), temperature variations at those heights occur over small scales.
Now differences of temperature occur over short distances everywhere, we have all experienced it.
Your example conflates temperature difference in the atmosphere that occur over large distances and thermal conduction over short distances.
Indeed, the most exhaustive research I know on how land use affects travel behavior found that location — measured by, among other things, the distance from the regional center — is by far the most significant determinant of how much household driving will occur, over time, from a given location.
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