Sentences with phrase «occur over short distances»

Now differences of temperature occur over short distances everywhere, we have all experienced it.
Specifically, they want to find out if neutrino oscillations occur over short distances (less than 65 feet).
Although the researchers have shown that certain superconductors can carry spin currents, so far these only occur over short distances.

Not exact matches

Light bends anytime it passes through air, but when the air temperature varies dramatically over a short distance, causing it to have great fluctuations in density, it can bend light so much that a mirage occurs.
Previous research on the pandemic found that environmental factors, timing of the end school holidays, population sizes and air travel contributed to its spread, but this new research has found that transmission occurred primarily over short distances and that school age children may have catalysed the spread.
Your example conflates temperature difference in the atmosphere that occur over large distances and thermal conduction over short distances.
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