Sentences with phrase «occurred during exercise»

More muscle exhaustion equals a greater response from your body to rebuild your muscles from the micro damage that occurred during exercise.
First, the study revealed hunger suppression only occurred during exercise and the next one to two hours after exercise.
The biological link between the subjective sensation of effort and the physiological changes occurring during exercise is of crucial importance, because it provides a mechanism by which the RPE could, in theory, contribute to the regulation of exercise performance, the limit to exercise and pacing strategy.
Muscle pump occurs during exercise due to an increased blood flow in the worked muscle group.
This is the process that is thought to cause some of the most important mass gains that occur during exercise; the widely accepted theory is that muscles fragment as a form of stress compensation during heavy use.
Supplementing with AALPHA can prevent a serum decline in BCAAs, which occurs during exercise.
Hypoglycemia can also occur during exercise, especially for those who load up on carbohydrates or sugar before their high - intensity exercise session.
In regards to sleep quality, the energy depletion that occurs during exercise stimulates recuperative processes during sleep (38).
Moreover, the increase in body temperature that occurs during exercise is thought to improve sleep quality by helping it drop during sleep (39).
In fact, a number of deaths related to energy drinks, some occurring during exercise, are under investigation.
Consume Tart Cherry Juice The most effective way to accelerate muscle recovery after exercise is to prevent muscle damage from occurring during exercise.
Exertional heatstroke occurs during exercise and is more common in dogs that have not been acclimated to their environment.
Otherwise, it will be hard to tell whether the drop is significant since it is known that drops in blood glucose can occur during exercise without inducing clinical signs of hypoglycemia even if they might normally occur in a resting dog with similar glucose levels.

Not exact matches

It occurred during an annual joint military exercise between the U.S. and South Korea, and on the heels of a joint military exercise between the U.S. and Japan.
the sale of shares of common stock in an underwritten public offering that occurs during the restricted period, including any concurrent exercise (including a net exercise or cashless exercise) or settlement of outstanding equity awards granted under our equity incentive plans or pursuant to a contractual employment arrangement described elsewhere in this prospectus in order to sell the shares of common stock delivered upon such exercise or settlement in such underwritten public offering; provided that, if required, any public report or filing under Section 16 of the Exchange Act will clearly indicate in the footnotes thereto that such disposition to us or withholding by us of shares or securities was solely to us pursuant to the circumstances described in this clause; or
Both the possession of faith and exercise of faith are events that occur during the natural lives of God's chosen people.
EIB is a sudden transient narrowing of the airways called bronchospasm which may occur during or after exercise.
During a TT, pacing strategy is regulated in a complex anticipatory system that monitors afferent feedback from various physiological systems, and then regulates the work rate so that potentially limiting changes do not occur before the endpoint of exercise is reached.
This can occur both during exercise or when at rest.
If a child is teething, growing through a growth spurt, sick, working on a developmental milestone, hungry, didn't get enough exercise or fresh air, is preoccupied by a scary situation that occurred during the day, or any list of other things, that can wreak havoc on their sleep.»
Exercise - induced bronchoconstriction means the transient narrowing of the airways that occurs during or after exercise.
The researchers suggest that since the adult muscle stem cells are only activated when injury occurs (by trauma or exercise), they use a new set of genes from those used during embryonic development, which proceeds without injury.
Increased blood pressure during exercise occurs in both legs, before pain begins, and relates to the severity of the disease.
This reduces the amount of micro damage to the muscles that can occur when they shake on impact and reduces muscle pain both during and after exercise.
· Taking BCAAs could decrease protein degradation that occurs in skeletal muscle during intense exercise.
Exercise can be brutal on our cellular structures and the force that occurs during intense exercise creates cellular microtears and a significant inflammatory cascade.
Certain specific strains, like L. plantarum 6595, have even been clinically shown to be especially effective at enhancing immune function and can help to ward off URTIs during the two - to eight - hour «open window» of immune sensitivity that occurs after intense or prolonged exercise.
The muscle can produce and sustain more tension during the lengthening (eccentric) phase of the exercise, which increases the chances of a strain occurring.
During the day, GH secretion occurs in rapid bursts that respond to high - intensity exercise.
The extract may also enhance the results of your diet and exercise program to make combating the weight gain that often occurs during menopause a little easier.
Weightlifting is the ideal activity for building muscle because it allows you to precisely control the amount of weight that you lift, the muscles targeted, the angle, speed, and range of motion of each lift, the number of repetitions that occur and how much rest you get during and between exercise sessions.
This not only means that I'm exercising hard when my body is most capable of it, but it also means that post-exercise dinner is occurring during a time of peak protein synthesis and muscle repair.
Most sports drink manufacturers work to find the right combination of these nutrients to provide optimal energy, while minimizing stomach upset, which can occur if you eat too much during exercise.
Besides the benefits of regular exercise for your health, this will also help offset the drop in resting metabolic rate and movement that occurs after or during weight loss.
You must eliminate the «shift» that often occurs away from the post-op surgical knee (leg) during the descent phase of the squat exercise performance
There are times when the body's stress response is appropriate or healthy; for example, a normal or healthy stress response occurs when we stress our bodies during exercise, or get chased by a mountain lion; the body is designed to endure or cope with these relatively brief periods of stress.
During your workout, the cells in your muscles are subjected to higher stress than they normally are, among them, the significant release of lactic acid which occurs in exercise.
During this exercise we will be counting each inhale and exhale as they occur, from the numbers one through 20.
Chromium deficiency may occur in diet containing more than 35 % sugar, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, after a hard exercise or trauma and in severe malnutrition [2].
Nutrients get converted to ATP based on the intensity and duration of activity, with carbohydrate as the main nutrient fueling exercise of a moderate to high intensity, and fat providing energy during exercise that occurs at a lower intensity.
The research into HIIT shows that using this energy system seems to have a whole list of other possible benefits, and many researchers believe that the hormonal changes that occur during HIIT make fat burning more efficient and effective after the exercise session is finished.
Instances of endurance athletes experiencing dangerous low blood sodium concentrations (known as hyponatremia) during exercise usually occurs when they ingest large quantities of water, which dilutes their normal blood sodium concentrations and leaves them in a deadly condition.
In fact, this occurs all the time during and immediately after exercise and physical activity, when insulin secretion is very low.
If you choose to exercise, then ketosis will occur faster, as more glucose will be used up during the exercise and the adaptation process will accelerate.
Remember that all your improvements and adaptations to exercise occur during those grueling moments in training!
That drift has the same effect whether it occurs during warm - up or exercise.
It's also something that women of all ages experience during exercise and yoga classes, as it can readily occur during movement and transitions between movements (i.e. sit to stand, or moving between yoga poses).
Participants recorded 3 - d (Thursday — Saturday) weighted dietary intake records to assess potential changes in daily food intake that might have occurred during the intervention period before the onset of the intervention program and in week 11 of the exercise intervention.
Finally, it occurs to me that in parasympathetic overtraining, one sees the same changes in HR and HR during exercise that are expected as you develop the aerobic system — they both drop.
For most people, fat burning during fitness exercise occurs at a moderate intensity level, more specifically, at about 60 to 65 % of maximum heart rate.
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