Sentences with phrase «occurred to»

This one is essentially, because self - revealedly, that which would otherwise never have occurred to us — and something quite other than has in fact ever occurred to any great thinker, poet, philosopher or other inventor of conceptions of God, the one who raised Jesus from the dead.
Regardless of which of them FIRST occurred to you, it should have dawned on you shortly thereafter that the meaning of the term had changed over the course of a century.
In fact, the concept of «reverence for life» occurred to him at a moment when, as he later told a friend, he was meditating not upon Jesus Christ but upon the Buddha.
Until the rise of a market and bourgeois ideology, until those devout Quaker traders — even slave traders — around 1780, it had occurred to no one that slavery was anything but God's plan.
It would never have occurred to Jesus to talk about the «lesser of two evils,»» for to him sin was the supreme evil which must be eradicated root and branch — or to use his own metaphor, eye, hand, and foot (Matt.
davidhmittelberg, so it has never occurred to you that after thousands of micro-evolutionary changes, over millions or billions of years, that you might end up with a creature that can no longer successfully mate with its ancestors?
It never even occurred to me how damaging it is until I really paid attention to what you are saying here and in previous posts.
The motion that analysis of a failure might very well elicit much more interest and commitment than an anecdote about success had seemingly occurred to no one.
It has never occurred to him to do to NASA, CERN, or reputable scientific journals for information which is why he is often wrong.
It never occurred to me to say, «Now are these historically factual reports?
I usually begin by confessing that marking and honoring the date of my baptism hadn't really occurred to me until a quarter - century or so ago, when I began working with evangelical Protestants on pro-life and religious freedom issues and noted that some of them had an interesting way of introducing themselves at a meeting.
Until I had analyzed each of these nine functional images individually and phenomenologically in detail, it had not occurred to me that in a general way they all have certain elements in common.
It had not previously occurred to me that theology was involved.
As I read it, it occurred to me that the Bible translator's worst nightmare is a reality in the homes of most American Christians.
It seems not to have occurred to Freud that his wish to live without illusions may have been so powerful as to have clouded his reason and infected his arguments about wish fulfillment.
Then it occurred to me that we were essentially alike, both creatures, made in God's image.
OH GEEZ... apparentlyyou dontknow anything of injuries that occurred to Jesus..
However, Richard Dawkins has ventured an estimate on the number of speciation events that occurred to develop the modern eye.
Had it ever occurred to me, deep in my soul, that it is a relational movement, the revolutionary carrying - on of a spirit of love and justice that does not and will not die?
In a culture where things were memorized, writing materials were expensive, and few knew how to write, the thought to get their accounts written down might not have even occurred to them until some were beginning to die...
To put it sharply, discontinuities appear between levels or structures by reason of the something new that has occurred to create the one level which transcends the other.
It's called «the old boy's club» and is prevalent in many male - dominated powerful sectors, financial, religious, and now, although it would have never occurred to me, at the university level.
One day it occurred to me that that is why Jesus died for me; to cleanse me of my faults and to bear the burden of my human frailty.
It occurred to me yesterday (as I was skillfully avoiding an encounter with a certain someone at the grocery store) that the most frustrating thing about being seen as an «outsider» is knowing that when people talk to you about faith, they approach the conversation with the assumption that you have nothing to contribute to it.
It has occurred to me to have a BnB — Beer and Bible Study, but I decided against is for some of the reasons already written above.
It hadn't occurred to me that Whedon's protagonist's problem was a lack of access to birth control.
They brought to the philosophies they adopted questions that had not occurred to the philosophers with comparable force.
Without pretending to exhaust the explanations, let me therefore add one more, which occurred to me while doing research on American religion in what John Higham called «the tribal twenties» and the dreary aftermath in the 1930s.
sorry if sounded not right as I am not accusing any religion but just as a matter of thought occurred to me and wondered what is happening in the world changing than the way we knew it and brought up to believe.
Then it occurred to me — who is going to change it then after I go?
But as I was writing this post, a new idea occurred to me... I will pursue it and see where it leads.
Thinking this through with considerable sympathy for the LDS leadership, it occurred to me that we Catholics might reflect more seriously on what is really required of us with respect to baptism, especially of infants.
It also occurred to me that he did not do the study himself but was parroting stuff out of books, not the bible.
It only just occurred to me that he may just be playing the role of a religious type, because nobody can be THAT STUPID on less it's an act.
You will have been engaging in meditation, despite the fact that such a word would not have occurred to you.
Again, you have been meditating, even if such a description would not have occurred to you.
Bill Scarrott, after hurting myself laughing over your post about finding Jesus in places that smell like manure, it occurred to me that after the wise men showed up, there was incense as well.
It occurred to me recently that gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people are often subjected to this single - story treatment, both from myself and from other people.
It occurred to me that my ancestors from Eastern Europe had also practiced arranged marriage.
It seemed so obvious the moment she said it, but in all my preparation, it simply hadn't occurred to me to reconsider my phraseology because privilege had rendered the word «master» neutral in my mind.
Immediately it occurred to me what a stupid and wrong thing that is.
It occurred to me that a circle of women, with a mission, can save the world.
And yes, the question has occurred to me that, if I have but a little time to live, should I be spending it writing this column.
It occurred to me a few years ago that since John was the chairman of the translation committee, the NIV was bound to have a Calvinistic bias.
It then occurred to him that this was not a mere classification for convenience, but represented a chronological sequence — Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age.
I was out for a run today thinking about the term «heretic» and it occurred to me that I obviously don't share the same definition with those that throw it around with a scornful tone of judgment.
The question of whether one should follow another path surely occurred to many, and many no doubt chose to do so.
It occurred to me that if my faith managed to survive all of these doubts then this radical rabbi, this God in sandals, would require more from me than ever before.
As I wondered about that, it occurred to me that what I was responding to was the romantic story about how a «savior» took a harlot and turned her into a bride!
Anyway, it occurred to me that there are at least three possibilities for the theology / pathology chicken / egg question.
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