Sentences with phrase «occurring high levels of growth»

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One can recognize a mature growth group by its lack of leader dependence, its high level of trust and mutual confrontation, the ways in which growth facilitation occur throughout the group, and the ways in which the designated leader draws on group resources.
Low HGH levels can interfere with the ratio of low - density to high - density lipoproteins in cholesterol, but that is only the start of the unwanted changes that can occur in the adult body when human growth hormone secretion does not keep up with our physiological needs of this substance.
Polyunsaturated fats such as corn oil and soybean oil are highly unstable and vulnerable to oxidation — and oxidation, in turn, is linked to cancer — while the omega - 6 fatty acids that predominate in vegetable oils have been shown to accelerate the growth of tumor cells.6 As Fallon and Enig explain, 4 excessive consumption of toxic polyunsaturated oils — not red meat — represents a known mechanism for colon cancer: «Colon cancer occurs when high levels of dietary vegetable oils and hydrogenated fats, along with certain carcinogens, are acted on by certain enzymes in the cells lining the colon, leading to tumor formation» [Emphasis added].
Mispriced Growth are companies in which some sustainable change is occurring that we think will lead to a higher level of earnings, revenues, cash flows or margins over the ensuing two to three years.
Specimens of elkhorn coral living in water with excess carbon dioxide have been studied for fertilization rates, ability of larvae to settle on reef substrate (where they produce new corals), and subsequent growth and survival.3 Three levels of carbon dioxide were tested, corresponding to concentrations today, at mid-century, and at the end of the century on a high - emissions path.3, 5 At the mid-century concentration, the ability of fertilization to occur and for larvae to settle successfully on the reef was significantly reduced: around 52 percent, and the decline intensified to about 73 percent at the late - century concentration.3 The corals» ability to survive over the long run declined as well, by an average of 39 percent and 50 percent respectively.3, 4
In heating climates, mold growth on interior surfaces occurs during the heating season because the interior surfaces of exterior walls are cool from heat loss and because moisture levels within the conditioned space are too high.
But according to Breakthrough Institute the highest rebound in energy use from efficiency occurs «not at the consumer level but in the productive sectors of the economy (industry and commerce) improving the efficiency of a steel plant may result in lower cost of steel, greater demand for steel, and also create greater economic growth - all of which will drive significant rebound in energy use following efficiency improvements.»
Increased weed and pest pressure associated with longer growing seasons and warmer winters will be an increasingly important challenge; there are already examples of earlier arrival and increased populations of some insect pests such as corn earworm.64 Furthermore, many of the most aggressive weeds, such as kudzu, benefit more than crop plants from higher atmospheric carbon dioxide, and become more resistant to herbicide control.72 Many weeds respond better than most cash crops to increasing carbon dioxide concentrations, particularly «invasive» weeds with the so - called C3 photosynthetic pathway, and with rapid and expansive growth patterns, including large allocations of below - ground biomass, such as roots.73 Research also suggests that glyphosate (for example, Roundup), the most widely - used herbicide in the United States, loses its efficacy on weeds grown at the increased carbon dioxide levels likely to occur in the coming decades.74 To date, all weed / crop competition studies where the photosynthetic pathway is the same for both species favor weed growth over crop growth as carbon dioxide is increased.72
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