Sentences with phrase «occurs after ingestion»

The thermic effect of food, also known as diet - induced thermogenesis or postprandial thermogenesis, is a reference to the increase in metabolic rate (i.e. the rate at which your body burns calories) that occurs after ingestion of food.
The research team found that symptoms such as fatigue, cognitive difficulties, or mood disturbance — which occur after ingestion of wheat, rye, or barley in foods — can be explained by a weak intestinal barrier.

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They usually appear in the first years of life and manifest themselves in the form of itchy rashes and facial swellings, which occur shortly after food ingestion.
Damage of the kind duplicated in the laboratory occurs naturally after exposure to radiation and perhaps also after ingestion of toxic chemicals such as those used in chemotherapy.
The clinical picture of NCGS is a combination of IBS - like symptoms, behaviour disturbances and systemic manifestations.8... systemic manifestations (tiredness, headache, fibromyalgia - like joint or muscle pain, leg or arm numbness, «foggy mind,» dermatitis or skin rash, depression, anxiety, and anaemia) may be common.9, 10 The symptoms occur soon after gluten ingestion, improving or disappearing within hours or a few days after gluten withdrawal and then relapsing following its reintroduction.7
During or immediately after the ingestion of histamine - rich food or alcohol, rhinorrea or nasal obstruction may occur in patients with histamine intolerance; in extreme cases, asthma attacks also may occur.
Perhaps distinguishing between chest pain that occurs shortly after occasional nut ingestion and chest pain after an extended period of nut eating might be suggestive.
Carbohydrate intolerance is a metabolic disorder that occurs when the body becomes unable to correctly process carbohydrates, producing an adverse responses to further carbohydrate ingestion, such as sleepiness after meals, fluctuating energy levels, etc..
Conclusion «Caffeine might not attenuate the ergogenic benefits of creatine, if the ingestion of caffeine occurred after the creatine loading phase», the Taiwanese summarise.
Vomiting and / or diarrhea often occurs within the first few hours, and after 24 hours of ingestion, vomit and fecal contents may contain pieces of grapes and / or raisins.
Kidney failure may occur 24 — 72 hours after ingestion of ethylene glycol.
These signs can occur between 30 minutes to 12 hours after ingestion.
Signs of grape toxicity include vomiting, diarrhea and lethargy that occur about 12 hours after ingestion.
This occurs hours to a couple of days after ingestion.
In cases of severe poisoning, death due to respiratory failure can occur as soon as four hours after ingestion.
Most symptoms occur less than 12 hours after ingestion.
In SIBO, elevated breath H2 concentrations occur within 1 to 2 hours after ingestion of the test substrate.
While low blood sugar can occur very quickly — as soon as 30 minutes after ingestion — it can take up to 12 hours for symptoms to appear after ingestion.
These signs can occur anywhere between 30 minutes to 12 hours after ingestion.
Signs of illness occur around 30 minutes after ingestion of the mushroom.
Acute renal failure usually occurs within 1 - 3 days after ingestion, and fatality usually follows within 5 days if left untreated.
The initial stages of lily toxicity typically occur 30 minutes to 2 hours after ingestion of the plant and common symptoms include vomiting, lethargy & depression, and loss of appetite.
Ingestion of tinsel can lead to a linear foreign body obstruction, a type of intestinal obstruction that is a surgical emergency and can be life threatening if not treated soon after it occurs.
Pets who don't receive medical attention until several days or more after the ingestion has occurred typically suffer the most serious medical complications.
Peak drug concentrations occur about 3 hours after ingestion, and the results of toxicity include GI bleeding and kidney failure.
The symptoms of poisoning which may occur 24 hours after ingestion include tremors, weakness, lethargy, increased heart rate and seizures; it would be best to keep a close eye on Mya for a few days and rush her to your Veterinarian if you notice any of the above symptoms.
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