Sentences with phrase «ocean absorption»

doi: 10.1073 / pnas.1618926114 Press release, USGS: Ocean Absorption of Carbon Dioxide More than Makes Up for Methane Emissions from Seafloor Methane Seeps
CO2 then also feeds back via ocean absorption / outgassing regulated by SST's.
Ocean absorption is a result of both the higher concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere and the alkaline nature of seawater (Note that this absorption that is leading to the «other» CO2 problem, ocean acidification — which may prove detrimental to coral reefs and other organisms that use carbonate).
OK, Christopher and others commenting on my post, here is my big picture understanding of the ocean absorption of CO2 issue.
Perhaps the negative feedback of cloud cover has kicked in, dampening global warming, or the ocean absorption of atmospheric heat is playing a new and more decisive role.
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