Sentences with phrase «ocean climate inertia»

If we stopped emitting carbon per tomorrow and halted the rise in CO2 concentrations the world's measured temperature rise would likely double still, due to ocean climate inertia mostly.]

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«At first, tropical ocean temperature contrast between Pacific and Atlantic causes slow climate variability due to its large thermodynamical inertia, and then affects the atmospheric high - pressure ridge off the California coast via global teleconnections.
The delayed action is a property of the climate system, which also affects greenhouse gases, and is caused by the oceans which act as a flywheel due to their great heat capacity and thermal inertia.
This approach accounts for the delayed response of the climate system caused by the large thermal inertia of the ocean, yielding a global mean temporal response in close accord with that obtained from global climate models.
The ocean's thermal inertia, which delays some global warming for decades and even centuries, is accounted for in global climate models and its effect is confirmed via measurements of Earth's energy balance (see next section).
However, effec - tive communication with the public of the urgency to stem human - caused climate change is hampered by the inertia of the climate system, especially the ocean and the ice sheets, which respond rather slowly to climate forcings, thus allow - ing future consequences to build up before broad public con - cern awakens.
Andrew (# 25): I think one key for untangling climate system inertia and climate sensitivity is to improve our understanding of how heat is entering the oceans.
«Somewhat counter-intuitively, a land — sea surface warming ratio greater than unity during transient climate change is actually not mainly a result of the differing thermal inertias of land and ocean, but primarily originates in the differing properties of the surface and boundary layer (henceforth BL) over land and ocean (Manabe et al. 1991; Sutton et al. 2007; Joshi et al. 2008 (henceforth JGW08), Dong et al. 2009) as well as differing cloud feedbacks (Fasullo 2010; Andrews et al. 2010).»
This kind of forecast doesn't depend too much on the models at all — it is mainly related to the climate sensitivity which can be constrained independently of the models (i.e. via paleo - climate data), moderated by the thermal inertia of the oceans and assuming the (very likely) continuation of CO2 emissions at present or accelerated rates.
Since Mars has no oceans and a thin atmosphere, the thermal inertia is low, and Martian climate is easily perturbed by external influences, including solar variations.
The «warming» of the troposphere as measured by sensible heat is only one very small part of the energy in the overall climate system, and the part with the very lowest thermal inertia and very sensitive to very small changes in ocean to atmosphere sensible and latent heat flux such as we see in the ENSO cycle.
'' This offers supporting evidence that the earth's spin rate is currently increasing, in agreement with Laws of Conservation of Angular Momentum due to a reduction in the earth's spin axis Moment of Inertia, that in turn suggests there is a mechanism in the current part of the Donn and Ewing climate cycle that is transferring equatorial ocean water to ice in polar regions.....
and gradual decrease in the spin axis Moment of Inertia of the earth that could be associated with a climate mechanism that transfers equatorial ocean water to the polar regions in a new trend of polar ice build - up.
The first is climate inertia — on very many levels, from fossil lock - in emissions (decades), ocean - atmospheric temperature inertia (yet more decades), Earth system temperature inertia (centuries to millennia) to ecological climate impact inertia (impacts becoming worse over time under a constant stress)-- all this to illustrate anthropogenic climate change, although already manifesting itself, is still very much an escalating problem for the future.
In the real climate system, at any particular time the actual change in climate would lag behind the corresponding equilibrium change for any given CO2 level, largely because of the thermal inertia of the oceans.
Apart of course from the amount of greenhouse gases we keep pumping into the atmosphere, there are mainly three factors that determine the amount of warming we will experience in the near future: CO2 climate sensitivity, ocean thermal inertia, and... Continue reading →
The inertia, especially of the ocean and ice sheets, allows us to introduce powerful climate forcings such as atmospheric CO2 with only moderate initial response.
Part of problem is that even with current levels of emissions, the inertia of the climate system means that not all of the warming those emissions will cause has happened yet — a certain amount is «in the pipeline» and will only rear its head in the future, because the ocean absorbs some of the heat, delaying the inherent atmospheric warming for decades to centuries.
Given the inertia of natural systems exposed to the solar influences, like the Earth atmosphere - ocean system, this cycle clustering could still induce a peak in the external responses to solar activity, like the Earth climate.
Given the high thermal inertia of the ocean and it's large heat capacity, the climate can be controlled to the extent the ocean heat content can be controlled.
1) It is such a smal part of Earth's energy system 2) It has such a low thermal inertia 3) It is so easily influenced by ocean cycles (i.e. the troposphere is the tail being wagged by the dog) 4) It is a poor metric (really a poor proxy) for climate sensitivity to GH gas forcing because energy quickly takes so many other forms in the system
Have no idea who the «climate clique» is, but the greater energy storage capacity and greater thermal inertia of the oceans combined with the fact that net heat flow is always from oceans to atmosphere would dictate that the oceans would show more consistent long - term warming than the atmosphere.
A slower growth rate of the net climate forcing may have contributed to the standstill of global temperature in the past decade, but it can not explain the standstill, because it is known that the planet has been out of energy balance, more energy coming in from the sun than energy being radiated to space.10 The planetary energy imbalance is due largely to the increase of climate forcings in prior decades and the great thermal inertia of the ocean.
This is mostly due to the extreme thermal inertia of the oceans and therefore the climate system as a whole.
The cryosphere derives its importance to the climate system from a variety of effects, including its high reflectivity (albedo) for solar radiation, its low thermal conductivity, its large thermal inertia, its potential for affecting ocean circulation (through exchange of freshwater and heat) and atmospheric circulation (through topographic changes), its large potential for affecting sea level (through growth and melt of land ice), and its potential for affecting greenhouse gases (through changes in permafrost)(Chapter 4).
AGW climate scientists seem to ignore that while the earth's surface may be warming, our atmosphere above 10,000 ft. above MSL is a refrigerator that can take water vapor scavenged from the vast oceans on earth (which are also a formidable heat sink), lift it to cold zones in the atmosphere by convective physical processes, chill it (removing vast amounts of heat from the atmosphere) or freeze it, (removing even more vast amounts of heat from the atmosphere) drop it on land and oceans as rain, sleet or snow, moisturizing and cooling the soil, cooling the oceans and building polar ice caps and even more importantly, increasing the albedo of the earth, with a critical negative feedback determining how much of the sun's energy is reflected back into space, changing the moment of inertia of the earth by removing water mass from equatorial latitudes and transporting this water vapor mass to the poles, reducing the earth's spin axis moment of inertia and speeding up its spin rate, etc..
This model took into account the different atmospheric lifetimes of different greenhouse gases and the different radiative forcings of each gas, and also considered delays in the climate system caused primarily by the thermal inertia of the ocean.
The climate system has large thermal inertia (mostly from the oceans), and doesn't respond much to the «rapid» signal of an 11 year cycle.
This approach accounts for the delayed response of the climate system caused by the large thermal inertia of the ocean, yielding a global mean temporal response in close accord with that obtained from global climate models.
The ocean's thermal inertia, which delays some global warming for decades and even centuries, is accounted for in global climate models and its effect is confirmed via measurements of Earth's energy balance (see next section).
Increased global temperature persists for many centuries after the climate forcing declines, because of the thermal inertia of the ocean [198].
Effects of large mega volcanoes stay with the climate system for a long time through sea ice feedbacks and ocean thermal inertia.
Many continued to believe that the oceans could only vary gradually over thousands of years, with a thermal inertia that must moderate any climate changes.
No: that is the beauty of using top of atmosphere radiative balance data — it automatically reflects the flow of heat into the ocean, so thermal inertia of the oceans is irrelevant to the estimate of equilibrium climate sensitivity that it provides, unlike with virtally all other instrumental methods.
We now have clear evidence of the crisis, provided by increasingly detailed information about how Earth responded to perturbing forces during its history (very sensitively, with some lag caused by the inertia of massive oceans) and by observations of changes that are beginning to occur around the globe in response to ongoing climate change.
Yesterday we saw that combining ocean thermal inertia, ocean carbon cycle inertia and climate sensitivity fast feedback inertia, there may still be a warming time lag of up to 10 years (the first years of which show rapid warming, beyond which we see progression to asymptote).
Climate change commitment - Due to the thermal inertia of the ocean and slow processes in the biosphere, the cryosphere and land surfaces, the climate would continue to change even if the atmospheric composition were held fixed at today's Climate change commitment - Due to the thermal inertia of the ocean and slow processes in the biosphere, the cryosphere and land surfaces, the climate would continue to change even if the atmospheric composition were held fixed at today's climate would continue to change even if the atmospheric composition were held fixed at today's values.
It may be premature to make such a comparison, however, since it is uncertain when all of the warming would be felt, given the lag times of up to a century that are imposed on the climate system by the thermal inertia of the oceans.
This is mostly the result of the extremely large thermal inertia of the oceans and therefore the climate system as a whole, and it means that our actions today, or our inactions, will have consequences felt several decades hence.
Earth's response to climate forcings is slowed by the inertia of the global ocean and the great ice sheets on Greenland and Antarctica, which require centuries, millennia or longer to approach their full response to a climate forcing.
The 2008 paper, Irreversible climate change due to carbon dioxide emissions, by Solomon et al., says that the climate change that takes place due to increases in carbon dioxide concentration is largely irreversible for 1,000 years after emissions stop, due to the thermal inertia of the oceans.
The inertia of the oceans has already baked 0.6 degrees C — 11 years later now closer to 0.7 degrees C — into the climate system due to 37.5 years» worth of thermal inertia over and above the +1.22 0.14 temperature anomaly recorded by NOAA in March, 2016.
The fundamental deduction (subject to the assumption of IPCC climate sensitivity) is that if we get rid of the ABCs today the Earth could warm another 1.6 ° (which includes the delayed warming caused by ocean thermal inertia) unless we act now to reduce GHG concentrations.
Today we know that the climate system responds with a time lag due to ocean thermal inertia.
It is the thermal inertia of the climate (almost entirely in the oceans) that cause warming to lag GHG increases.
Or its origins may be internal to the climate system and arise from interactions between the atmosphere, oceans, cryosphere, and land surface, which depend on the very different thermal inertia of these components.
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