Sentences with phrase «ocean gyres»

Ocean gyres are large rotating systems of currents in the oceans. They act like giant whirlpools, moving water in a circular motion. These gyres help distribute heat around the Earth and also affect weather patterns and the movement of marine life and debris. Full definition
Characteristic features of «accelerated warming decades» are anomalous cooling on the surface of the North Atlantic subpolar gyre (a clockwise circulating gyre south of Greenland), and cooling of all the subtropical ocean gyres as they begin to spin - down in response to the weak wind - forcing.
In Ocean Gyre Circulation Changes Associated with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) Curry (2001) created a Transport Index illustrating the correlation between the pole - ward transport of warm tropical water and the North Atlantic Oscillation.
Reductions in seafloor POC flux will be most drastic, on a percentage basis, in the oceanic gyres and equatorial upwelling zones, with the northern and southern Pacific Ocean and southern Indian Ocean gyres experiencing as much as a 32 — 40 % decline in POC flux (Tables 2, 3; Figures 2, 3).
As may be expected from the positions of ocean currents, most mixing in the upper layers of the ocean takes place on the western boundaries of ocean gyres where the current speeds are greatest.
Winds and great ocean gyres spin up in negative phases of the polar annual modes.
To figure out how much refuse is floating in those garbage patches, four ships of the Malaspina expedition, a global research project studying the oceans, fished for plastic across all five major ocean gyres in 2010 and 2011.
Hatun et al. also used altimeter data (local sea level height measurements from satellite observations) to diagnose the norther oceans gyre circulation.
For years, scientists have warned that the world's oceans are becoming a plastic soup, with ocean gyres where plastic and other debris build up (also known as «garbage patches») covering a quarter of the earth's surface.
And I do think there are a number of questions about interpretation of observations, and the details of the climate model experiment (the very large exponentially increasing freshwater fluxes, the low - resolution of the ocean which obscures the potentially important role of wind - driven ocean gyres, etc.).
SeaWiFS data show that photosynthesizing organisms have declined in certain ocean gyres (large - scale surface current patterns), said Jim Yoder, a scientist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, in a NASA article commemorating the end of SeaWiFS's mission.
Everything happens slowly in the North Pacific gyre, one of the five largest ocean gyres in the world.
In the northern Mozambique channel and the Raja Ampat archipelago in Indonesia, for instance, upwelling and ocean gyres bring cool water that has allowed fragile corals to escape bleaching.
She set off to attack it from all angles, chasing ocean gyres (huge areas of plastic pollution that accumulated in the water) and organizing beach cleanups on remote islands.
and how about nasa's recent report of the apparent arctic ocean gyre reversal to clockwise that is underway — that the counterclockwise gyre of the arctic ocean rotation (since 1989) which apparently also been largely responsible for centrifigally pushing arctic ice into warmer waters, speeding melting — should now predictably result in increasing amounts of ice due to the centripetal pull of the ice toward the north pole?
Low solar activity spins up the great ocean gyres producing more frequent La Niña and a cooler northeastern Pacific (more upwelling)-- and vice versa.
The North Pacific and North Atlantic subtropical ocean gyres are surface intensified, i.e. they don't reach down as deep into the ocean as the southern hemisphere gyres.
All five of the Earth's major ocean gyres are inundated with plastic pollution.
The research team, including the authors of the study, Peter Davison and Rebecca Asch, traveled across hundreds of miles of the North Pacific ocean gyre, collecting fish specimens, water samples and marine debris at depths ranging from the surface to thousands of feet under.
We find that the energy transport associated with wind - driven ocean gyres is closely coupled to the energy transport of the midlatitude atmosphere so that, for example, the heat transport of both systems scales in approximately the same way with the meridional temperature gradient in midlatitudes.
What's more, these fluctuations in the model's ocean gyre circulation were strongly correlated with the local surface wind field.
The pattern the water circulation forms in that region is called the Indian Ocean Gyre, one of five of the major ocean gyres of the world that scientists have identified so far.
Moreover, the few existing community - level studies were mostly conducted in rather eutrophic environments, while less attention has been paid to oligotrophic systems such as the subtropical ocean gyres.
Imagining artistic practice as a sedimentary process of material and social transformation (akin to a trash heap or scrap yard), Alli works in installation, performance, image - making and visual research to rummage in the aesthetics of precarity, collapse, and by extension, the vast formlessness of the Earth's ocean gyres.
As shown in Levitus (2012) most of the warming is beneath the subtropical ocean gyres.
This is to be expected because the spin - up of the wind - driven ocean circulation speeds up the currents (Ekman transport) which carry heat out of the tropics in the near - surface layers toward the subtropical ocean gyres.
• Great North Pacific or Eastern Garbage Patch • South Pacific Gyre • North Atlantic or Sargasso Sea Gyre • South Atlantic Gyre • Indian ocean Gyre
Thanks Rob for mentioning the ocean gyres.
Rob Painting: The transport of heat down into the surface to deep ocean occurs via the subtropical ocean gyres.
The main mechanism for wind - driven mixing into the deep ocean (down to around 2000 metres) is via convergence of warm tropical surface water in the subtropical ocean gyres.
Most of the deep ocean warming is occurring in the subtropical ocean gyres - vast rotating masses of water in each ocean basin where near - surface currents converge and are forced downward into the ocean interior.
Note that there is also poleward transport in the shallow currents at the western edge of each subtropical ocean gyre - known as western boundary currents.
These subtropical ocean gyres are large rotating masses of surface water which occupy the mid-latitudes of each ocean basin.
A near - coherent spin - up of all five subtropical ocean gyres was observed from the early / mid 1990's through to about 2004, when a peak was reached.
The latest Pacific Ocean climate shift in 1998/2001 is linked to increased flow in the north (Di Lorenzo et al, 2008) and the south (Roemmich et al, 2007, Qiu, Bo et al 2006) Pacific Ocean gyres.
These changes in low solar activity push polar storms into lower latitudes and spin up ocean gyres.
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