Sentences with phrase «ocean mud»

In our body products, ocean mud improves circulation, balances body pH levels and reduces inflammatory conditions.
Not the least of the challenges is that marine hydrate deposits are located in ocean mud up to a kilometer below the seafloor.
Digging through metres of ocean mud from depths of 3,800 metres, the team studied the dissolution of fossil plankton shells that was closely linked to the chemical signature of different water masses.
They are defined as species with bony skeletal structures and have teeth that are well preserved in deep ocean mud.
Our organic, hand - harvested ocean mud is a nature's perfect sphere, making it the perfect exfoliator for our skin.
In kid - friendly language, the authors incorporate the work of nearly forty - five scientists into easily - understood reads, ranging from Dr. Camille Parmesan's information on the Edith's checkerspot butterfly, to Dr. Lloyd Keigwin, who studies ancient ocean mud cores.
Earth scientist Aradhna Tripati of the University of California, Los Angeles's Department of Earth and Space Sciences and her colleagues extracted a record of past atmospheric concentrations of CO2 stretching back 20 million years from the shells of tiny creatures known as foraminifera buried in a column of ocean mud and rock.
Large changes in climate are recorded in ice cores, ocean mud and over the last two centuries, instrumental records.
There's a great story there, the story of how we've wrestled information out of the records that have been left in the ice, or in ocean mud, or in tree rings, of how the system has changed in the past and how we worked out why these things have changed in the past.
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