Sentences with phrase «ocean oxygen levels»

One problem is that researchers haven't been studying ocean oxygen levels that long, so there isn't an extensive history of data collection to draw on.
The maps could also be useful resources for deciding where to place instruments to monitor ocean oxygen levels in the future to get the best picture of climate change impacts.
And no one knows how the biological pump will respond to human influences such as climate change and the accompanying acidification of ocean waters, or to decreases in ocean oxygen levels driven by the excess of nutrients that wastewater treatment, agriculture, and other human activities are putting into the ocean.
Conducting global research on how climate change is impacting ocean oxygen levels has been an ongoing challenge for ocean scientists.
The latest results come at a time when scientists are already reconsidering what was happening to ocean oxygen levels during this crucial period.
Koslow said that for the most part, the public was not as aware of the effects of climate change on ocean oxygen levels.
«If a civilization uses fossil fuels, the climate change they trigger can lead to a large decrease in ocean oxygen levels.
Previous research has also suggested that ocean oxygen levels are going down globally.
Ocean oxygen levels have been dropping since the 1980s in a pattern consistent with expectations from global warming, according to a new analysis of 50 years of global ocean data.
If a civilization uses fossil fuels, the climate change they trigger can lead to a large decrease in ocean oxygen levels.
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