Sentences with phrase «ocean productivity which»

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The lab results are now being integrated into biogeochemical models, which calculate the productivity of the ocean of the future and the limits of carbon storage.
That was the key message of a new study recently published in the journal Science, in which American and German biologists defined the first universal principle on the combined effects of ocean warming and oxygen loss on the productivity of marine life forms.
They found the same pattern occurring across continents and various ocean locations — as well as across various levels of productivity and diversity — all of which showed shifts in the way symbiotic organisms interacted.
These processes included dust deposition, and ocean acidification and warming, which were shown to have a significant impact on oceanic phytoplankton growth, cell size and primary productivity, biological N2 fixation, phytoplankton distribution and community composition.
Named one of Time Magazine's «Heroes for the Planet,» Earle is a former chief scientist for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and founder of SEAlliance, which partnered with National Geographic on Mission Blue to further global initiatives aimed at restoring health and productivity to the ocean.
The initiated deglaciation charges the Arctic Basin with organic matter (enhanced marine productivity) and causes at least surface stratification, which will likely slow ocean currents and causes oxygen depletion.
Fertilizing the surface ocean with iron increases biological productivity, but the resulting carbon dioxide removal will be much less than expected due to the increased productivity of diatoms, which incorporate and remove the bioavailable iron.
We don't have good information on the base of the food chain for most of the past — that's just «noise» but now that we start having ways to track trends in primary productivity — what's being made out of sunlight, water and CO2, by which organisms, and how fast do their populations change (remembering that some plankton populations turn over a new generation in a couple of weeks so relative numbers of different species can change that fast across the oceans).
In other areas, increased upwelling can lead to stimulated productivity, which can also lead to more organic carbon entering the deep ocean, where it is consumed, decreasing oxygen levels (medium confidence).
As one example of this the major oxygen minimum zones of the tropical oceans are expanding which may have significant implications for future nutrient cycles and hence ocean productivity.
Current and projected increases in Alaska's ocean temperatures and changes in ocean chemistry are expected to alter the distribution and productivity of Alaska's marine fisheries, which lead the U.S. in commercial value.
We argue that this focus overlooks the important role of ocean acidification as a resource, which can enhance the productivity of algae known to influence the status of kelp forests and coral reefs (i.e. mat - forming algae or mats).
Cool the planet a bit, and that should increase the amount of CO2 held in oceans, and increase the oceans biological productivity, which would remove some CO2.
The result was about double that of net productivity, which balances photosynthetic carbon uptake in oceans with carbon released by the respiration of primary producers in the ocean.
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