Sentences with phrase «ocean sink»

This study matches other recent research on ocean sink saturation.
Key climate targets might not be met if future land and ocean sinks weaken in ways we can not now predict.
«Although these studies represent an intriguing new picture of the Southern Ocean sink in the recent past, it is not yet clear how this region will respond to future changes in climate,» she wrote.
Ok, between your rough calculation and tonto52's / max's discussion about ocean sink uptake, the range of estimated temp increase could be 2.2 deg C (worse case) and 1.0 deg C (best case) if a stringent 50 % emission reduction plan were successfully implemented.
The Southern Ocean sink strength is, at present, determined by the winds in that part of the world.
«The abyssal waters of the World Ocean sink in the Southern Ocean, and flow northward along the seafloor in submarine streams.
Everett F Sargent # 12: Ocean carbon storage is ~ 20x land storage, but average ocean sink in a given year is about the same as the average land sink.
Funny how difficult it is for him and his fellow denialati to look at 1) where that carbon came from 2) its isotopic composition 3) the fact that it takes a while for permafrost to melt and oceans to become a source rather than a sink 4) the fact that humans are producing about 2x as much carbon as is going into the atmosphere 5) the remaining CO2 is acidifying the oceans
And, yes, scientists are still trying to determine how much things like El Niño, excess water vapor and ocean sinks mask the extent of how rapidly the planet is warming from greenhouse gases.
«Combined, the Earth's land and ocean sinks absorb about half of all carbon dioxide emissions from human activities,» said Paul Fraser of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.
Permafrost outgassing is similarly a major issue — and what about all the studies on the Southern Ocean sink saturation — they don't matter either?
«The Southern Ocean sink was less effective.»
«To put this in some kind of context, if those small scale eddies did not increase with wind stress then the saturation of carbon dioxide in the Southern Ocean sink would occur twice as rapidly and more heat would enter our atmosphere and sooner.»
The same models that get the ocean sink right today also predict that not all of the carbon will go into the ocean (if the researcher runs the model that long).
«Fifty years ago, for every tonne of CO2 emitted, 600 kg were removed by land and ocean sinks.
Off the California coast, a 9,000 pound ghost net is being removed from a ship sunk in 2006, thanks to a group of SCUBA divers and the Ocean
Frankly I doubt you can find many, if any, reputable scientists — or even the few remaining deniers — who would say that if the ocean sink saturates, global warming won't get worse.
It will require precipitous emission reductions and a new carbon sink on the scale of the ocean sink within 40 years.
This is supported by the findings of Canadell et al., 2007 that, «Of the average 9.1 PgC y − 1 of total anthropogenic emissions (F Foss + F LUC) from 2000 to 2006, the AF was 0.45; almost half of the anthropogenic emissions remained in the atmosphere, and the rest were absorbed by land and ocean sinks
More dust, less sunlight, colder oceans, but more dust means that more dust falls on the oceans, which means the more iron fertilization of photosynthetic organisms there is, the higher the level of photosynthesis, so the more CO2 is converted into biomass, so more organic carbon falls to the sea bed, so the more atmospheric carbon disappears into the ocean sink, and also the wider the oxic band at the oceans surface and so more methane is oxidized on the way to the surface.
Globally, the combined natural land and ocean sinks of CO2 kept up with the atmospheric rate of increase, removing 55 % of the total anthropogenic emissions every year on average during 1958 — 2011.
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