Sentences with phrase «ocean sloshing»

In this case, though, the heat produced not volcanoes but a warm ocean sloshing beneath Europa's icy crust.
The complicated currents within the ocean slosh the growing heat around, in 2D (ENSO, PDO, NAO, AO, AAO) and 3D (thermohaline conveyor belt, coastal upwellings, ocean terrain dependent vertical currents, etc).

Not exact matches

And the fact that Earth's spin rate wasn't slowing down as quickly then as it is today hints that our planet had little or no ocean to slosh about and slow down our planet's spin rate for its first 500 million years, the findings suggest.
We also find heat sloshing around the world's oceans, which absorb 93 quadrillion watts of the sun's energy — a hundred thousand times more power than could be produced by all the power plants in the United States put together.
Scientists using NASA's Cassini spacecraft have found hints of waves sloshing on Titan, Saturn's largest moon — the first time waves like those in Earth's oceans have ever been found on another world.
Note that this sampling noise in the tide gauge data most likely comes from the water sloshing around in the ocean under the influence of winds etc., which looks like sea - level change if you only have a very limited number of measurement points, although this process can not actually change the true global - mean sea level.
It may sound a bit nitpicking, but water sloshing in a bathtub is a gravity wave, water height in the ocean varying on decadal or longer scales must be totally different physics.
and don't understand that the oceans hold about 1000X the heat content of the atmosphere, and that things «slosh around» in the short term.
In particular, the slope of the ocean surface across the Pacific has increased by 20 cm, and the water wants to slosh back but is prevented by stronger easterly trade winds.
So the ocean surface was warmed in the east Pacific but there wasn't the eastward slosh amplification of El Nino per se.
Now if you can figure out how much of the warming is due to CO2 and how much is due to longer term natural ocean «sloshing» around, then you can come up with an educated estimate of impact due to CO2.
Then some mysterious combination of flagging trades, QBO, and the up and downwelling effects of Rossby and Kelvin waves sloshing back and forth across the Pacific; suddenly releases this mechanically submerged warm water eastward across the Pacific ocean surface.
I don't know about heat sloshed under the poles but I need a slosh of scotch heat after this; since you know Bob well you will know he has discussed a reemergence mechanism to explain how the ocean can put heat into the atmosphere in an El Nino year yet keep warming itself; and despite the fact that the oceans are a complex eddying mess the fact remains that AGW is a top down heater; if the oceans were going to be heated by AGW a shallow ocean would be heating; but it ain't:
The heat is sloshing across the oceans, and vertically, from top to below, or below to top.
I wouldn't be surprised that over longer terms than we have decent data, it doesn't slosh through the arctic ocean both directions at different times, as well as circular ocean currents in both northern and southern oceans while waters flow through the arctic in the north, and around Antarctica in the Southern ocean.
This is one of those phenomenon that should exist if ENSO is being described as a «sloshing» of the Pacific ocean's waters.
That oscillation refers to the sloshing of warmth from the northern Pacific Ocean to the southern Pacific, and back, over a cycle that takes anywhere from 15 to 30 years.
It sloshes back and forth as one would expect on a planet with vast oceans and atmosphere that are never in equilibrium, but does not warm as some claimed it would with slowly increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide.
In a nutshell, Zhao's technique, published in Geophysical Research Letters, extrapolates the temperature of the ocean's innards by using satellites to measure the daily sloshings of the seas that are created by the moon.
As with most places, the ocean has sloshed up and down a bit at Sydney.
For all I know, there may be heat coming out of the ocean that was stored there during the Roman Warm Period and has been sloshing around ever since, but we can't even think about that now, according to his own rules of RCA.
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