Sentences with phrase «ocean vents»

(singular: archaeon) a group of tiny organisms often living in extreme environments, such as ocean vents and salt lakes.
AB: Since many astrobiologists are currently examining hydrothermal vents, in search of extremophiles, does the prebiotic chemistry actually get decomposed rather than enhanced by the presence of such ocean venting?
A marine biologist describes her upcoming mission to some of the deepest hydrothermal vents in the ocean
With heat, water and nutrients, subsurface Europa could resemble the deep - sea ocean vents on Earth that support vast ecosystems.
Now, new research offers a potential solution: Longer RNA chains could have hidden out in porous rocks near volcanic sites such as hydrothermal ocean vents, where unique temperature conditions might have helped complex organisms evolve.
Methane bubbles are coming up from ocean vents off the Washington and Oregon coast, and a new study identified warming ocean temperatures one - third of a mile below the surface as likely responsible.
A science teacher pointed out to me that those little organisms that live near the deep ocean vents will no doubt carry on living here.)
Ahalf - century later, biologists began finding microbes living, inconceivably, attemperatures of nearly 250 degrees in hot springs and ocean vents.
WUWT reader Pethefin writes: Finally someone addresses the really big elephant in the room: the ocean vents and their role in climate modelling: I covered this possibility in a previous post: Do underwater volcanoes have an effect on ENSO?
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