Sentences with phrase «oceans and atmosphere at»

If we weren't adding ghgs to the oceans and the atmosphere at the rate we are, that selfsame science would be devoted to calculating and explaining how, why and where things should cool down in accordance with our current inter-glacial status.
The influxes and outfluxes are directly proportional to the ΔpCO2 between oceans and atmosphere at any ocean area.
So, this isn't a joke — we're talking about humans polluting the oceans and atmosphere at their peril.

Not exact matches

For much of the history of space exploration on Earth, the powerful rockets used to propel people and cargo to orbit or beyond typically end up in a watery grave at the bottom of the ocean or eventually burning up in the atmosphere.
A geophysicist at the University of Washington and director of the Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean, he is at the forefront of research on geoengineering, a science that focuses on manipulating the environment to, among other ends, combat climate change.
«For example, [measuring] chlorophyll a will give you information about how much biological activity is going on, and eventually more information about the concentration of carbon dioxide within the ocean and the atmosphere,» said Yoshihisa Shirayama, executive director of research at the Japan Agency for Marine - Earth Science and Technology in Tokyo.
The process may also play a part in the mixing between atmosphere and oceans, as smaller bubbles tend to absorb gas faster than big ones and are better at spitting out aerosol droplets when they pop.
A study led by scientists at the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel shows that the ocean currents influence the heat exchange between ocean and atmosphere and thus can explain climate variability on decadal time scOcean Research Kiel shows that the ocean currents influence the heat exchange between ocean and atmosphere and thus can explain climate variability on decadal time scocean currents influence the heat exchange between ocean and atmosphere and thus can explain climate variability on decadal time scocean and atmosphere and thus can explain climate variability on decadal time scales.
Donald Hunten of the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory at the University of Arizona at Tucson claims to know the answer: His observations of falling particles in Titan's atmosphere indicate that the putative ocean consists of a solid pile of «smust.»
A study released last month in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres used three different models to run the same SSCE scenario in which sea - salt engineering was used in the low - latitude oceans to keep top - of - atmosphere radiative forcing at the 2020 level for 50 years and was then abruptly turned off for 20 years.
«Our work pinpoints the time when the ocean began accumulating oxygen at levels that would substantially change the ocean's chemistry and it's about 250 million years earlier than what we knew for the atmosphere.
«No one was really looking at how the isotopic signals that were being generated in the atmosphere and the ocean were being transformed in the sediment.
But what has not been calculated before is the impact that the copepod's long journey and hibernation at depth has on the ability of the ocean to store carbon dioxide removed from the atmosphere.
In the report, an international team of climate scientists warns policy - makers that levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are at the extreme end of predictions made only in 2007, and that natural CO2 sinks such as oceans are becoming saturated.
«We are extremely pleased at the conference report that came out and look forward to that being signed into law,» Glackin told the Senate Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries and Coast Guard Subcommittee.
Dave has been around for 35,000 years circulating among atmosphere and ocean, so I have Dave in a CO2 molecule going through the infrared gas analyzer at Mauna Loa Hawaii and, in a sense, participating in the discovery of the increasing amounts of CO2 in the atmosphere.
«As the climate gets warmer, the thawing permafrost not only enables the release of more greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, but our study shows that it also allows much more mineral - laden and nutrient - rich water to be transported to rivers, groundwater and eventually the Arctic Ocean,» explained Ryan Toohey, a researcher at the Interior Department's Alaska Climate Science Center in Anchorage and the lead author of the study.
«We're trying to understand how what we're doing to the Earth's atmosphere and oceans will play out in the future,» says Bette Otto - Bliesner, who runs a full - complexity climate model — and its 1.5 million lines of code — through a supercomputer named Yellowstone at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder.
Without the ozone layer, ultraviolet rays from the sun would reach the surface at nearly full force, causing skin cancer and, more seriously, killing off the tiny photosynthetic plankton in the ocean that provide oxygen to the atmosphere and bolster the bottom of the food chain.
Cantwell said that the science underway at DOE will be critical to understanding the impacts of the rising greenhouse - gas levels in the atmosphere — from Arctic sea - ice melt to ocean acidification — and maintaining US leadership in clean - energy technologies.
«We have toxic algae events that result in shellfish closures off the Washington and Oregon coast every three to five years or so, but none of them have been as large as this one,» said lead author Ryan McCabe, a research scientist at the UW's Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean, a collaborative center with NOAA.
«The atmosphere and the ocean are both complex dynamical systems,» he says, noting that computers are still not up to the task of handling them both at the same time.
Scientists took nearly 200,000 water, plankton, atmosphere particles and gases samples in 313 points of the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans at depths of up to 6,000 meters.
The collection of larger than usual amounts of Arctic winter weather data in 2015 was due to two reasons: the Norwegian research vessel Lance was in the Arctic Ocean observing and collecting upper atmosphere meteorological data, and the frequency of observation and data collection was increased at some of the land - based observation stations around the Arctic.
At the end of an ice age continental ice sheets, oceans and atmosphere change rapidly.
Study co-author Katy Sheen, a Postdoctoral Research Fellow from Ocean and Earth Science at the University of Southampton, says: «These findings will help us to understand the processes that drive the ocean circulation and mixing so that we can better predict how our Earth system will respond to the increased levels of carbon dioxide that we have released into the atmosphere.&rOcean and Earth Science at the University of Southampton, says: «These findings will help us to understand the processes that drive the ocean circulation and mixing so that we can better predict how our Earth system will respond to the increased levels of carbon dioxide that we have released into the atmosphere.&rocean circulation and mixing so that we can better predict how our Earth system will respond to the increased levels of carbon dioxide that we have released into the atmosphere
In the North Atlantic, more heat has been retained at deep levels as a result of changes to both the ocean and atmospheric circulations, which have led to the winter atmosphere extracting less heat from the ocean.
At present, the ocean takes up a quarter of the CO2 - released to the atmosphere by human industrial activities — with long - lasting consequences for the chemical composition of seawater and marine habitats.
Zehner says that the agency plans to build and launch at least five «sentinel» satellites to monitor not only trace gases that indicate pollution in the atmosphere, but also the surface temperature of the oceans, the movement of ice and the shifting of land masses.
«This means clumps of atoms surrounded by a bath at some temperature, like the atmosphere or the ocean, should tend over time to arrange themselves to resonate better and better with the sources of mechanical, electromagnetic or chemical work in their environments,» England explained.
Our goal was to fingerprint the source of methane in the Arctic Ocean to determine if ancient methane was being liberated from the seafloor and if it survives to be emitted to the atmosphere,» says Sparrow, who conducted the study, published in Science Advances, as part of her doctoral research at the University of Rochester.
At least over the oceans, the pre-industrial cloud conditions would have been considerably different from those of today; this implies that the aerosols we have been adding to the atmosphere may have had a significant effect on global patterns of cloud formation and rain.
«Once the ocean - atmosphere system was isolated, we could systematically probe how changes in the seawater due to biological activity affect the composition and climate properties of the sea spray aerosol,» said Prather, a professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry who holds a joint appointment at Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
«If this conclusion is confirmed by future observations, it would mean that the coastal ocean will become more and more efficient at removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere,» said Goulven Lurallue, the paper's lead author and a researcher with Université Libre de Bruxelles in Belgium.
And he wants Rear Admiral Timothy Gallaudet, a former oceanographer of the Navy, to be assistant secretary of commerce for oceans and atmosphere, the No. 2 job at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAAnd he wants Rear Admiral Timothy Gallaudet, a former oceanographer of the Navy, to be assistant secretary of commerce for oceans and atmosphere, the No. 2 job at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAand atmosphere, the No. 2 job at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAand Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Understanding how carbon flows between land, air and water is key to predicting how much greenhouse gas emissions the earth, atmosphere and ocean can tolerate over a given time period to keep global warming and climate change at thresholds considered tolerable.
Most methane hydrates are buried in ocean water so deep that the journey through the water column is too far for the gas to ever reach the atmosphere, according to Ed Dlugokencky, a researcher at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Thanks to industrialization, mercury levels in the atmosphere are at least three times higher than they were 150 years ago, and mercury levels in ocean surface waters are higher too.
«The whaling ships provide a rich resource for us to use for the region north of Bering Strait,» said project leader Kevin Wood, a research scientist at the Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and the Ocean, a partnership between the UW and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
said lead author Sarah Doherty, a research scientist at the UW's Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean.
Although the evidence was subsequently contested, some single - celled microbial life lacking a nucleus that segregates their internal DNA or RNA («prokaryotes») from the surrounding cytoplasm may have flourished in darkness within cracks in Earth's seafloor crust and around deep, warm or boiling hot ocean springs (hydrothermal or volcanic vents, such as at Lost City or at black smokers) without a need for light or free oxygen in the oceans or atmosphere.
However, radiation changes at the top of the atmosphere from the 1980s to 1990s, possibly related in part to the El Niño - Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon, appear to be associated with reductions in tropical upper - level cloud cover, and are linked to changes in the energy budget at the surface and changes in observed ocean heat content.
We seek to maintain healthy ocean ecosystems and support the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, while at the same time recognizing the need for considering our options for the removal of CO2 from the atmosphere.
According to Dr. Kevin Trenberth at NCAR in Boulder, Colo., an increase in water vapor floating overhead, triggered by warming of the atmosphere and oceans, is already loading the dice.
The observed fact that temperatures increases slower over the oceans than over land demonstrates that the large heat capacity of the ocean tries to hold back the warming of the air over the ocean and produces a delay at the surface but nevertheless the atmosphere responds quit rapidly to increasing greenhouse gases.
The finding suggests that microbes with the ability to produce oxygen were prolific at least locally around 3.46 billion years ago, releasing large quantities of this reactive molecular gas into the oceans and eventually the atmosphere by the end of this period (more).
At the same time, it will blow away Earth's atmosphere and boil its oceans, making the planet uninhabitable.
Field observations of microbes recovered from deep drill cores, deep mines, and the ocean floor, coupled with laboratory investigations, reveal that microbial life can exist at conditions of extreme temperatures (to above 110ºC) and pressures (to > 10,000 atmospheres) previous thought impossible.
But a study published Monday by the Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean, which is a project of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the University of Washington, points the climatological finger for most of the change at a different culprit.
The coastal ecosystems of mangroves, seagrass meadows and tidal marshes mitigate climate change by sequestering carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and oceans at significantly higher rates, per unit area, than terrestrial forests (Figure 1).
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