Sentences with phrase «oceans near both poles»

During a glacial period (ice age) the oceans near both poles are much colder so the amount of heavy oxygen is very small.
Heat does transfer from the warmer upper part of the ocean to the deeper cooler part, not the other way around as you claim, but it's balanced by flows of cold water descending into the deep ocean near the poles.

Not exact matches

Supposed calamities like the accelerated rise of sea level, ocean acidification, more extreme climate, tropical diseases near the poles, and so on are greatly exaggerated.
Scientists had suspected for a decade that the moon had a smaller sea, based on geysers spurting near its southern pole, but a widespread ocean means more room for otherworldly microbes to thrive.
Now, using gravity measurements collected by Cassini, scientists have confirmed that Enceladus does in fact harbor a large subsurface ocean near its south pole, beneath those tiger stripes.
«These rocks were deposited on the ocean floor 440 million years ago near the south pole, and its components were oriented in the direction of the Earth's magnetic field at the time (N - S),» explains Javier Fernández Lozano, a geologist at the University of Salamanca and co-author of the research.
The search for this subsurface ocean warmed up after scientists discovered plumes of mineral - rich water vapor squirting out of cracks near the south pole.
The Indian Ocean Garbage Patch on a continuous ocean map centered near the south pole The Indian Ocean garbage patch, discovered in 2010, is a gyre of marine litter suspended in the upper water column of the central Indian Ocean, specifically the Indian Ocean Gyre, one of the five major oceanic gOcean Garbage Patch on a continuous ocean map centered near the south pole The Indian Ocean garbage patch, discovered in 2010, is a gyre of marine litter suspended in the upper water column of the central Indian Ocean, specifically the Indian Ocean Gyre, one of the five major oceanic gocean map centered near the south pole The Indian Ocean garbage patch, discovered in 2010, is a gyre of marine litter suspended in the upper water column of the central Indian Ocean, specifically the Indian Ocean Gyre, one of the five major oceanic gOcean garbage patch, discovered in 2010, is a gyre of marine litter suspended in the upper water column of the central Indian Ocean, specifically the Indian Ocean Gyre, one of the five major oceanic gOcean, specifically the Indian Ocean Gyre, one of the five major oceanic gOcean Gyre, one of the five major oceanic gyres.
I was merely trying to figure how area such solar panel array would take up and this had nothing to do with costs but checking to see if it took up more area or somewhere close to areas of «peaks of eternal light»: «NASA and Europe revealed a small number of illuminated ridges within 15 km from the pole, each of them much like an island of no more than a few hundred meters across in an ocean of eternal darkness, where a lander could receive near - permanent lighting (~ 70 — 90 % of time in lunar winter, likely 100 % in lunar summer).»
This occurs because as warming causes sea ice near the poles to melt, energy from the sun that would have been reflected away by the ice is instead absorbed by the ocean.
Satellite altimetry measures the level of the entire ocean, except for regions near coastlines on near the poles, where satellites can not measure,
See e.g. the source / sink area's of the oceans, where most important sources are near the equator and most important sinks are near the poles, especially the NE Atlantic:
As warm surface currents near the poles the water cools and its salinity increases due to ocean water freezing and leaving the water near the poles more salty.
(Demos) As warm surface currents near the poles the water cools and its salinity increases due to ocean water freezing and leaving the water near the poles more salty.
130,000 years ago temperatures near the poles were higher than today, forests growing up to the Arctic Ocean, all permafrost melted, ice free North Pole at least in summer.
The cold waters near the poles and the deep oceans are far from saturated, but these have a limited exchange, neither are land plants near saturation, but they have other limits.
This snowpack accumulation near the poles, which gets its water via the Arctic and Antarctic oceans, that in turn rob it from equatorial latitudes of our oceans, also results in a reduction in the earth's spin axis moment of inertia and causes the spin rate to increase as evidenced in the recent history of the rate at which Leap Seconds are added to our calendar (see Wysmuller's Toucan Equation for more on this evidence that during this warm time with much greater polar humidity, earlier seasonal, later seasonal and heavier snows are beginning to move water vapor from the oceans to the poles to re-build the polar ice caps and lead us into a global cooling, while man - made CO2 continues to increase
Indeed the ocean's surface immediately responds to temperature changes by adjusting the CO2 releases (near the equator) and CO2 uptake (near the poles) and inbetween, depending of its own temperature (like El Niño, Pinatubo,...).
but DaSilva Young and Levitus 1995 show that oceans lose most heat via latent heat loss and radiation loss is about half of latent heat loss except near the poles.
The ocean is hot near the equator and not so hot near the poles.
An ice age might shorten it, with massive glaciers near the poles and lower oceans, causing the earth to spin faster.
Only Land near or on the poles is required because ice - sheets build up on Land and not on the Ocean.
However, the upwelling of cold water off of the east coast of South American is also part of the meridional overturning of the ocean that begins with the sinking of cold salty water near the poles (thermohaline circulation) that forms the characteristic deep water found at the bottom of the major oceans.
Arctic sea ice is very near the north pole in the Arctic Ocean.
The above also is true for the opposite effect: if there were no other fast releases (like lots of volcanoes spewing lots of CO2 in short time), the ocean temperature will give more or less CO2, until a new dynamic equilibrium between ocean releases (mainly near the tropics) and sinks (mainly near the poles) and the biosphere releases and sinks is reached.
It consists of cold, deepwater currents starting near the poles and traveling long distances along the bottom of the ocean before surfacing again, with important consequences for the climate.
Michael Mann «Their climate model scenario wherein Greenland and Antarctic meltwater caused by warming poles, leads to a near total shutdown of ocean heat transport to higher latitudes, cooling most of the globe (particularly the extratropics), seems rather far - fetched to me.»
Oceans continuous release CO2 in the equatorial band (including deep ocean upwelling in the Pacific) and dissolve CO2 near the poles (including deep ocean downwelling by the THC in the North Atlantic).
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