Sentences with word «ochlocracy»

This might be considered a degeneration into ochlocracy, because it is a majority rule in direct democracy taking away a particular right of a religious minority (to build houses of worship in their own preferred style).
Some examples of articles exploring whether or not this is a degeneration into ochlocracy can be found here and here.
What mechanisms (existing or proposed) exist to prevent a democracy turning into an ochlocracy, or into a tyranny of the majority?
So my doubt is how to identify the symptoms of a decadent democracy that is converting slowly into a ochlocracy, and the signals of a real ochlocracy.
In my interpretation, a democracy is degenerating into an ochlocracy if it takes away those properties of democracy other than majority rule.
@SvenClement - are you skeptical of the statement that decadent democracy CAN transform into an ochlocracy, or that it can ONLY transform into that and nothing else?
Plato also thought that democracy was the worst form of government, one that would lead to mob rule, or ochlocracy.
As head of the mob, it's your job to gather your fellow countrymen to your cause, tear down buildings, recruit fellow rioters and eventually take down the gods and establish an ochlocracy over Greece.
«Mob rule», or governance by a mass of people using intimidation tactics, is formally known as «ochlocracy».
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