Sentences with phrase «octopus genome»

As it turns out, the octopus genome is almost as large as a human's and actually contains more protein - coding genes: 33,000, compared with fewer than 25,000 in humans.
Instead, the evolution of the octopus genome was likely driven by the expansion of a few specific gene families, widespread genome shuffling and the appearance of novel genes.
The octopus genome contains 168 protocadherin genes — 10 times more than other invertebrates and more than twice as many as mammals.
The octopus genome contains around 1,800 C2H2 zinc finger transcription factors, the second largest gene family so far discovered in animals (olfactory receptor genes in elephants are the largest at around 2,000).
The octopus genome is enriched in transposons, also known as «jumping genes,» which can rearrange themselves on the genome.
The large size of the octopus genome was initially attributed to whole genome duplication events during evolution, which can lead to increased genomic diversity and complexity.
They identified more than 33,000 protein - coding genes, placing the octopus genome at slightly smaller in size, but with more genes, than a human genome.
The octopus genome contains 168 of these special genes, known as protocadherins, twice the amount found in most mammals.
While the octopus genome resembles those of other marine invertebrates in many respects, it also revealed unexpected features that are key to understanding the origin and function of its unique nervous system.
The octopus genome, however, shows no evidence of such a dramatic event in its evolutionary history.
Prof. Brenner was fascinated with the great sophistication of their nervous system and initiated the octopus Genome Project as the first of several important genome projects that have become a hallmark of OIST.
Genes that are grouped together on chromosomes in other animals were dispersed in the octopus genome, likely as a result of transposon activity.
«The octopus genome makes studies of cephalopod traits much more tractable, and now represents an important point on the tree of life for comparative evolutionary studies,» said Ragsdale, an associate professor in neurobiology and organismal biology and anatomy at the University of Chicago.
The sequencing of the octopus genome, published in August, offers a surprising answer.
To preserve their RNA - editing powers, octopus genomes are much more resistant to mutation, the driving force of natural selection.

Not exact matches

The genome shows that octopuses have the same small repertoire of neurotransmission genes as lower mollusks.
An international team of scientists has sequenced the genome of an octopus, bringing researchers closer to discovering the genes involved in the creature's unusual biology, including its ability to change skin color and texture and a distributed brain that allows its eight arms to move independently.
The researchers also used the genome to track down the genes involved in adaptive coloration, which allows the octopus to change its skin color and texture in order to blend into its environment and escape predation.
The genome could also help uncover the genetic basis for other octopus innovations, such as their elaborate prehensile arms with suckers used to sense chemicals in the water as well as feel and grasp; their ability to regenerate their limbs; a propulsion system that allows them to jet around underwater; camera - like eyes that are more like humans than other invertebrates; and the fact that they have three hearts to keep blood pumping across their gills.
As many mysteries as the octopus holds — its comprehensive camouflage, smart suckers, agile brain — its genome is surely holding many more (including how it can regenerate its arms — suckers, nerves and all).
A team of researchers from the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST), the University of Chicago, and the University of California, Berkeley have sequenced and analyzed the genome of an octopus species, making it the first cephalopod to be decoded.
The results yield a couple of interesting surprises: For starters, Albertin and her colleagues found that the relatively massive genome of the octopus (2.7 billion base - pairs for this particular species, compared to around 3 billion in humans) wasn't due to duplication, as some researchers have suggested.
«The octopus has a large and complex genome, so this was no trivial task,» study author Caroline Albertin, a graduate student at the University of Chicago, told The Post.
Researchers have produced the first complete genome sequence for any octopus, laying out all of the genes that make the species Octopus bimaculoides what it is.
With no tell - tale signs of whole genome duplication, the researchers say, the octopus must have instead duplicated specific regions of its genetic code — and acquired totally novel genes — over the course of its evolution.
The octopus also appears to have a large number of transposons, or «jumping genes» that are capable of rearranging their position in the genome.
Scientists stitched together the complex genome of the California two - spot octopus, and analyzed 12 different tissues in search of the genes that allow these unique cephalopods to change skin color and control eight arms independently.
«The octopus basically has a normal invertebrate genome that's just been completely rearranged, like it's been put into a blender and mixed,» said Caroline Albertin, a graduate student at the University of Chicago and coauthor on the study, in a prepared statement.
To study the genetics of these specialized traits, Ragsdale and his colleagues sequenced the genome of the California two - spot octopus (Octopus bimaculoides) to a high level of coverage (on average, each base pair was sequenced 60 times).
An international team of scientists sequenced the genome of the California two - spot octopus — the first cephalopod ever to be fully sequenced — and mapped gene expression profiles in 12 different tissues.
The first whole genome analysis of an octopus reveals unique genomic features that likely played a role in the evolution of traits such as large complex nervous systems and adaptive camouflage.
«With a few notable exceptions, the octopus basically has a normal invertebrate genome that's just been completely rearranged, like it's been put into a blender and mixed,» said Caroline Albertin, co-lead author and graduate student in the Department of Organismal Biology and Anatomy at the University of Chicago.
Scientists have now analyzed the DNA sequence of the California two - spot octopus (Octopus bimaculoides) and found an unusually large genome.
«It's important for us to know the genome, because it gives us insights into how the sophisticated cognitive skills of octopuses evolved,» says neurobiologist Benny Hochner who has studied octopus neurophysiology for 20 years.
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