Sentences with word «oculomotor»

We will study how the dynamics of this circuit are tuned by creating a virtual environment that simulates what an animal would see if, due to an improperly tuned oculomotor integrator, it could not accurately control the position of its eyes.
Children with oculomotor issues have trouble with eye tracking and may lose their place when reading.
To understand why only some motor neurons are vulnerable to ALS, the researchers used DNA microarray profiling to compare the activity of tens of thousands of genes in neurons that resist ALS (oculomotor neurons / eye movement and Onuf's nuclei / continence) with neurons affected by ALS (lumbar 5 spinal neurons / leg movement).
His current projects include elucidation of the cortical representation of oculomotor proprioception, using saccadic adaptation to understand the coordinate system of neurons in the lateral intraparietal area, the role of prestriate cortex in visual search, and the role of inhibition in the response of parietal neurons.
To thoroughly investigate the binocular vision system, we recommend that tests of accommodation, binocular vision, and oculomotor function should be performed on all children, especially those with identified reading problems.
This can range from a type of nerve damage that interferes with normal eye movement (oculomotor nerve palsy) to paralysis, and anything in between.
When dogs with this disease are tired they may have drooping of the facial muscles and it is not uncommon for there to be oculomotor problems, as well.
The ability to accurately hold the eyes at a given position is performed by a brain circuit called the «oculomotor integrator
Optometrists classify binocular vision anomalies under three main categories: accommodation, vergence and oculomotor — with the symptoms often seeming benign or masked as other problems.
The oculomotor deficits are subtle enough to «require very sensitive lab tests» to detect them, Mosconi says.
The data thus indicate an almost two-fold decrease in firing rates from small to large saccades within the oculomotor range.
Though prevailing models of dyslexia ascribe reading difficulties to poor phonological processing, in recent years dyslexia has been increasingly associated with deficits in visual attention (e.g., [15]--[24]-RRB- and poor oculomotor control [25]--[28], prompting a suggestion [5] that e-readers could be configured to reduce demands on visual attention and oculomotor control and thus make reading less of an effort for those impaired.
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