Sentences with phrase «odd amount»

I kept finding bags and jars with odd amounts of nuts and dried fruit that I used in recipes, but didn't quite finish.
It comes with odd amounts of guilt & fear, BUT as long as you are doing the best you can everyday and follow your gut & your heart, everything will work out.
But even now, many pieces of content cost odd amounts like 480 Points ($ 6), and you can't buy that exact number of Points.
The Conclusion of a six - part series As the presidential race heated up, the internet grew from being the medium of a core group of political junkies to a gateway for millions of ordinary Americans to participate in the political process, donating odd amounts of their spare time to their candidate...
If I have a jar of coins, we know there is either an even amount of coins or an odd amount.
Regarding the odd amount of batter... I couldn't help but wonder about how much milk / liquid this recipe calls for.
I always end up with an odd amount that's too small to feed my family — two adults and a three - year - old who is convinced pasta is its own food group.
But for those odd amounts that are «neither this measurement nor that measurement,» just use regular shredded coconut to make up the loss.
Or, add that odd amount of nuts, raisins or cranberries left in your pantry from another recipe.
Enter to win a $ 43 gift certificate (yes, it is an odd amount, but Catching Fireflies is fun & quirky!)
In task two, a selection of coins and notes are provided and the children have to prove whether the statements are always, sometimes or never true (e.g. you can make an amount greater than # 6 or you can make an odd amount)
The minimum redemption is $ 20, but you can take out odd amounts (see above) for the full balance if you wish.
Survey exhibitions offer viewers a look at the growth of an artist's practice, and while nine years seems like an odd amount of time to cover, the selected works show that Otero has indeed evolved.
# 5.34 is not much money, and an odd amount at that.
If you find yourself looking for an odd amount, like $ 90,000, have your agent run the numbers for $ 100,000 as well, because it might actually be cheaper to get more death benefit.
If your deck is made up entirely of cards that cost an even or odd amount of mana — depending on the minion — your hero power will cost fewer points or receive another boost.
Keep it even on both ends and an odd amount.
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