Sentences with phrase «odd behavior of»

Teachers reported on ADHD and ODD behavior of the child.
The odd behavior of the NH polar vortex this winter is probably a good indication that the next decade will be quite indicative of Extremistan.
Or with the increasingly odd behavior of his beloved stepson, Freddy.
However, I am not if any of these would explain the stalling or odd behavior of the dash lights and gauges.
My conclusion is that it was obviously a leak, but a buddy says it might be my thermostat acting up, because of the odd behavior of the coolant.
Get Out's early tension comes from Chris's discomfort around Rose's family and the odd behavior of their black «servants,» as Dean calls them; Missy's hypnotic attack is the first open acknowledgement of the Armitages» hostility.
Chris, though, remains restive, and is distracted by the odd behavior of «the help,» who are robotic and docile.
Despite the warm reception, Chris becomes alarmed by the odd behavior of the black groundskeeper and housekeeper who act robotic and cold towards Chris.
Professor Fritz Vahrenholt and Dr. Sebastian Lüning recently took a look at the odd behavior of former IPCC author Peter Wadhams, who now suspects the oil industy of being behind the accidental deaths of three climate colleagues.
By revealing missing details behind the odd behavior of a science fair favorite — a soupy mixture known as «oobleck» that switches back and forth between liquid and solid — scientists from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and Georgetown University could help to end a long - running scientific debate and improve processes ranging from pouring concrete to making better body armor.
Sure, the smaller biotech companies can be squirrelly at times, but nothing beats the odd behavior of some Fortune 100 companies.
Having examined a host of natural explanations for the odd behavior of Boyajian's star and found them lacking, we can now consider the most sensational possibility — an alien megastructure, akin to what Dyson described more than half a century ago.
Now, the odd behavior of the Bs meson could be giving us some clues about why matter won out over antimatter.
In past issues of Seasonal Insights I have discussed the very odd behavior of a variety of instruments in the course of the typical week: in issue 17 the topic were intra-week moves in S&P 500 Index, and in issue 18 the no less interesting intra-week pattern in Bitcoin.

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A partner or friend was usually the first to notice an odd shift in their behavior — usually a progressive increase in forgetfulness, though others experienced a sudden bout of mania or depression.
Disorganized schizophrenia symptoms may include: Problems with thinking and expressing ideas clearly Childlike behavior Showing little emotion Catatonic schizophrenia symptoms may include: Lack of activity Muscles and posture may be rigid Grimaces or other odd expressions on the face Does not respond much to other people Undifferentiated schizophrenia symptoms may include symptoms of more than one other type of schizophrenia.
There are hurts and wounds and misunderstandings within each of us that produce these odd behaviors.
They often are silent and look the other way, pointing to unfair treatment by the west of muslins as some form of justification for this odd behavior as Americans.
They often are silent and look the other way, pointing to unfair treatment by other religions or agnostics as some form of justification for their odd behavior as Americans.
They are an odd bunch of people, with strange clothing, behaviors, and language, but they all love each other and welcome everybody, even those who are very different from them with wide open arms.
Most people who write and talk about autism are reluctant simply to describe the odd behavior and mysterious qualities of autistic people.
Right, so if NAMBLA just donates to helpful charities or preaches a message of treating each other well we should accept their other «odd» little behavior of r a p i n g children?
And combined with all his other aspects of odd, frenetic, ADD - type behavior, he ended up in boxing.
Kids who exhibit behaviors of Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) can leave you feeling confused, frustrated, angry and disappointed.
Mental health issues like ADHD, bipolar, ODD, conduct disorder or many of the others that are being diagnosed today, all have aggressive behaviors or angry feelings as common symptoms.
At 18 months of age, my son starting showing signs of «odd» behavior and aggression.
In children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), there is an ongoing pattern of uncooperative, defiant, and hostile behavior toward authority figures that seriously interferes with the youngster's day to day functioning.
Symptoms of ODD in contrast to normal child behaviors may include:
Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is a persistent pattern of defiant or hostile behavior.
On the other hand, defiant behavior that persists for a prolonged period of time and interferes with a child's performance at school and his relationship with family and friends can be a sign of something called oppositional defiant disorder, or ODD.
I was aware that was part of his odd behaviors.
Two years ago, the team observed an odd behavior in their gyroscopes: at certain frequencies, they could set off a wave that traveled around the edges of the material in one direction only.
Researchers still do not understand the origins of these odd behaviors.
Sullivan, now at the University of Portland, noticed odd behavior in the plump moms» offspring.
An early sign of helium's odd behavior was observed back in 1911 by the Dutch physicist and 1913 Nobel physics laureate Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, a master of refrigeration who was the first to liquefy helium.
Bilde thought the velvet spider's genome would hold clues to the animal's social behavior and its odd mix of resilience and fragility, so her team and the Chinese sequencing giant BGI set out to sequence its DNA and, for comparison, that of a tarantula.
Yazdani and his colleagues discovered the odd behavior while studying electrons in a crystal made of layers of tantalum and arsenic.
Byrne says he, St. Andrews colleague Lucy Bates and the other team members began their experiment after talking to members of the Amboseli Elephant Research Project in Nairobi, Kenya, who told tales of odd elephant behavior.
A 1988 study had shown that 14 - month - old infants will imitate odd behavior — even the odd act of turning on a special lamp by touching it with the head.
One school claims that hypnosis fundamentally alters a subject's state of mind; the other believes that there is nothing radical about it, that all the strange experiences and odd behaviors typically associated with hypnosis can be observed in people who are not actually in a hypnotic trance.
The result mirrors that of another team led by the University of Arizona astronomer Huan Meng, which also flagged dust as the likely cause of the star's odd behavior in October 2017.
The bosonic behavior of some of these alkaline gases appears odd at first sight, because their nuclei have half - integer total spin.
Kasen had assisted in attempts to model the physics behind the star's odd behavior, but there are a lot of unknowns about what's at work.
The CAPPS center is looking to help individuals ages 12 - 35 who are experiencing recent changes in their thoughts, feelings, and behavior, such as unusual thoughts, distorted or heightened perceptions, ideas of special identity or abilities, suspiciousness, or odd behavior.
Did you know that roughly 30 to 50 percent of youth with ADHD also have ODD or a different disruptive behavior disorder known as conduct disorder, according to some reports?
But theres good news, whatever your level of obsessive compulsive behavior: Over the last decade or so, a flurry of research (some with high - tech imaging tools that let doctors peer into the brains of people with OCD) has yielded a better understanding of why some peoples disturbing thoughts and odd habits spin out of control.
Silvestri's combination of toon music and film noir is touched on, as is Charles Fleischer's odd behavior on the set.
It's light on the chills and heavy on the atmospheric weirdness, and there are moments of jaw - droppingly odd behavior — yet I found it weirdly appealing.
Is Vitti having a nervous breakdown because of recent threats on his life or is his odd behavior merely a foxy ploy to get him sprung from jail early?
Trouble is, Jenny exhibits quite a bit of odd behavior, as she mysteriously leaves at a moment's notice, comes back looking like she's been in a tussle, and despite always having an explanation, she always looks like she has something to hide.
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