Sentences with phrase «odd design»

There are a few odd design choices though, especially within the search options.
There are a few odd design choices, however.
Too bad its rendered irrelevant by odd design choices and poor fundamentals.
It's not a deal - breaker, but it is a rather odd design choice.
The game is held back by a few odd design choices that seem to run counter to the rest of the game's design philosophy.
Poor controls and odd design decisions detract from what would otherwise be an excellent VR shooter.
While there's definitely some performance issues and a couple of odd design choices, I honestly believe that the gameplay systems and the way they interact with each other while creating the story, more than make up for any janky issues.
That first game was rotten with bugs and odd design quirks, but I was willing to forgive a lot because its strongest aspects — namely the exacting first - person melee combat, and all the loot and RPG trappings that propped it up — were so enticing.
Nether has a lot of potential to be a great game, but unfortunately it suffers from odd design choices that make the gameplay experience an exercise in repeat frustration.
The centre console as a very odd design with one air vent fixed but designed in a way to allow good air flow for the co-passenger and the rear passengers.
This was one of the most oddest design choices ever in e-Readers.
There is no way to charge the Gear without using this - at least for now - and it's a fairly odd design.
Battleborn has a lot of potential, but odd design decisions look like it'll ultimately derail the experience.
The latest installment in Capcom's struggling Lost Planet series takes this one step too far into the cold, with a snowstorm of odd design choices and just overall off - putting weirdness...
Sony made a very odd design choice with the new sleep covers and other cover accessories.
But like most other aspects of Lost Planet 3, there are still a number of odd design choices that manage to worm their way in and make the overall experience just all that more flawed.
Adorned with a weird dragon, this shirt offers a wider appeal than that of a regular football shirt, and though it is an odd design, it's proved to be a hit with Americans.
TRuly an awkwardly placed contrast seam in your leggings... a line drawn from your crotch to your ass crack... I have a Nike pair and they are for home use only because of that seam... such an odd design
It might have been the odd fit, cause let's be real, as much as we love minimalistic lines and stiff materials, this coat has just an odd design — at least when you put it on, it looks definitely amazing on the hanger.
In the fashion media the ugly or odd designs are touted as thought provoking and evidence of Prada's status as the thinking woman's clothing designer.
Aside from this odd design choice I'm in love with this sweater.
Despite a ho - hum presentation and some odd design decisions, Unsolved Crimes is definitely one of the more solid adventure titles on the DS.
Definitely an odd design decision with the quicksave.
Minus the aforementioned gripes that many are having with Polyphony's odd design choices, that is.
Kind of an odd design decision, as it could have easily been solved by making use of other buttons and thumbsticks.
It has received much media attention for its odd design and its steering wheel, which changes colour depending on the driver's mood.
With the Toyota CH - R being a new car and model I did expect there to be the odd design issue that may require recall or rectification.
The Bottom Line The 2015 BMW X4's odd design may narrow its appeal, but it holds up the BMW reputation for excellent handling, and its dashboard electronics include the widest range of connected features in the business.
The 2015 BMW X4's odd design may narrow its appeal, but it holds up the BMW reputation for excellent handling, and its dashboard electronics include the widest range of connected features in the business.
The Oasis has a odd design and was meant to be held in one hand.
However, an odd design flaw keeps this device from earning a higher rating.
For its odd design, this seems like a satisfying and premium device.
You might sniff at the odd design, but you won't once you've relaxed with your favourite thriller, just you and the words and little by the way of distraction.
The room featured some odd design choices.
Another odd design choice is the link to the game's own wiki page in the encyclopedia.
It's an odd design quirk but certainly one that can be lived with.
The need to constantly have your Hidden Agenda app open at all times to play feels like an odd design choice.
In a way it's an odd design choice because this is a game firmly aimed at an already established audience who will have likely worked their way through a myriad of obtuse puzzles before and thus probably would never even consider sticking easy mode on.
In an odd design choice, you never need to do more than three or four quests to level up, but as you do, you need more experience to level up (typical RPG stuff).
It completely makes up for the few missteps and odd design choices that are present.
At present, Vive's wand - shaped controller needs to be gripped at all times, with finer movements like gripping objects controlled by trigger presses — an odd design choice in a medium where breaking immersion is regarded as sacrosanct.
Thrives during missions, but suffers when you're exploring its open world and bearing witness to its odd design choices.
It's not without its story flaws and odd design choices (cough, cough microtransactions) but it's a blast to play.
Minus the aforementioned gripes that many are having with Polyphony's odd design choices, that is.
There's a lot to love, really — it's just marred by clumsy controls, one of the worst cameras in recent memory and some odd design choices.
While the levels could have used some more variety and the multiplayer has some odd design choices; the various attacks, fulfilling score and skill tree, great levels and overall package are an absolute blast to play.
Surprisingly there's absolutely no combat mechanics to be found in the game; it might be considered an odd design choice for a genre that has had us bouncing on the heads of foes for years, but it actually works really well in the long run.
Let's get something out of the way early — the Xbox Elite controller is a marvelous piece of hardware, and you'll certainly pay for it at $ 149, but there are some odd design choices given the 100 million dollars in reported research by team Microsoft.

Phrases with «odd design»

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