Sentences with phrase «odd noises»

By the time she got the car, the front fenders had been replaced under a «secret warranty», and the trans was occasionally making odd noises.
Have your ever heard odd noises while you are pushing on your brake pedal?
There literally are times where the camera is completely focused on Brick just makong odd noises or laughing like a complete idiot.
Timing is important here, if your dog does not make eye contact by the time you count to 2, then whistle or make a kissing or other odd noise with your mouth and give him the reward as soon as he «looks».
, and the Shantae series is back in the director's chair, making odd noises and leading the charge.
The simplest way to check is to fit a new timing belt, turn the engine over by hand and make sure it feels free and isn't making any odd noises.
We had to hitchhike the last several hundred miles from Pensacola, where an inept VW dealership had blown up Joe's engine on its new chassis dynamometer when we sought counsel on odd noises (it was just sticking valves caused by cheap gasoline).
However, if you're hearing odd noises, such as whining or groaning sounds, or your steering just doesn't feel normal, please visit us immediately and allow us to inspect the fluid.
When starting the vehicle, make sure to take note of how long it takes for the car to start and if there are any odd noises.
So far, it has no rattles or odd noises.
A few other problem areas: the starter makes an odd noise on a fairly regular basis (not all the time, but several times in a week.
The entry and middle levels get a ZF nine - speed automatic (on LX, EX, EX-L) that has generated some user feedback on other Hondas about rough shifting, odd noises, dropping into neutral, and early reliability issues.
The odd noises coming from our treatment area are actually the sounds of my six -LSB-...]
He is very vocal and makes the most adorable and odd noises to let you know how he feels.
Since cats don't usually make a face or an odd noise when they strain, a lot of times humans don't recognize what they are doing to be straining.
Havanese are not prone to barking, but will alert you to the arrival of a stranger or an odd noise.
So, what exactly happens when cats make this odd noise?
It's like if you just listen hard enough you'll be able to understand what they're saying, but your mind won't wrap around the odd noises.
The broken down home in the swamp of Louisiana is the setting, filled with creaking and odd noises that will keep players on their toes.
The most accurate and best likeness for the art and humour is Monty Python's Flying Circus — ACE Team has taken samples of works of art and animated them in a similar way to Monty Python's animated scenes, right down to the absolute insanity, silliness and audio style, with mumbles and odd noises.
A damaged steering will odd noises, and so will a damaged suspension.
Character designs come with their own audible trait, from a man's battle cry or an animal's roar, to the odd noises the undead make.
Don't ever let any odd noises...
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