Sentences with phrase «odd thing when»

United does this really odd thing when you stopover in Africa on the way to Japan (besides the fact that a stopover in Africa on your way to Japan is a crazy route).
If they play their best, they should advance but it's an odd thing when you get groups together who know each other so well..

Not exact matches

But an odd thing that may have informed US Dietary Guidelines when these recommendations came out is the strange practice of studying cholesterol in rabbits, which are — surprise!
As much as I love all the technical goodies we've been blessed with in this digital age, I do have the odd moment when I long for the way things used to be.
Odd thing, when you put that â $ ˜swordâ $ ™ idea in the last pictorial â $ ˜thing a ma jigâ $ ™ â $ «this was the first incident that popped in my head also.
I spoke with my wife about how odd ti - thing settlement is when you think about it.
Those who knew you when remember things that make many messages seem odd.
And yes, it feels a little odd when everyone else in the room is checking their phones and laughing at things and I'm just standing there, but I think there was a time when groups of people in rooms all functioned perfectly well, phoneless and looking at each other.
Christianity sure is odd when it mixes with other things.
Avery odd thing happens in Book 16 of the Iliad when Zeus decides that Sarpedon must die.
There is this odd resistance to raising these issues because a lot of Christians seem willing to embrace solidarity with past Christians when it's good, but they seem less willing to embrace solidarity with Christians when things are bad.
People are influenced by the oddest things, too: one passionately anti-Catholic ex-Catholic started the journey back home when some one finally explained to him what the words of the Salve Regina meant: he had sung it regularly at his Catholic school in the 1980s but never had it translated and assumed it was just a weird and beautiful chant with no real meaning.
I showed him a newsboy shouting the midday paper, and a No. 73 bus going past, and before he reached the bottom of the stairs I had got into him an unalterable conviction that, whatever odd ideas might come into a man's head when he was shut up alone in his books, a healthy dose of «real life» (by which he meant the bus and the newsboy) was enough to show him that all «that sort of thing» just couldn't be true.
I always think it's odd that people call mexican - inspired cheesey things «queso» when «queso» is literally just «cheese» in Spanish.
It was an odd thing to do — to go to a game — on a day when you walked around wondering why the hell games mattered anymore.
And when you are paying big money to Arsene Wenger to run the football side of things (something the Kroenke's know sod all about) and the chief executive Ivan Gazidis millions to look after the commercial side of things, it seems odd that we need to spend so much for a bit of advice.
Odd - year seasons are when Auburn needs to do big things, because we get UGA and Bama at home.
The MomsTEAM staff and I are still digging into the Institute of Medicine and National Research Council's three - hundred - some - odd page report on sports - related concussions in youth sports, [1] but one thing jumped out at me at my first pass: When I did a search in the report for a discussion of impact monitoring devices (a / k / a hit sensors), I found only one brief mention of sensors in the committee's recommendation that the Centers for Disease Control fund large scale data collection efforts for research purposes, including data from impact sensors.
Then there's the odd thing that happens when a divorced person is ready to start dating again.
It's really hard to say what I'll do when my kids are having sex (they are 10, 7, 6 and 4) but I really hope that I'm able to have an open, comfortable and trusting relationship with them but I know one thing for sure: I do NOT like the idea of my kids having sex in odd places.
It's so hard to be the «odd one out» as a parent when it comes to things that others perceive as just a small treat.
Sandi: When I am designing new fabric, it may be odd, but the title of the collection is the first thing that comes to me.
I find it odd that scare tactics like this are acceptable and permitted to sell a kick counter but REAL health issues like diabetes, infectious diseases, and other health complications are not permitted to be mentioned when promoting things like breastfeeding and natural birthing.
When I fell pregnant about five odd years ago, parenting advice generally came from family or friends, however with social media being such a huge platform for others to voice their opinion about breast versus bottle, there's one thing to remember: fed is best.
Another odd thing for me was when I wear reusable nursing pads - the outline shows through the bra and my shirt if I am not also wearing a nursing tank.
When quizzed about his new friend and confidante Lynton Crosby, who works on behalf of tobacconists, brewers and private health care groups he gave no satisfactory answers; only the odd curt response and the whole thing was kicked into the long grass.
«They are a mayoral «odd couple» on lots of things — but not when it comes to marriage equality,» said Brian Ellner, the senior strategist on the HRC Campaign for New York Marriage.
The banter climaxes when McAffrey presents Della with a necklace of pens and she finally admits that when someone reads a big news story they should have «newsprint on their hands», an odd thing to emphasise in a political thriller.
But, in the end, the odd thing is that when I look at Cameron and Clegg together....
One odd consequence is that when we look at things as they truly are, the results can seem surprising.
And so even as we get to this point, before we get to breakeven, now people are saying «Okay look, we've been working on this problem of making fusion reactions happen, controlling plasmas — plasmas are these very odd materials, when you heat things up to very high temperatures, and it's hard to control them.
Studies suggest that low doses of caffeine throughout the day are more effective than the traditional übercup first thing in the a.m. Researchers found that shift workers, medical residents, truck drivers, and others who work odd hours not only got a better boost from caffeine when they drank it in small portions, but they also performed better on cognitive tests.
I remember the odd mixture of relief / shock / grief / happiness that I felt when I first was diagnosed with my health issues that ultimately led to removing gluten and a few other things from my diet.
It wasn't always be chilly in Manado so whenever I went to Tomohon / Tondano / Sonder and in this case I had a chance to visit the Prayer Hill which has chilly spot last year, I jumped at the chance once again wherein I could dress up for the cold and wear my coat again without the thought of people will give me their odd stares when I'm out (one of the bad thing living in such a tropical country with only two seasons haha * crying *).
We all are a little bit odd - peculiar - and God uses that to do great things when we trust in Him.
I like odd numbers, but I also like when things are proportional.
It's been a bit of an odd week for me since Ninja was working nights this week [and waking me up at 1 am when he got home] so today I'm keeping things fun and unstructured on the blog by sharing my first Friday Favorites of the year!
Im still in the process of getting out in the world im a indoor person but i go out when someone asks I enjoy alot of technical things and strategy im kind of a odd ball people call me but i love...
Consulting the internet about when to say «I love you» may seem like an odd thing to do.
anyway, this may seem kind of odd but i've found that i meet the most interesting people when i'm forward about these things..
So it's odd that when All Good Things finally moves towards the heartrending meat - and - potatoes of its story, it begins to rapidly distance us from David, turning this doomed relationship tale into the prestige - pic version of a cut - rate monster movie.
The conversation turns icy when Dr. Floyd is asked about the «odd things» that are happening at his destination, the American moon - base on the moon crater of Clavius, and why it has been out of phone communication for 10 days.
So, when we do not have the words to express how we feel, sometimes a gesture can accomplish the same thing, even if it may seem a little odd.
What the film lacks is genuine suspense, because for all of its twists and turns, the set - up never reels us in effectively enough to bother paying attention when things become odd, and all interest is jettisoned in time for the epilogue where all is supposed to be explained.
What she doesn't know is that the donor is not so ready to let them go, and so when Sidney starts seeing odd things everyone, including Sidney, ascribes it to the confusion of having to re-learn the world with visual cues.
Though the casting is excellent overall, Rockwell is the clear standout here — little things like his habit of repeating entire sentences when someone asks what he just said are a delight, but he seems incapable of delivering a line without an odd mumble or piece of inflection.
Sometimes it does still have that odd magnetic feel when swinging or leaping towards a ledge at a weird angle, but it's a tiny oddity that can easily be forgiven in the grand scope of things.
It may seem odd to toss the whole thing off all to the younger generation when I'm personally only so many years over them but just for comfort sake I'll take whatever gap I can find between myself and that ever flowing river of bastard offspring.
There are times that the enemy AI does odd things and just when you think one of your pieces is going to be taken out of the equation due to their health being so low and the enemy is in the very next square in front of them, they attack another piece at full health!
Costner spent a good decade trying to be anyone but Crash Davis, but in the odd moment when he channels Crash, great things happen.
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