Sentences with phrase «odd things in»

Russell report includes a brief «forensic» report which has some odd things in it.
I can understand a holding company discount, especially when management of the holding company has done some odd things in the past.
This was not the first time my husband had shouted odd things in the dark.
The things she does for a client are cook big meals (including some to freeze), cleaning bathrooms and kitchens and floors, doing laundry, addressing birth announcements, helping with simple breastfeeding problems (like positioning problems) and helping you decide if it's serious enough to call the lactation consultant about or if you can wait for the breastfeeding support group in a few days, holding the baby while you nap or take a shower, playing with older children, fielding phone calls from family and friends, helping look up odd things in the baby book, dialing the pediatrician, and telling you you're doing a great job.
i'm no stranger to putting odd things in tortillas and calling them tacos, so i hope i'm not offending anyone!
«The oddest thing in the world is being stopped on the street by kids who get excited about seeing me because they know me from «American Pie.»
The odd thing in this area though to me, is that the 9700's trackpad feels more responsive over the 8520's.
This isn't the only odd thing in Kentucky's constitution.

Not exact matches

And in a tense meeting with flipping «Odd Couple» Mark and Bryan, he makes that point very clear, telling the duo to give up the schtick and take things seriously.
Friday morning Londoners, who voted by and large to remain in the EU, were walking the streets with a stunned look, and what's even odder (for English people, at least) actually talking to strangers in cafes and on trains, discussing how such a thing could happen, what would happen next, and who was to blame.
He spoke about being better versions of ourselves on a better version of earth, but 0ne thing that struck me as odd was the emphasis on material goods available in heaven.
It's odd in that it kicks things off by asking you some weirdly specific questions about whether you earn income through farming, estates, or corporate partnerships.
But an odd thing that may have informed US Dietary Guidelines when these recommendations came out is the strange practice of studying cholesterol in rabbits, which are — surprise!
And so that's... that is one that... again, it's one of these very odd things where people had done these studies in the 1950s and then it got dropped altogether.
Here's how it describes itself on its «Who we are,» aka About Us page (a great place to define your tone of voice): «We're an odd bunch of international misfits, huddling together for warmth in a cold, indifferent world that thinks it's weird to actually love things like content marketing and technology markets and B2B companies and storytelling and stuff like that.
One thing to keep in mind is [something in your company that could seem very odd to people coming to work there].
As much as I love all the technical goodies we've been blessed with in this digital age, I do have the odd moment when I long for the way things used to be.
A few other things about inflation that are a bit odd are the importance of the goods and services that are included in the calculation basket (the UK's CPI measure of inflation conspicuously omits housing costs for example).
I had done a link building clinic before 10 or so people before, but this was the first serious thing I had done — talking before 200 - 300 some odd internet marketers in Seattle.
I find this an odd thing to say (although I certainly agree with the idea), because there is no discussion of sex at all in the creation story (not till after the fall), only companionship.
Odd thing, when you put that â $ ˜swordâ $ ™ idea in the last pictorial â $ ˜thing a ma jigâ $ ™ â $ «this was the first incident that popped in my head also.
Then again, I can think of tons of things in other peoples faiths I find odd.
And yes, it feels a little odd when everyone else in the room is checking their phones and laughing at things and I'm just standing there, but I think there was a time when groups of people in rooms all functioned perfectly well, phoneless and looking at each other.
We get to talking about all the ways in which we've been disappointed and ostracized, and the next thing you know, we've slipped right into a contagiously cynical church - bashing session, the kind that can leave those who have had beautiful, affirming, and life - giving experiences in church feeling like the odd ones out.
Tony Blair is considered unusually religious for the UK (but not so for the US)... in the UK religion is often seen as a quaint odd traditional thing a bit like the monarchy.
Avery odd thing happens in Book 16 of the Iliad when Zeus decides that Sarpedon must die.
Let us then devote a few paragraphs to a serious consideration of those traditional «last things» and attempt to see what, in their own perhaps odd way, they may have to tell us about ourselves and about human destiny.
That is an odd thing to say about a Church that donates millions of dollars in medical and relief supplies to several different areas of the world for assistance after natural disasters, and that puts so much emphasis on strong marriage, dedicated parenting, forgiveness, and striving to be like Christ.
For, once we have defined inside and outside by specifying that every closed curve in a plane or curved surface in a space divides the plane or space into two regions in such a way that pairs of points in different regions can not be joined without crossing the boundary, very odd things happen.
Thousands of people were interviewed about their brushes with death in every kind of situation — being in a car accident, giving birth, attempting suicide, et cetera — and many described the same odd thing: love.
Who would not put up with many things that seem odd, exaggerated, or circumstantial — with many things that to us, born under a different sun and in a different time, seem to be tasteless or even laughable — for the sake of human enrichment and of aesthetic and religious elevation?
Including the ones unreported in history like things I've heard from friends throughout the years, and odd things I've seen myself.
Anyway, despite all the confusion about pre-millenialism, a-millenialism, post-millenialism, the recent invention of the rapture, Paul's confusing statement about «we who remain», the entire book of Revelation not appearing to be written by John because of the Greek used, and the odd way in which eschatological views seem to change in the New Testament Pauline letters, and the bizarrely easy way people like Thessalonians became convinced Christ had already returned in their time, and all the other confusing things about New Testament prophecy — the truth is that it is all trustworthy and you should not question this.
But odd with a new Pope and Lousiville the college of Cardinals and Blue Devils that injury thing on national television, blackouts at superbowls and other such nonsense but stay honest true and keep integrity seems kind of important with whatever is going on in ones life.
And yet «god» then seems complicit in multiplying the offspring from the extramarital affair, which seems odd if this was such a bad thing for Abraham to have done: 9 Then the angel of the LORD told her, «Go back to your mistress and submit to her.»
And yet I took an odd thing away from my childhood Christmas in a Churchless family that in fact only rarely even thought to dignify the occasion with a tree.
People are influenced by the oddest things, too: one passionately anti-Catholic ex-Catholic started the journey back home when some one finally explained to him what the words of the Salve Regina meant: he had sung it regularly at his Catholic school in the 1980s but never had it translated and assumed it was just a weird and beautiful chant with no real meaning.
We're conditioned to function in a rewards - based work structure (make this sale, get this bonus), and any vocational answer given that flies counter to that is seen as weird, odd, and incongruous with the way things should be.
I showed him a newsboy shouting the midday paper, and a No. 73 bus going past, and before he reached the bottom of the stairs I had got into him an unalterable conviction that, whatever odd ideas might come into a man's head when he was shut up alone in his books, a healthy dose of «real life» (by which he meant the bus and the newsboy) was enough to show him that all «that sort of thing» just couldn't be true.
The odd thing to you is I believe in a perfect almighty God, who created, and he gave us choice & sent a savior.
For just as the myth of the creation of the world is significant in its existential confrontation of man with his dependence and with the equal dependence of the world, so the talk about the last things is essentially a matter of existential import, if I may be permitted that odd combination of words.
Anything else — a declaration of primary loyalty in all things to the Roman Catholic Church or to the Ummah, the worldwide community of Muslims — sounds odd to American ears, fanatical or crazy.
What other odd things are in there?
If, as I believe that the Word contends, that our Savior would have nothing to do with these things were He in our shoes, then you find yourself in an odd position for one of His followers, even telling Him that He had got it wrong!
One odd thing I have noticed is that the double batches cooked in a Le Creuset dutch oven were all perfect at exactly 252 degrees.
These savory oats with Ontario greenhouse grown tomatoes are packed full of fibre, protein, and warming curry flavour, which you might think is odd first thing in the morning, but rest assured it's a delicious warm bowl to wake up with.
And yes, chocolate does seem like an odd thing to add to a main dish, but it results in a deep, satisfying flavor.
I always think it's odd that people call mexican - inspired cheesey things «queso» when «queso» is literally just «cheese» in Spanish.
the one thing i found odd in the recipe is the use of a microwave...
the only odd thing was that it was frozen, because i ran out of the stuff i keep in the fridge and didn't wait for it to come to room temp before i measured it out.
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