Sentences with phrase «odor receptors»

"Odor receptors" refers to special cells in our nose that detect different smells in the air. Full definition
Even though researchers have discovered some 400 separate odor receptors in humans, he adds, just how they work together to distinguish different smells remains largely a mystery.
Ten of those genes code for odor receptors, which researchers anticipate could become targets for future louse repellents.
The nasal sinuses of our early ancestors may have been lined with odor receptors that gave a heightened sense of smell, which aided survival.
For now, it is not clear whether MS4As in humans serve as odor receptors.
For years, Ray and colleagues looked for human - skin odor receptors on the complex mosquito antenna.
In future studies, Datta and his team will examine whether MS4A proteins act as a primordial odor receptor across species.
In mammals, neurons located in the nose detect scents using special odor receptors, and shuttle the information to the olfactory bulb, which is the integration center for smell.
In addition, Bettina Malnic of Harvard determined which receptor genes were active in individual nerve cells to learn which odor receptors were present in each.
Modern genomics research has revealed that our DNA carries broken genes for things that seem as though they might be useful, like odor receptors for a bloodhound's sense of smell or enzymes that once enabled us to make our own vitamin C.
To really test the vibration idea, she says, scientists will need to perform more detailed studies on mammalian odor receptors.
Their antennae are primarily known as super-sensitive odor receptors — used to sniff out females and food from miles away — and researchers had hypothesized that they assist in flight only by acting as air flow sensors.
While the neuron that picked up carbon dioxide had been known, the identity of the neuron or neurons with odor receptors that attracted mosquitoes to human skin scents remained elusive.
The gene encodes an odor receptor that enables the insects to detect scents, so presumably the polygyne worker ants could smell a kindred queen.
You need a functioning sense of smell to properly taste flavor, but when you're on an airplane, the dry cabin air inhibits our odor receptors causing food to taste a bit blander than what we're used to.
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