Sentences with phrase «of attune»

The goal of ATTUNE - ment is to increase emotional connection and create a secure attachment.
While every aspect of ATTUNE is important, next week's concept is arguably the most important one of all.
He is an Adler Trained Coach and founder of Attune Coaching and Consulting.
The new cereal and granola offerings are part of the Attune Foods, LLC family of better - for - you products and align with the brands mission of providing healthy and delicious options that deliver «Peace of Mind in Every Bite.»
I have never had a problem with them being below standards and it is worth it to me to pay to have the quality of Attune.
Extensive longitudinal research spanning over 40 years has shown the importance of attuned caregiving in healthy emotional development.
He supports wonderfully the affable allure of his attuned cast.
Fast forward to Little Miss Sunshine, which played last year to a festival audience that now numbers 50,000, including «industry» denizens from studio - indie divisions, giant stand - alone indies such as Lionsgate, and a scattering of valiant unaffiliated independent companies, plus assorted lawyers, agents, producers, pr people, journalists and gossip - peddlers, fashionistas and bottom - feeders — every one of them attuned to the synergy among movies, TV, and the Web (it's all entertainment) and how that synergy serves the bottom line.
Whatever you decide, remember the importance of attuned engagement and the strengthening power it has.
She explains that it is «right - brain to right - brain attuned communication with another individual, such as the level of attuned communication you find with a caregiver and an infant.»
She explains that it is «right - brain to right - brain attuned communication with another individual, such as the level of attuned communication -LSB-...]

Not exact matches

Lastly, and perhaps most profoundly, Dahl also discovered in writing her book that accepting your own awkwardness can help you be more attuned to and accepting of other people's foibles and anxieties.
That's because a small dose of stress «gives you a heightened sense of awareness and makes you attuned to details you wouldn't be otherwise,» study co-author Myra Fernandes explains.
It's a story of a less wasteful and more humane health care industry, more attuned to the experiences of real people and better able to learn from those experiences, faster.
They are able to intuit and stay attuned to the demands of a current deal, letting them spontaneously figure out what needs to be accomplished (which may be entirely different from similar prior negotiations).
Just as spending time abroad makes you attuned to the many shades of gray with which people view the world, it also seriously exercises another set of mental muscles that are key to startup success — the ability to deal comfortably with change.
No matter how attuned you are to your workforce, there are details you will miss, and unfortunately those tidbits of information are often the ones you can least afford to overlook.
All of the banks seemed to be highly attuned to the issue and there was no flying under the radar.»
A sharks sense of smell is particularly attuned to animal fluids and is extremely sensitive to blood from an injured animal.
However, it is important that everyone attune to what the primary language is of our guests and those we seek to please.
It's a change that is affecting the entire industry, but one that «a lot of other startups in the storage space are not really attuned to,» he says.
Similarly, she'll need to prove that she's attuned to the needs of the middle class — a feat sure to be difficult, as critics point to her ties to Wall Street and other big business interests.
Children are particularly attuned to your awareness of emotions, the behavior you demonstrate in response to strong emotions, and how you react and respond to their emotions.
All of us consumed by the vicissitudes of commerce should be attuned to the admonition of St. Paul to focus our gaze not on the seen, but the unseen, for the seen is transitory and the unseen is forever.
One possible reason for this ability is that the very processes of learning two languages and switching back and forth between them train the brain to be more attuned to auditory information, Bak said.
I never did have either of the two assistants remind me of a meeting, update me on their own about how things were going, or flag an important e-mail to show they were attuned to my work.
But several companies were then in the process of creating better battlefield software that was attuned to the challenges of the post-9 / 11 period.
Introverts are phenomenal listeners, which attunes them to the needs of others.
But not everyone is attuned to your specific job's lexicon of acronyms.
The «management» part of account management includes being attuned to your client's expectations and responses, both fiscally and emotionally.
I think once the world becomes more accustomed and attuned to the platform of bitcoin, the noise will go away, and the currency will go away too.
The idea is that a robot with properly attuned social gaze behaviors will be more capable of communicating smoothly with a human.
Meanwhile, ASIC chairman James Shipton told The Australian Financial Review Banking & Wealth Summit the regulator was highly attuned to the fact the interests and actions of global investors intersected with the Australian market, in response to a question posed about activist shorts zeroing - in on Australian companies.
They should be attuned to how the energy of their team ebbs and flows in correlation with those lifecycles.
That was the mantra of Facebook in the early days, and many entrepreneurs in their zeal to emulate the Zuck used that phrase to justify a culture that was more attuned to creating chaos and hoping for...
They appreciate a good deal, and they're finely attuned to saving money where they can — one of the biggest contributors to how they got where they are.
Our intention in running a smooth business with as less hitches as possible is to ensure that we hire the right number of employees who not only have an understanding of the industry and are professionals but also are attuned to our corporate goals and vision and are committed to ensuring that these goals and visions are achieved.
We are somewhat more explicit about recognising the potential human cost of financial instability in terms of financial distress and unemployment and are more attuned to the behavioural risks associated with risk cultures and financial innovations.
The Bank's intention in making this adjustment is not to end growth, but to keep the setting of monetary policy attuned to the economy's changing needs.
Given the big surprises of 2016 in regards to the Brexit vote to exit the European Union (EU) and the U.S. presidential election, we are especially attuned to the potential impact of events ahead on the global landscape as we head into 2017.
The presentation says that the founding entrepreneur is «financially - sophisticated» and attuned to the jargon and information needs of time - strapped business plan readers.
James basically offered an experientially based, psychologically attuned version of Pascal's famous wager.
Some of the discussion may be familiar to longtime readers of this publication, but much of it is helpful refresher material, especially for those of us who are generally not as well attuned to developments in physics as we ought to be.
Now we clearly need all of these, but my sense is that one is more healing, one is more liberating, one is more attune to the affinities of what our type actually really needs to begin to tell ourselves the truth.
To read it properly, to ascertain even its literal sense, required that one be a loyal son of the Church, humbly disposed toward the sacred page, and attuned spiritually to the «overarching sacred sense» as witnessed in the life of the Church.
An evangelically centered Church, attuned to the Spirit and the times, will thus choose its bishops from among those men who have demonstrated a capacity to mount a countercultural witness by inviting people into friendship with the Lord Jesus — and it will do so knowing that it is calling these men to various forms of martyrdom, of which opprobrium and ridicule are often the least of what may be expected.
And a few of us remember from the No Left Turns days that, while ultimately not agreeing, he admitted the power of a Christian and virtue - ethics «media - fasting» case made against all TV by the commenter «wm.» «Wm» is a very erudite and Catholic (and yet also rock - attuned) professor whose identity I'll reveal if I get permission, and here's a taste of what he said in that thread:
The «Robber Barons» were no robbers and their greed was exaggerated, natural right - grounded classic liberals rejected Social Darwinism, and men like Justice Peckham who «discovered» and defended the liberty of contract were good men attuned to what might plausibly be derived from a natural development of American jurisprudence.
An institute bears his name, two of his best books were re-issued in the late 1990s, Liberty Fund symposiarchs have dined out handsomely on him, and politicians (ever attuned to a rising market) have ransacked his work for justification of their various Third Ways and Compassionate Conservatisms.
We might note the obvious influence of Leo Strauss's Natural Right and History upon Bénéton's framing of modernity, but he works out the implications of historicist relativism and Weberian social science in ways that are more attuned to both the contemporary academy and to our day - to - day lives.
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