Sentences with phrase «of biblical accounts of creation»

Students thoroughly enjoy this documentary as it is engaging and promotes good debate between literal and liberal interpretations of Biblical accounts of creation.
Although there are some Christians, such as the Creationists in the USA, who insist on the literal accuracy of the biblical account of creation, the majority of Christians would now see the stories as mythological.

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They speak so much about the Sovereign - God, but what about the Creator - God, because many of them reject the biblical account of creation in favor of Darwinism.
The Biblical accounts of God - to - human relationship and affairs going from the very obvious to the very mysterious, starting with creation and going through a multitude of stages, the fall, the expulsion and curse, trials and covenants, rebellion and Law, culminating with God's «Ultimate Provision» for Salvation, the «Good News» of the Lord Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, the «New Covenant,» the «Millennial Kingdom» to come, the end of time, and the afterlife, are the basis for the Christian Theology on «Time Dispensations.»
For example, he or she may be asked, How does the biblical account of creation relate to the Big Bang theory?
Secondly as stated further up the thread, the biblical account of creation was to show the authority of God to an ancient people.
[4] Biblical Account of Creation Analysed, Sep. 12 1979 [5] On the Dignity and Vocation of Woman § 25.
(2) Evolution has often been taught with the implication that it was a rejection of the biblical creation account, by ignoring or dismissing the creation stories as prescientific myths surpassed by superior modern versions.
While it is true that the biblical view of creation sanctifies time and nature as created by God — and therefore good — it does not follow that the creation accounts as such are to be understood chronologically or as natural history.
The bible clearly demarks generations, along with the number of years people lived, to a good enough degree that a pretty clear timeline of creation is readily derivable), The biblical account of events is clearly off on time scales.
«Every single human being who walks on the face of the earth has a lense that they view the world through... Since Evolution / Atheism denies the existence of God and the biblical account of creation, they have to make sense of the fossil record and geologic formations somehow.»
Fifteen percent of those surveyed said that theology's main role with respect to science is to «support the biblical account of the human creation and fall.»
Our survey question about the «most important» way that theology meets science offered three options: theology 1) gives meaning, 2) defends the biblical account of creation or 3) provides ethics.
Last week, the luxury retailer Fortnum & Mason was accused by campaign group Christian Concern of trying to «retell» the Biblical account creation on a biscuit tin by portraying two men - Adam and Steve - in the Garden of Eden.
A new collection of luxury biscuit tins have seemingly re-written the Biblical account of Creation by appearing to feature same - sex couples in the Garden of Ede...
Consequently we must ask what does the biblical account of creation actually state?
It has affected how man understands the origin of life (including his own) on this planet, and Christianity has had to contend with, account for, and reconcile its implications with the biblical narrative of creation and purpose as stemming from God.
What the biblical understanding of creation rules out is not any scientific account, but other interpretive statements, such as «God is nature» (pantheism), «the world is essentially unreal» (Hinduism), «matter is ultimate» (materialism), or «the world is evil» (Schopenhauer — and some forms of existentialism).
3) Biblical scholarship relating the creation account of Genesis and ancient Near Eastern cosmology continues to become more accessible to the average reader, so Christian university students are in a great position to learn from Bible professors why a literal, scientific reading of Genesis 1 and 2 need not be a fundamental element of the Christian faith.
Process theologians see this in fundamental accord with the biblical accounts of creation.
Babylonia also has its flood story, which, in some points of detail, is much closer to the Biblical account than the creation story.
Our understanding of the unfathomable size, age and complexity of the Universe was instrumental (along with evolution) in dethroning the Biblical account of creation.
It is commonly believed that Darwin's theory of evolution has disproved the Biblical account of creation in general, and individual creation of species in particular.
These biblical stories, while not being accounts of actual incidents, nevertheless have a connection with actuality which stories of the ordinary kind do not need to have, Thus the creation story is true only if God is in fact the Creator of the heavens and the earth and of man in his image, and the story of the fall is true only if man is in fact alienated from God and thus actually falling short of the glory of his own true nature and destiny.
«The core issue raised by ancient Near Eastern data has helped calibrate the genre of the biblical creation accounts.
Enns first highlights the impact of Akkadian Literature, which likely predates the biblical text and which includes creation and flood accounts remarkably similar to those we find in the Bible.
Gawrisch, W. R. «The Biblical Account of Creation and Modern Theology» in Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly 59 (1962) pp. 161 - 202.
He volunteered to Darrow — it was not wormed out of him, as the play suggests — that the «days» in the biblical account of creation were not twenty - four hour days; he cited Genesis 2:4, in which the word «generations» seems to be used as a substitute for «days.»
And if evolutionary theory can be accommodated by calling creation accounts myths, presumably other aspects of the biblical world need to be corrected or altered in meaning when confronted by materials from more sources of knowledge than I wish to list.
The biblical account grounds sexual difference in the act of creation.
Only when the great minds were liberated from the biblical accounts of creation and the controls and censures of ecclesiastical authorities were they able to make a qualitative leap in scientific progress, bringing about the un-fettered birth of modern science.
The mainstream theological community is already way beyond the literal interpretation of the biblical accounts of Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden and seven days of creation.
Lesson evaluating the Biblical account of creation.
Too often, the classroom has been a battleground in which science loses out to ideology — either directly, as with fights to equate biblical accounts of creation with research illuminating natural selection, or indirectly, when fears of such fights cause teachers or administrators in a more subtle way to skip or skim over science that has big implications for society.
The approximately 6 % rise in «Evolution, but God guided» in the second form of the questionaire relative to the form quoted above probably represents a shift of those whose interpretation of «exactly as the Bible describes» allows them to consider creation prior to 10,000 years ago as consistent with the Biblical creation accounts.
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