Sentences with phrase «of cadmium red»

He had smeared a line of cadmium red light on a strip of masking tape that divided a vertical canvas painted cadmium red deep into two halves, creating a bilaterally symmetrical image of solid color.
Color is born of a planar objectivity in the present lot, and Judd's deliberate choice of cadmium red is markedly instrumental in the definition of space.
As its title suggests, Wand (Wall) presents a compelling wall of colour with horizontal bands of cadmium red, blue and magenta that deliberately echo the chromatic intensity of a Mark Rothko.
Once back in Düsseldorf he produced To the People of New York City (1976), a 15 - part work comprising 39 aluminum panels painted in variations of cadmium red, cadmium yellow, and black — the colors of the West and East German flags (and now the German one)- ever changing in pattern.
Then I mixed a basic skin color of Cadmium Red Light, Yellow Ochre and Titanium White.
Some of these new works, however, introduce dramatic notes of cadmium red, canary yellow.
Surfaces are worked to destruction, making them permeable in places, while the colour palette is dark, mineral or earthy, with a zing of cadmium red, which breaks down into hundreds of hue variations.
Through the interaction of the warmth and surface quality of the vibrant wooden curtain of cadmium red and the cool, dispassionate and industrial nature of the galvanized iron, Untitled (DSS 42) successfully portrays Judd's belief that contradictory elements can exist harmoniously and create an enticing visual experience.
When I came here [to South Carolina] and beg [a] n studying with Jean Pilk, who had studied for years with Daniel Greene, [she] directed me to use a palette of Cadmium Red light with Yellow Ochre as a base.
Then adding tiny amounts of cadmium red to my cadmium yellow, I got all the various shades seen on the oranges and apples.

Not exact matches

Available in black, red, or turquoise, each piece of the set features a lead - free, cadmium - free aluminum body, Bakelite handle, and Thermolon ceramic nonstick coating.
100 % PURE uses healthy, antioxidant rich pigments of Cocoa, Peaches, Goji Berries, and other nutrient dense plant or mineral pigments, instead of the commonly used FD&C / Lake colorants like Red Dye # 40, Blue Dye # 6, etc.; all of which can contain unhealthy heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury and more.
Jim Morphesis, a painter of expressionistic figurative works, also based in Los Angeles, continues to use oils in his signature palette, including cadmium reds, although he knows chronic exposure to cadmium can lead to kidney damage and other problems.
She turns up the retinal volume again and again in the grounds of her paintings — vast seas of cerulean blue edged by crisp white lines, or enveloping acts of domestic violence; equally riveting cadmium reds, oranges, and crimsons saturating the picture plane beneath angry gorillas, dancing Chubby Checkers, and kissing lovers; Day - Glo yellows that push up against sharp blacks as «bad guys» in black suits point guns and walk up and down staircases — and employs unusual compositional strategies to draw our attention to these expanses of high - key color.
The core of the exhibition is eight large, recent paintings consisting of zigzag horizontal and vertical stripes done in variations of Veronese green and deep, rich blue, punctuated by white, ochre, red, and cadmium yellow.
The composition is dominated by a large expanse of wood painted with the artist's iconic cadmium red, resulting in an area that resonates and reverberates with an intensity of color that is unrivalled in twentieth century art, except perhaps by the forces of color created by Mark Rothko on his large - scale canvases.
Mr. Judd's move to three dimensions is summarized by two very different works from 1963: an aluminum - faced relief drilled with a grid of tiny holes whose top and bottom edges curve outward aggressively, and a floor box painted cadmium red light for maximum visual effect.
His cadmium red pictures cut through with stripes or incisions led the viewer to perceive space as a basic fact of sculpture.
The images produced by these methods yield a shimmering interplay between closely aligned colors, such as the light and medium Cadmium reds of Red Curve (State 2)(Fig. 4), or create startling effects of depth as in his black - and - white Rivers series.
To the right, Louis depicts only primary colors beginning with bright red, cerulean blue and two versions of yellow (yellow ochre and cadmium yellow).
The red tile roofs in the distance are painted with a dense mixture of Cadmium Orange.
Photo: John Jerome; Donald Judd, untitled, 1961, Liquitex and sand on plywood, with routed lines, 48 x 96 in; Donald Judd, untitled, 1961 - 1978, woodcut in ivory black on offset paper, 22 x 30.5 in; Donald Judd, untitled, 1962, oil and wax on canvas, 69 x 101 3/4 in; Donald Judd, untitled, 1963, Cadmium red light and black oil on wood with galvanized iron and aluminum, 50 x 42 x 5 1/2, installed on the Fifth Floor of 101 Spring Street, New York.
Images from top to bottom: Installation view of Don Judd, Green Gallery, New York, December 17, 1963 - January 11, 1964; Poster for Don Judd, Green Gallery, New York, December 17, 1963 - January 11, 1964; Donald Judd, untitled, 1963, cadmium red light and black oil on wood with galvanized iron and aluminum; Donald Judd, untitled, 1963, cadmium red light oil on wood and purple enamel on aluminum.
It calls to mind the hard edges of Kenneth Noland and Al Loving, or Donald Judd's cadmium red.
Untitled, 1972, is a large floor - based work consisting of an open - topped, almost square box with sides made from copper and an aluminum base that is enameled on the inside in cadmium red.
Visually anchored by winding areas of yellow and crimson on the right and left respectively, the painting bursts with cadmium red, olive and forest greens, light gray, and the occasional dash of deep blue.
Firstly, he only uses four colours — cadmium red, cadmium yellow, monestial blue and opaque white — so there's always a strong visual relationship between any two of his paintings.
Colours: alizarin crimson, cadmium red, rose madder, verde green, terre verte green, ultramarine blue, cerulean blue, cobalt blue, ultramarine violet, transparent oxide of red, burnt sienna, raw umber, burnt umber, yellow ochre, lemon yellow, titanium white.
Colours: Ultramarine blue, burnt sienna, oxide of red, cerulean blue, raw sienna, manganese violet, white, lemon yellow, kings blue light, cobalt blue, naples yellow, cadmium yellow, alizarin crimson, paynes grey.
Before selling Gerhard Richter's stunning cadmium Wand (Wall) for $ 28.7 million a couple weeks back, Alex Branczik, head of contemporary art at Sotheby's London, tried to get some ink by making a few passing comments about the allure of red, and its special meaning to some Asian buyers.
Finally, create ranges of orange, using each possible combination of the red and yellow co-primaries, starting with the red and yellow that have orange overtones - cadmium red and cadmium yellow.
Materials Palette, palette knife, a range of brushes, primed sheets of paper - cut down from A1 to several sizes, paints: cadmium lemon; cadmium yellow; cadmium red; alizarin crimson; cobalt blue; ultramarine blue; phthalo blue
There are many varieties of each colour available, but for these exercises you'll only need to buy a restricted palette of the following basic colours: titanium white, lamp or ivory black, yellow ochre, alizarin crimson, cadmium red, cadmium lemon, cadmium yellow, cobalt blue and ultramarine blue.
Materials Palette, palette knife, range of brushes, three primed A4 sheets of paper, paints: titanium white; cadmium lemon; cadmium yellow; cadmium red; alizarin crimson; ultramarine blue; cobalt blue
That's where, as a sixteen - year - old participant in a summer enrichment program, I parked in front of Adolph Gottlieb's Cadmium Red Above Black (1959), a typically monumental yet unusually compressed example from the abstract expressionist's Bursts series, and had my first deeply personal encounter with a work of art.
The Green Gallery had the first exhibitions of Claes Oldenburg's soft sculptures, the first exhibition of Donald Judd's cadmium red light sculptures and the first three shows of Robert Morris's work.
And that it is possible to lay scarlet next to orange, next to cadmium red, next to pink, next to black and bring the whole thing to life with a few patches of bare canvas and white.
As an architect of space, Judd's execution of Untitled, 1979 in his trademark cadmium red anodized aluminum encourages a holistic restructuring of the environment in which it is displayed and energizes the wall upon which it hangs.
In the dialogue between the figure's cadmium red belt, her peach coloured shirt and the earthy glow emanating from her skin and hair, Yiadom - Boakye infuses the composition with a deep sense of warmth.
Each of the approximately 20 works will share a single colour which for this season, is Dr. Ph. Martin's Cadmium Red, a red with an evocative 1970s orange hRed, a red with an evocative 1970s orange hred with an evocative 1970s orange hue.
«Nice Pink» (1965) suggests that the four - color stack in red oxide, hot pink, cadmium red, and green function perceptually much like Noland's bands of color from 1967 - 1968.
Like the majority of Impressionists, Ritter derives most pleasure from schemes of cobalt blue, cadmium red and yellow.
This volume, the first in a series of four, describes the history, characteristics, and scientific analysis of 10 pigments (Indian yellow; cobalt yellow; natural and synthetic barium sulfate; cadmium yellows, oranges, and reds; red lead and minium; green earth; zinc white; chrome yellow and other chromate pigments; lead antimonate yellow; and cochineal and kermes carmine) that have played a major role in the history of painting.
In 1948 and the early months of 1949 he painted most often on narrow horizontal canvases with irregular patches of cobalt, cadmium red and white against a, dull reddish - brown ground.
LB: My first palette consisted of, going around from the bottom left of the palette and moving along the outer edge to the top right or middle of the right edge: titanium white, zinc yellow, cadmium yellow light, naples yellow, yellow ochre, alizarin crimson, cadmium red light, venetian red, ultramarine blue, cobalt blue, cerulean blue, virdian green, chromium oxide green, ivory black, burnt sienna, raw umber.
I would paint a pile of poppies and I wanted it to just be about abstraction, and about the cadmium red - orange color.
Our favorite work is the large - scale work called «Flat Painting Bodfari 14/15 Cadmium Red Deep»: a mysterious patchwork in a tremendous shade of red, inevitably sucking in any gaze that is placed upon Red Deep»: a mysterious patchwork in a tremendous shade of red, inevitably sucking in any gaze that is placed upon red, inevitably sucking in any gaze that is placed upon it.
In «Two Whites Over Antique Red Over Cadmium Red» (2013), the left and right sides of the canvas are separated by what The New Yorker referred to as a «Newmanesque zip.»
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