Sentences with phrase «of caesarian»

The debauchery of a more inclusive and contemporary kind is witnessed in the artist's depiction of Caesarian Sunday, the first of Cambridge's summer drinking parties traditionally held on the Sunday of the May Bank Holiday weekend, and the notorious after - exams party Suicide Sunday, held in June, and its traditional cardboard boat race.
Debauchery of a more inclusive and contemporary kind is witnessed in the artist's depiction of Caesarian Sunday, the first of Cambridge's summer drinking parties traditionally held on the Sunday of the May Bank Holiday weekend, and the notorious after - exams party Suicide Sunday, held in June, and its traditional cardboard boat race.
Novice breeders burning up the internet and the midnight oil can learn new / old techniques to help a mother dog through a healthy pregnancy and reduce the odds of a caesarian section.
The physical changes manifested by uncomfortable breast engorgement, sore muscles, digestive changes, uterine contractions and healing of a caesarian scar or birth canal, take a toll on the mother in the postnatal period.
Studies have clearly shown that women using CNMs have much lower rates of caesarians.

Not exact matches

Seven in 10 of the world's poor live in remote or rural areas, where access to medical services is sharply limited or not available at all: 5 billion people can't reach or afford essential surgical care, from emergency caesarian sections to cancer surgery.
Many nations / countries have left behind their lordships and kingly escapades with but a Caesarian Roman / Greek manifesto of sorts.
Caesarian birth: the importance of a family perspective.
And so it's comfortable especially for you know when you are breastfeeding for either a long time year wise, or even a long time session wise it's more comfortable if you know, if you've had a caesarian birth then the baby's not laying on your stomach or you know you don't have to hold your breast up and try and make sure you're not letting the baby's head fall in and it's a lot of less juggling when you've got gravity kind of in your favor.
And why do more than 40 % of births now end in caesarian section, the highest percentage in history?
It greatly reduces the pain of labor and childbirth; frequently eliminates the need for drugs; reduces the need for caesarian surgery or other doctor - controlled birth interventions; and it also shortens birthing and recovery time, allowing for better and earlier bonding with the baby, which has been proven to be vital to the mother - child bond.
If you are well - informed and well - supported, no matter what the outcome of your birth (natural childbirth with no medical intervention, pain relief, induced labor, or Caesarian birth) you are more likely to have a positive birth experience and to be more present to your newborn child.
Commonly the caesarian section is prescribed in case of the disproportion presentation in multiple pregnancy.
Many moms say one of the best parts of having a planned Caesarian section birth — C - section for short — is knowing exactly when their baby will be born.
«Mother A» was denied patient autonomy and the right to informed refusal when the drastic and unprecedented measure of an emergency High Court sitting was called in order to compel her to undergo a Caesarian section.
Normally, most hospitals will do a Caesarian section out of concern for the risks.
Whether its a vaginal or Caesarian birth, the instant our body goes from prenatal to postpartum it is left with the enormous task of healing from not only the effects of pregnancy, but from the major physical demands of labor.
But then I will read about another nurse - in at a place where a breastfeeding mother was given a hard time, or hear about another study about the for - profit insanity of our current Caesarian rates, or discover a company that makes really lovely pregnancy - and - nursing products I didn't know about when I could have actually used them... and I feel sort of wistful that I won't be able to be part of things any more, not the way I was a few years ago.
«I think a lot of consumers are really scared by the high cesarean rate, and they're becoming aware that Caesarian is a major surgical procedure,» said Beard.
So women need to know the death and damage rates at home v hospital, the death and damage rate when under professional medical care v under other care, and that there are no differences in outcome in terms of bonding, intelligence or socialisation for caesarian v vaginal delivery and breast v bottle.
A caesarian can save lives and are absolutely necessary in about 10 % of births.
They took small samples from the ovaries of 10 women undergoing elective caesarian sections, and isolated 87 follicles, which they let develop in a soup of nutrients.
Their bone density and large head make it nearly impossible for the male to mount the female and because of its large head puppies must be delivered via caesarian section.
Caesar — Julius Caesar leant his name to the Caesarian Section (C - Section, by which method he was said to have been born), to his adoptive son, Augustus, and to the line of Roman Emperors that succeeded Julius and Caesar Augustus.
For example, because of the shape of Boston Terriers and Bulldogs, puppies of these breeds often need to be delivered by Caesarian section.
A Caesarian can be necessary to spare the bitch and save the pups but I strongly suggest you avoid today's practice of routinely scheduled caesarians.
They also must deliver any puppies by caesarian section because of the size of their heads.
Dogs must be delivered by Caesarian Section or the risk of death and complications for both is very high.
A lot of Chihuahuas need to be given a caesarian birth and all require close monitoring during their pregnancy.
The trailer, which starred Norman Reedus (who's likely going to be the game's protagonist), involved a large amount of dead marine life (crabs and whales and dolphins galore), oil, cables, and a Caesarian section on Norman Reedus after he apparently gave birth.
Birth injuries can include cerebral palsy from lack of oxygen, failure of doctors to perform a Caesarian section to avoid a traumatic delivery, Erb's palsy or shoulder dystocia (brachial plexus injury) caused by a traumatic delivery, or developmental delays caused by lack of oxygen.
A baby girl suffered brain damage as the result of her doctor failing to perform a timely Caesarian section.
These injuries can be caused by, among other things, a doctor's negligence in diagnosing or managing a prolapsed or compressed umbilical cord, negligent administration of anesthesia during Caesarian section (C - Section), or negligence in monitoring maternal and fetal vital signs.
Birth injuries related to Caesarian Sections (C - Sections) may be caused by the negligent performance of a C - Section or by the negligent failure to timely order a C - Section when one is indicated.
Caesarian section / C - section attorney Jeffrey Killino has extensive experience with all types of child injury and birth injury cases, including those arising out of the negligence of medical professionals.
The negligent failure of an obstetrician to timely order or perform an emergency Caesarian section when indicated may also be found to have caused a fetus's HIE injury.
Failing to Order a Timely Caesarian Section: The failure to give an emergency Caesarian when the child is not reassuring (fetal distress) is a very common course of birth injuries.
First one was one of the first done by the dr when they were brand new... She didn't realise that I'd had two caesarians until I was on the table.
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