Sentences with phrase «of color analysis»

You've probably seen and heard quite a lot about different sorts of Color Analysis and wondered whether your own coloring might be Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter.
«Different» methods of Color Analysis are always popping up but I've never paid them much attention.
It completely takes the mystery out of Color Analysis when you see the garments in Winter colors modelled so elegantly by models with the same natural coloring as your own.
«Different» methods of Color Analysis are always popping up but I never give them a great deal of thought.
But some methods of Color Analysis do nothing but create confusion - in fact I had a lady tell me that she's a «Warm Summer» - impossible!
«Different» methods of Color Analysis are always popping up but I never give them a great deal of thought because the Tonal and Seasonal methods work perfectly well and complement each other perfectly.
«Different» methods of Color Analysis pop up of course but I never pay them much attention - each to his own!
You may hear about «different» methods of Color Analysis but, after all the hype, every method comes down to the same straight - forward idea of connecting or matching color characteristics with your own natural characteristics.
Your color palette is decided by NATURE too and my method of Color Analysis isolates the tones that echo and therefore complement your natural coloring.
«Different» methods of Color Analysis are always popping up but I never pay them a great deal of attention because I have to say «each to his own».

Not exact matches

While the analysis focused on the color rather than gender - orientation of the items, the two factors are clearly related.
The analysis is part of Reveal's ongoing coverage of modern - day redlining in America, which found 61 metro area s, from Jacksonville, Florida to Tacoma, Washington, where people of color were significantly more likely to be denied a conventional home loan than their white counterparts.
Writing with pronounced respect and admiration for the preacher, colored by a serious concern about method, Morrison offered an unusually astute and critical analysis of American revivalism.
A recent analysis of market researchers at Nielsen have found that products with non-GMO claims have seen a +18.2 percent boost in sales while products free from artificial colors and flavors have received a +16.2 percent increase in the last five years.
Comparative analyses of phenolic composition, antioxidant capacity, and color of cool season legumes and other selected food legumes.
Each of the recipes includes a color photo and a nutritional analysis.
Using innovative coffee roast laser analysis technology, ColorTrack offers precision and repeatability of color to.01 points, with automatic adjustment for constantly changing ambient air temperature and humidity.
For the recent competition, submissions were evaluated blind and through organoleptic analysis of characteristics, including flavor, body, color, clarity and balance (leaf appearance was not a factor).
After much over analysis of my 3 year - olds lack of desire to color / draw /» write» after countless ignored «invitations» — today she drew her first «person» — two arms, a head, two eyes and she «colored in the shirt.»
Based on data derived from the most recent NARM job analysis, midwife members who self - identified as «of color» will be invited to participate in focus groups to explore facilitators and barriers that they have experienced with respect to access to midwifery education, and as practitioners.
The Best Political Team will deliver real time analysis, color and observations of President Obama's address tonight on health care.
The app analyses the colors of the test, compares them with a pre-recorded calibration, and displays a numerical result on the phone's screen.
The new technique compensates for the difference by using artificial intelligence to reproduce the level of resolution and color details needed for a laboratory analysis.
In «Calibrating 30 Years of Experimental Research: A Meta - Analysis of the Atmospheric Effects of Music, Scent, and Color,» Professors Holger Roschk of Alpen - Adria - Universität, in Austria, Professor Sandra Maria Correia Loureiro, of the Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, and Jan Breitsoh, lecturer at the UK's Aberystwyth University, analyzed 66 studies of 15,621 shoppers — mostly women — conducted between 1982 and 2016.
Now researchers have teamed up to provide guidance to retailers contemplating similar strategies, via a meta - analysis of research related to the impact of music, scents, and colors on shoppers.
Scientific analysis of several paintings has revealed new information about Vincent van Gogh's use of color, an unattributed work believed to be by Spanish master Diego Velazquez, and the materials used by artists in the Roman era, according to conservation experts at a 14 February news briefing at the 2016 AAAS Annual Meeting.
In analyses of 23 videos of five different types of animals (mice, fruit flies, ants, zebrafish [shown], and small tropical fish called medaka), the software was able to identify and correctly track individuals (color - coded trails) within those groups 99.7 % of the time, researchers report online today in Nature Methods.
(Bottom) optimal number of clusters in Japanese color names derived by k - means analysis with Gap statistic.
After a statistical analysis of the insects» body measurements and colors, as well as their abundance and ability to trick both humans and birds, the authors discarded most of the existing explanations.
Additional analyses revealed that the blue color arose because of molecular interactions between the tweaked pigment and certain colorless compounds naturally found in many plants, including chrysanthemums.
Dr Simone Ottonello, from the University of Parma, Italy says: «If extended to black truffles from different geographic areas, epigenomic analyses, such as the one described in this work, may shed light on the relationships between DNA methylation and transposon - mediated genome shaping, intraspecific variability and commercially relevant organoleptic traits such as aroma and color»
Indeed, in a 2009 analysis of DNA from the bones of nearly 90 ancient horses dated from about 12,000 to 1000 years ago, researchers found genetic evidence for bay and black coat colors but no sign of the spotted variety, suggesting that the spotted horse could have been the figment of some artist's imagination.
Using a genome - wide association study (GWAS) that includes 1600 individuals living in Tanzania, Botswana, or Ethiopia, the authors identified regions of the genome that contribute to skin color variation and carried out a series of analyses to pinpoint the responsible genes.
Living up to all the ambitions of its official name, OSIRIS - REx would explore the origins of asteroids and thus the solar system itself, connect spectral colors observable from Earth to specific minerals on the asteroid, identify potential resources such as water for rocket fuel, help evaluate the threat of asteroids to Earth, and return some regolith (asteroid soil) for detailed analysis.
Through analysis of the depictions, colors, and spatial organization, they found that the sites mimic the Southeastern native people's cosmological principles.
To conduct their analysis, IU scientists gathered statistics on 400 fashion models from the Fashion Model Directory, a major database of professional female fashion models, tracking hair and eye color; height; hip, waist, dress and shoes size; modeling agency; and runways walked.
In the case of the western spruce budworm, a cream - colored insect that especially enjoys munching on conifers, the analysis showed in the first few years after an outbreak fire severity is low, but over the course of decades it increases.
Planetary scientist Will Grundy of Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Ariz., and colleagues used images of Charon taken by the New Horizons spacecraft and computational analysis to demonstrate that methane from Pluto is a reasonable culprit for Charon's rust - colored pole.
The new analysis probably pinned down the actual color of the fossil moth, says entomologist Daniel Janzen of the University of Pennsylvania.
But analyses of rocks taken from one of the undersea ridges by teams in the past decade (samples obtained from sites marked with colored dots) show that the ridge's rocks are up to 1 million years older than Waianae is.
But, strikingly, genetic analysis revealed that owls still have a capacity to discriminate color (although it's greatly reduced from that of ancestral birds).
For their analyses, the scientists specifically colored the places of origin of axons of so - called pyramidal cells in the hippocampus.
Rudimentary features such as the orientation of edges, direction of motion, color, and so on are extracted early on in areas called V1 and V2 before reaching the next stages in the visual - processing hierarchy for a progressively more refined analysis.
Analyses of primate visual pigments show that our color vision evolved in an unusual way and that the brain is more adaptable than generally thought
Most of these detections are then rejected by means of an analysis of the light - curves, taking into account the depth, duration, shape and color signature, among others, and become classified as unspecified binary systems (for details of this procedure see Carpano et al. 2009).
Now, thanks to near - infrared spectral measurements taken by NASA's Cassini orbiter and analysis of near - infrared color signatures by researchers at the University of Wisconsin - Madison, Saturn's superstorm is helping scientists flesh out a picture of the composition of the planet's atmosphere at depths typically obscured by a thick high - altitude haze.
Automatic analysis and 3D - modelling of Hi - C data using TADbit reveals structural features of the fly chromatin colors.
Maximum, minimum and integrity of intense color based on Gray - level acquisition and analysis of the data level were carried out by reading spot fixed areas of 10 images for each case.
Integrating the results from several analyses helps scientists gain a better understanding of cancer, much like combining magenta, cyan, and yellow inks can generate vibrant color prints.
Animation illustrates the compilation of the sensitivity analysis of the maximum photoelectrochemical efficiency to semiconductor external radiative efficiency; (a) Maximum efficiency vs. semiconductor external radiative efficiency (ERE) for a single junction photoelectrochemical device, with the color axis indicating the semiconductor bandgap (eV) that corresponds to the maximum efficiency; (b) Animation of efficiency vs. semiconductor bandgap with the external radiative efficiency evolving in time; red dot indicates the bandgap corresponding to the maximum efficiency at a given ERE value that is plotted on (a).
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