Sentences with phrase «of conciliation»

The Court of Conciliation in Los Angeles maintains a counseling service for disturbed marriages.
«which God purposed as an act of conciliation through Jesus» faithfulness to death.»
Faculty Demonstration of Conciliation Conference and Mock Conciliation Conference with MCAD Mediators.
Early 1946 was the high point of conciliation.
One striking feature was the provision of committees of conciliation for every locality — purely advisory bodies that were to hear any question raised by the application of the Debra law, especially issues involving freedom of conscience, to promote a preliminary exchange of views with the aim of effecting a reconciliation without going to court.
ACAS has now published a research paper on the effect of its conciliation processes in employment tribunal claims.
There exist two ways of solving disputes: by way of determination and by way of conciliation.
While there was talk of conciliation, no major breakthrough in Washington's chilly climate is expected soon.
In settling a driverless car trade secrets dispute with Waymo, Dara Khosrowshahi, Uber's C.E.O., showed how he employs the tactics of conciliation, regret and compromise.
Yet if you observe his reactions since the offer of conciliation, I would be inclined to believe that he was duped as he claims.
It was a triumph, said the Century, that the allies had brought on themselves — by refusing to take «the road of conciliation» and by making of the Versailles Treaty «nothing but a victors» vengeance, a «brutal betrayal» of the German people's confidence.
At present the Chinese Communists are following the peaceful offensive of the Kremlin, the policy of conciliation of the Muslims as a strategy to obtain the friendship and sympathy of the Islamic countries — but these sly maneuvers will not deceive the Chinese Muslims.
The unusual display of affections seemed to indicate at least a public posture of conciliation among agency officials who in the last several months have been beset by internal squabbling and disagreement over a long list of park plans.
For the past two years, the BOL has abandoned gridlock and lawsuits in favor of conciliation and negotiation.
By day's end, both men had made gestures of conciliation, pledging to find ways to work together in the final days of the state legislative session.
Bernard Jenkin (Harwich) asked Alexander to «welcome the notes of conciliation in the response by Her Majesty's official Opposition».
Richard Curreri, Director of Conciliation for PERB, wrote that «given that the parties have unquestionably bargained to impasse regarding evaluation procedures under the Transformation / Restart model, I find that the appointment of a mediator at this juncture is appropriate.»
The most powerful message that comes through, however, is of abject pessimism about the chance of conciliation.
She and Edith are among the angry women kicked and beaten by the police, or stomped on by their mounts, following the Liberal government's March 1912 rejection of the Conciliation Bill that would have enfranchised over a million women householders.
There are two ways of viewing this newfound embrace of conciliation.
A predicament with no winners, since the fall - out there's been some hasty words of conciliation from both parties, though it's all probably too little, too late for anyone hoping to see Netflix's Alfonso Cuarón latest, «Roma», and Paul Greengrass's serial - killer drama «Norway».
Re-framing and centering diasporas who are continuously being placed outside history is reflected in his previous collaboration with cultural - studies academic Ella Shohat, entitled Dar Al Sahl («Domain of Conciliation»)(2014), whose name refers to a period of religious tolerance within the Ottoman Empire.
Mandatory mediation in the civil context is perceived as more of a procedural goal to reduce the issues in dispute or find a reasonable settlement, rather than a substantive objective of conciliation.
Noting the success that the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York Convention) has achieved for international arbitration, supporters of a conciliation convention are eager for UNCITRAL to develop an equivalent measure for international conciliation.
The law provides that (a) will be governed exclusively by the determination procedure and (b) will follow exclusively the conciliation proceedings while (c) will be governed in the first instance by the conciliation proceedings and, in the event of failure of conciliation, by the determination procedure.
As the first period of conciliation occurred before the EDT it did not act to extend limitation.
In the view of the Conciliation and Arbitration Commission the exclusion of Aboriginal people from equal protection under the Award was contrary to «overwhelming industrial justice».
Meaningly, women with high level of conciliation tended to possess high mental health.
With the exception of conciliation conferences, your lawyer, if you have one, does not attend.
The December 1969 issue of the Conciliation Courts Review introduced a new concept to the movement with an editorial by Meyer Elkin titled, «A Conciliation Court is More than a Reconciliation Court.»
You must file your appeal in writing within 90 days of the Conciliation date, if my memory serves me correct.
In Europe, the reprieve was seen not as an act of conciliation or generosity but instead as another 30 days of precarious limbo that will disrupt supply networks and undermine what has been an unusually strong period of growth.
Fair Work Australia (FWA) is the national workplace relations tribunal (formerly the Commonwealth Court of Conciliation and Arbitration.)
Stringer stressed, however, that they will have to learn to communicate strategically with the university, and possibly decide on a «point of conciliation
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