Sentences with phrase «of culture of death»

This state of affairs not only fails to engage with the core issue at the heart of the culture of death, it also tacitly encourages agnosticism about life after death, human freedom, the ultimate nature of evil and the human need for prayer and religious practice.
This week's video put a human face on the power of the culture of death.
No New Age proponent of the culture of death and instant gratification would risk a potentially cheesy postscript in which the ideal of happiness is not the celebration of occult power or the human ego, but ordinary family life.
In Ontario today, doctors who decline to euthanize their patients are required to provide what is termed, in the Orwellian vocabulary of the culture of death, an «effective referral»: They are obliged, on pain of losing their license to practice, to send a troubled patient to a doctor of lighter conscience who will kill that patient.
Some bears of little brain would likely dismiss Cardinal Collins's efforts to resist the further encroachments of the culture of death as examples of the kind of «culture warrior» activity Pope Francis allegedly frowns upon among bishops.
It animated the vibrant pontificate of Pope St. John Paul II, from his anticommunist writings on human freedom in its relationship to truth, to assertions of universal human dignity in the face of the culture of death, as well as in his approaches to ecumenism and interreligious dialogue.
Francis's signature phrases and the emphases of his pontificate prepare the way for the grotesque possibility, realized in this document, that bishops of the Church and servants of Christ will become cheerful, «pastoral» chaplains of the culture of death.
Readers can't know to what degree the document's apparent rubber - stamping of the culture of death was intended by its authors, or to what degree it simply follows from sloppy thinking and careless rhetoric.
Today, supporters and opponents of the culture of death have radically different and mutually exclusive worldviews, outlooks that do not necessarily track with the usual left - versus - right, religious - versus - secular paradigms that often roil our public controversies.
Since Roe v. Wade, three major cultural tipping points fueled popular acceptance of our culture of death.
But we should begin our charitable support by working to preserve the natural family through the solidarity, and charity, that combats the fractioning and isolation of the culture of death.
Later, when I wrote a book on the political dimensions of the culture of death, Neuhaus was my most stalwart and valued defender.
I am convinced that if such programmes are augmented by the vision presented by the Theology of the Body such as that put forward in «Called to Love» by Carl Anderson and Father Jose Granados, then Catholic children will not only be better able to resist the false attractions of the Culture of Death and the nihilistic philosophies of modern youth culture, they will also go on to live more complete and happier lives.
Prophets Of The Culture Of Death It is a truism to say that cultural trends which begin in America will, in due course, reach Britain.
Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute's Center on Human Exceptionalism and author of Culture of Death: The Age of «Do Harm» Medicine.
Living in the midst of a culture of death, the only teaching that these witnesses of the Third Millennium find «relevant» isdynamic fidelity to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.
Officiating at the baptism of ten children, the Pope exposed the lies of the culture of death, which makes the human being a «thing».
The generation that has lost one out of five of its members to abortion in this country seems to be more poignantly aware than any other of the tragic cost of the culture of death as well as the ever - present urgency of the need to confront its lies courageously.
He added: «The mafia phenomenon, which is the expression of a culture of death, must be resisted and fought.»

Not exact matches

«This is one of many entries in the book that shows how different cultures approach death.
One 20 - year study of workplace environments found that those cultures that lacked supportive relationships increased the risk of mortality by 240 percent, which makes sense when you consider that chronic stress is a leading contributor to premature death.
Following Hefner's death, Metropoulos released a statement: «Hugh Hefner was a visionary in business, a giant in media, and an iconic figure of pop culture whose legacy will leave a lasting impact.
«Considering the decades - long culture of violence on Rikers, some of it perpetuated by staff, it's appalling that Mayor de Blasio and Commissioner Ponte would invest in tools that have been shown to cause death,» Glenn Martin, of the advocacy group JustLeadershipUSA, told the New York Daily News in July.
Rikers, which houses around 9,800 prisoners daily, has come under recent scrutiny for a culture of violence that included officer attacks on prisoners and several inmate deaths.
There are a number of lessons that can be drawn from the death of Grantland, the high - profile but money - losing sports and culture site that ESPN shut down suddenly last week.
Experts widely believe this is the consequence of America's relaxed laws and culture surrounding guns: Making more guns more accessible means more guns, and more guns mean more deaths.
In January, the European Parliament's ad hoc Rule of Law committee in a scathing report cited a deepening «perception of impunity for criminals» in Malta in the aftermath of the Panama Papers revelations two years ago, and a culture of fear after Caruana Galizia's death.
While the film does not discuss this question, it is worth pondering whether the culture of death is the inevitable byproduct of democratic capitalism.
As I often say, the culture of death brooks no dissent.
But he would not agree that Western democracies like America are inevitably headed towards the culture of death.
He argues that democratic capitalism is solely the product of the Modern Enlightenment and thus necessarily leads to the culture of death.
We in the West are often accused of having a «death - denying» culture.
In his encyclical, Evangelium Vitae, JPII discusses this problem in terms of the «culture of death
The culture of death we see clearly in the gang violence on our streets and in the perpetual war that has ravaged homes in Iraq is just as real, though often harder to see, in the self - centeredness of our shopping malls and the loneliness of our workspaces.
and apologies to all the pagans that had their spring fertility festival stolen by the christians with the blatantly copied story from other previous cultures of the death and 3 days later resurrection of their god character.
The lawsuit was against the city of Ferguson, Wilson and former police Chief Tom Jackson because of Ferguson's «culture of hostility» against black people that led to the death of Brown — an accusation supported by the Department of Justice's findings.
This is inescapably the case with respect to the conflict between the «culture of life» and the «culture of death» so powerfully described in, for example, the encyclical Evangelium Vitae.
An updated and revised edition of his award - winning Culture of Death: The Assault on Medical Ethics in America will be released by Encounter Books next spring.
But in the face of a society marked by unbelieving ideologies and the culture of death, we deem it all the more important to affirm together those foundational truths of historic Christian orthodoxy that we do hold in common.
Churches and Christians divided by race and culture have the opportunity to work together on the front lines of the fight against spiritual darkness and nurture the hope and faith that might prevent more deaths like the one Freddie Gray suffered.
One thing is certain to a pastor: the only parishioners fighting the old battles are old themselves, their felt banners frayed and their guitar strings broken, while a young battalion is rising, with no animus against the atrophied adolescence of their parents, and only eager to engage a real spiritual combat in a culture of death.
Instead of misappropriating celebrity death as a gospel opportunity, I believe we should use it to demonstrate that we understand and relate, not to our culture, but to human beings.
Their stark acknowledgment of a congregation's death is consistent with the authors» commitment to celebrating the peculiar culture of each congregation.
With some creative thinking, such symbolic rituals of death and resurrection could be performed in nearly all cultures for any burial ceremony.
I learned this not from a class in feminist studies, but from Jesus — who was brought into the world by a woman whose obedience changed everything; who revealed his identity to a scorned woman at a well; who defended Mary of Bethany as his true disciple, even though women were prohibited from studying under rabbis at the time; who obeyed his mother; who refused to condemn the woman caught in adultery to death; who looked to women for financial and moral support, even after the male disciples abandoned him; who said of the woman who anointed his feet with perfume that «wherever this gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her»; who bantered with a Syrophoenician woman, talked theology with a Samaritan woman, and healed a bleeding woman; who appeared first before women after his resurrection, despite the fact that their culture deemed them unreliable witnesses; who charged Mary Magdalene with the great responsibility of announcing the start of a new creation, of becoming the Apostle to the Apostles.
Here, I think, John Paul II's joining of abortion with the death penalty in Evangelium Vitae is exactly right: A culture that can not bring itself to rescind its license of murder in the womb is unlikely to understand the proper ways in which justice should be done.
Joseph Bottum argues that since our society is infected by a culture of death, we should prudentially end (or postpone?)
I personally don't see it as killing a potential baby (or more generally to»em bracing a culture of death») to prevent ovulation!
««Culture of death» Owch!
It is a close study of the thought and language of John Paul II, who taught the Church and the world to understand the contest of the culture of life versus the culture of death.
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