Sentences with phrase «of detainees»

Among others, the Senate Armed Services Committee has made public parts of its Inquiry into the Treatment of Detainees in US Custody and more of this will doubtless be released in coming days.
Foye, for his part, said that it has been a «very fluid situation» and that the federal government has «put a chokehold» on a release of information with respect to the identity and number of detainees at JFK and other airports throughout the country.
Yesterday in Washington, our government gagged the military lawyer, Lt. Col. Colby Vokey, who alleged ongoing abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay.
Conducted interrogations of detainee population, supporting the intelligence priorities at the strategic, operational and tactical levels
Diplomats in New York whose job it is to monitor the welfare of their citizens here say that as detentions of foreigners for investigations into terrorism drag on into the fourth month, they are frustrated by the dearth of information available to them on many cases and concerned by reports of mistreatment of some detainees.
Eggington's comments came after Kennett, beyondblue's founding Chair, told attendees at the Country Liberal Party's Northern Territory election campaign launch on Sunday, that the ABC's Four Corners program on the abuse of detainees at Darwin's Don Dale youth detention centre was «unbalanced» and politically motivated.
Atef said they were huge fans of Ghana footballer Asamoah Gyan, and many of the detainees at Guantanamo Bay supported the Black Stars at the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.
Early reports suggest the death of a detainee in Morton Hall was the result of suicide, understands
According to the New York Times, Haspel oversaw the torture of detainees in 2002 and later destroyed interview tapes.
It insists that detention centre doctors alert the Home Office of any detainee who they think might be a victim of torture.
«There must be serious concerns about the welfare of detainees when the Refugee Council's contract to provide advice ends.»
Only 60 per cent of detainees said they were treated with respect.
Families of detainees charged that prison conditions were unusually harsh.
«Our own national security visited the camp several times and conducted extensive assessment and interview of these detainees before they were brought here,» he said.
HELD Some functions are plainly government - like, such as the administrative handling of a detainee upon arrival, and so are out with the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA 1995).
When his name was floated for the Supreme Court in the past, it was liberal groups that expressed concerns, pointing to early decisions favoring the government in disputes over the legal rights of detainees at the Guantanamo Bay prison.
[8] The issue raised on this appeal has to do with the duty of the Board to include directions as to the interim custody, and available interim privileges, in a disposition that involves the transfer of a detainee from one hospital to another.
«Judge Defines «Technologically State of the Art Law Firm» in Context of Detainee Case Main An Immigration Treatise Haiku Contest?»
Mr Jackson explained that the transfer of Mahmud Umar Muhammad bin Atef, 36, and Khalid Muhammad Salih al - Dhuby, 38, was done with the understanding that the US will be responsible for the upkeep of the detainees for 2 years.
Detroit's Chaldean Catholic bishop, Francis Y. Kalabat, told church leaders the diocese is reaching out to the government, the Iraqi embassy, the local Chaldean foundation, and the US Council of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) on behalf of the detainees, most of whom are «not hardened criminals but for the last decades have been great citizens.»
The BBC showed only the gloomy, oppressive parts of detainees» days, without any social, educational or religious activities.
No mention was made of detainees deliberately prolonging their detention.
Detention centre doctors are supposed to alert the Home Office of any detainee who they think might be a victim of torture.
The protests were sparked on Friday when hundreds of detainees at Harmondsworth detention centre staged a sit down demonstration in the court yard.
The fund is also expected to reduce Department of Corrections costs by decreasing the population of detainees at Rikers Island.
Trump says release of detainees proves Kim Jong Un wants to bring North Korea «into the real world»
July 4, 2014 • As protesters block buses full of detainees from entering a border patrol station, many Murrieta residents say the federal government is the real root of the problem.
Other knitted drawings showcase more unsavory information: Manner of Death: Natural, presented folded on a platform, is a paper shroud created from hundreds of pages of autopsy and death reports of detainees held in U.S. facilities in Iraq and Afghanistan and killed in US custody.
«Blawg Review # 181 Main Judge Defines «Technologically State of the Art Law Firm» in Context of Detainee Case»
Rahimi said most of the detainees have been released but 492 remained in custody pending investigation.
The juvenile justice system is not equipped to provide adequate mental health services for the large numbers of detainees with psychiatric disorders.115, 116 Although the mental health needs of youth in the juvenile justice system have been given much attention recently, 10,117,118 there are still few empirical studies of the effectiveness of treatment and outcomes.10 This omission is critical.
The Arrangement for the Transfer of Detainees Between the Canadian Forces and the Ministry of Defence of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, between the Canadian Forces and the Minister of Defence of Afghanistan can be found on the website of the Department of National Defence.
The interview, given from his suite in the Ritz - Carlton hotel in Riyadh where he and many other of the detainees had been kept for the last two months, was the first that the prince had given since being detained.
Rights group Amnesty International has said it had received credible evidence of detainees being subjected to beatings and torture, including rape, since the coup attempt — accusations roundly rejected by Turkish officials and the justice ministry.
A detailed weekend report by the New York Times, for example, states that «members of the royal family, and relatives, advisers and associates of the detainees» say those who were kidnapped were coerced and physically abused in some cases, and that billions of dollars in private wealth were transferred to Crown Prince's Mohammed's control.
The material that was burned at Bagram Airfield was removed from the library of a detainee center «because of extremist inscriptions and an appearance that these documents were being used to facilitate extremist communications,» a military official said Tuesday.
According to another version, she took the place of a detainee who was going to be gassed.
In the words of former Guantanamo interrogator Jennifer Bryson, «The starting point for torture is the dehumanization of a detainee.
It is vital these are carried out with dignity and respect and we take the welfare of our detainees very seriously.
The rate of detainee deaths in custody this year is far higher than in past years.
Dozens of the detainees involved in the protest have subsequently been issued with deportation orders, in what campaigners are calling a politically motivated decision.
This is not to mention other critical subheads such as Local Travels & Transport Allowance, Local & International Training Costs, Maintenance of Buildings (Offices & Barracks), Aircrafts, Marine Boats, Feeding of Detainees nationwide, Provisions of Uniform & Accoutrement, etc..
«The vast majority of detainees in Brook House have committed very serious crimes, including drugs, sex and violent offences.
In general, staff were distant, reactive and unaware of detainees» personal circumstances.
A report from the chief inspector of prisons last year found an increase in the number of self - harm incidents at the centre and a significant number of detainees refusing to accept food in protest at their conditions.
«I have received a paper indicating that fifteen (15) more of the detainees will be following.
A new sanctuary law passed by the City Council and Mayor Bill de Blasio in October 2014 is largely responsible for the massive decline in federal requests and the number of detainees handed over.
This week's report by Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Prisons (HMIP) into Yarl's Wood detention centre raised many issues about healthcare, systems failures, and a disbelief of detainees» stories which are only too familiar to me.
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