Sentences with phrase «of faith and reason»

Royal, president of the Faith and Reason Institute, describes this book as «a comprehensive world history» of twentieth - century martyrs.
I presented a very inadequate and elementary paper on Aquinas» view of faith and reason, and Blanshard revealed both his ignorance of Aquinas and his honesty when he reacted to it with great interest and even admitted that if what I said was correct he had «perhaps been mistaken all his life» about the impossibility of any synthesis between religious faith and philosophical reason.
In other words, it is irrational, while claiming to be the synthesis of faith and reason.
The virulent conflicts between confessional churches and their theologies undermined confidence in the unity of faith and reason.
It requires also that Christians resist the widespread separation of faith and reason that implicitly denies that all truth is the truth of the one God revealed in Jesus Christ.
Indeed, that message makes such a critical assessment both necessary and possible, for it includes an understanding of the unity of faith and reason.
He is now the founder and president of the Faith and Reason Institute in Washington, D.C. and editor - in - chief of The Catholic Thing.
Just as the nature of Christ as God and man challenged the full faculties of the faith and reason of Augustine and the Church Fathers, so the nature of Scripture as the Word of God and the word of human authors challenges the full faculties of the faith and reason of evangelical scholars and missionaries today.
Indeed the purity of our reception of divine revelation, as well as a deepening of our interpretation of our world, are clearly key to that new synthesis of faith and reason that can enable the New Evangelisation to be truly culture - transforming.
The FAITH Movement, promoting a new synthesis of faith and reason, no doubt draws inspiration from the famous Regensburg speech of Pope Benedict XVI, in which he pleaded with Muslims to combine faith with reason and abandon violence.
Well, let's hope that the world lasts long enough for the new - look Faith magazine to inspire a new generation of Catholics (and non-Catholics) through a synthesis of faith and reason that points ever more clearly to the beauty and wisdom of God's self - revelation.
In the Russian experience, Christ above culture, the magisterial synthesis of faith and reason that Niebuhr associates with Thomas Aquinas, offers a survival strategy for a church threatened with absorption or extinction.
New York — area readers may wish to attend an upcoming lecture by our own George Weigel entitled «The Fall of the Empty Shrine: The failure of secularism and the role of faith and reason in renewing the foundations of democracy.»
And in 1903, he suggested that faith stands superior in this harmony of faith and reason.
You've heard of Bonaventure's famous image of faith and reason as two wings by which the soul flies toward God?
This essay will attempt to discuss the relation of faith and reason.
Without setting the problem of faith and reason in the context of some general ontology of events as has been done here, our dialogue can only be one - sided and imperialistic.
It is the intent of this essay to bring together resources from psychology and ontology in an effort to clarify the relation of faith and reason.
Nonetheless, the main thrust of this magazine has always been to offer a positive and constructive synthesis of faith and reason, religion and science through which we may re-evangelise the modern world.
In the context of Christian theology, the problem of faith and reason asks this question: What is the relation between the certitude that God enters into a saving relationship with man (most effectively and uniquely in the historical existence of Jesus of Nazareth) and those certitudes that seem to spring from man's commonly held ability to abstract and verify the forms of events and processes in the world?
Two basic questions, one ontological and the other epistemological, must be dealt with before the relation of faith and reason can be properly addressed.
The relevance of this discussion of the self in the context of the problem of faith and reason stems from the basic religious intuition that reason is not free to know God because of its corruption by sin and that the seat of sin is somehow in the self.
For example, he recounts the highly ironic request of certain rabbis in the Middle Ages that the Inquisition burn Moses Maimonides» Guide for the Perplexed because of its unholy mixture of faith and reason.
In America magazine John J. Conley, S.J., of Loyola University argues in effect that we need a new synthesis of faith and reason given that «the world [of neo-scholastic philosophy] has disappeared».
First, St. Thomas was the great herald of the harmony of faith and reason.
Thomas Aquinas, the great medieval synthesist of faith and reason, is depicted as an exponent of divine - command morality.
Despite the significant intellectual harm inflicted on Christendom by Luther and subsequent modern and postmodern philosophers, the Catholic synthesis of faith and reason has endured to this day.
They add up to a clear call for a new synthesis of Faith and Reason,...
The much - discussed September lecture in Regensburg was precisely an appeal to Western secularists to recognise that philosophy is crippled by its exclusion of the questions addressed by religion, and an appeal to Christians not to repudiate the Christian - Hellenic synthesis with its accent upon the mutual dependence of faith and reason.
There is no question that we must justify anew the concept of universals, like human nature, if we are to maintain the harmony of faith and reason.
Its intellectually coherent vision of faith and reason has become alloyed with an increasing cultural credibility.
The authoritative word given by the Holy Spirit to the Church at the defining and pivotal moment of Vatican II nearly fifty years ago was especially «made incarnate» in Britain in September, 2010, during Benedict's apostolic visit: to seek unity with our separated brethren in the other Christian confessions, to affirm all that is good and true in secular culture without in any way watering down our witness to the truth of the fullness of the Christian faith, to declare without apology that the Catholic patrimony of faith and reason working in harmony remains a gift that the twenty - first century desperately needs if it is to avoid self - destruction, and which it neglects or dismisses at its own peril.
Editorial FAITH Magazine January - February 2007 A New Dialogue of Faith and Reason An increasing number of Christian, Islamic and secular leaders and opinion formers have entered the dialogue...
Browning discusses the relation of faith and reason by bringing together resources from psychology and ontology.
The union of faith and reason in his theology was important to him.
We are now both biblical and modern; and on both grounds we reject this medieval Aristotle, this static and hierarchical view, this dubious rendition of faith and reason, this impossible and oppressive ideological system.
But the bulk of the Regensburg address was directed to Christian intellectuals who, in the name of «de-Hellenizing» Christianity, pit biblical faith against the great synthesis of faith and reason achieved over the centuries of the Christian intellectual tradition.
What Leo saw is this: The issues of faith and reason highlighted in Dei Filius could not be advanced by philosophical eclecticism.
Conversation of Faith and Reason: Modern Catholic Thought from Hermes to Benedict XVI by Aidan Nichols, O.P. Liturgy Training Publications, 222 pages, $ 23
He notes that in subsequent years Gilson's approach attracted a number of high - profile adherents, including Joseph Ratzinger, who, over the long course of his theological and now magisterial service, has relied consistently on the «Gilsonian paradigm» when explaining the relation of faith and reason.
Finally, you might take what I call the Way of Aporia, that is, insist that there is a tension between some claims of faith and reason, that the two can not be separated, but that nevertheless there is not enough reason to give up beliefs on either end.
The medieval masters attained to a careful balance of faith and reason, one that gave due emphasis to the mystery of God as both three and one, and to the mystery of Christ as both divine and human.
Our new column flows out of and replaces our Road from Regensburg column, which began in autumn 2006 shortly after the Pope's speech in Regensburg on the interplay of faith and reason today.
Below we quote some parts of the Pope's answers that argue that a, what we would call, «new synthesis of faith and reason» is long overdue.
«The bulk of the Regensburg address was directed to Christian intellectuals who, in the name of «de-Hellenizing» Christianity, pit biblical faith against the great synthesis of faith and reason achieved over the centuries of the Christian intellectual tradition.
The very decline of the influence of the Christian Church, itself partly due to failure to find a new synthesis of faith and reason, and then to live it in fervour of spirit, has thrown increased formative responsibility upon the State.
18th April The Corriere della Sera assistant editor Magdi Allam, whose controversial Easter Vigil baptism by the Pope we reported upon in the May edition of this column, has stated that «the person who influenced me more than any other in determining my conversion to Catholicism was certainly the Pope, Benedict XVI, in indicating that the indissoluble union of faith and reason is fundamental to authentic religion.»
• Last year, Muslim scholar, Ali Nayed and Italian philosopher and theologian, Alessandro Martinetti took part in a scholarly written discussion concerning Pope Benedict's Regensburg affirmation that we should expect God (the Logos) to act profoundly rationally, and hence for there to a profound harmony of Faith and reason.
While Luther was inclined to speak of faith or reason, gospel or law, faith or works, and so on, Wesley was much more inclined to speak of faith and reason, gospel and law, faith and works, and so on.
The Holy Father will be remembered for his enduring commitment to the compatibility and complementarity of faith and reason as we make our way through life, blessed with both the gift of our intellect and a capability to hear also the revelation of God.
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